Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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needed a good income so she continued commuting and kept to her own business.

Soon the ticket was produced and she got her change. She walked over to the platform she always waited on. She found a young man seated on the front row of seats but she wasn't in the mood for a conversation so she continued playing music and sat at a fair distance from him. The train was set to leave at 2:50am. There were five minutes before the electric train was expected to pull into the station when her phone vibrated. As she sat there waiting for the arrival of her transportation, she read the text from her friend back in Grayd.

I'm off to bed, tried waiting for you but you must be

working really late. You know where to find the keys. Irene lived in an apartment with Haley. Haley was a student at a college in Pultrax and was on holiday. Haley's parents worked for the Quantu's and were well to do as they had high ranked jobs. Haley was