Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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Harry was a very friendly man and he was always looking our for his clients. Once he rescued a customer of the Haven from a couple of devious characters that were trying to get away with their luggage. He's been a trusted cab driver since then and is one of the longest serving employees of the Haven.

"I know Harry, I'm working on it. If you hear of any affordable places, do let me know."

"I sure will. Travel safe then." He drove away and she walked into the station.


It was a large domed building where the commuters would select one of four platforms to wait from. One train was for commuters moving within Valeria, another was always headed to Herdolt with stops along the way in the towns that the railway line passed through, another was a direct train for the largest Western city in Arc Vale (Pultrax) and the last was the one least boarded in