Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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As she entered her room she leant her head against the door and sighed to herself. She really did need some company. Despite everything that she put out on display (the tough act and the hardcore lyrics), she was lonely and if it wasn't for her crew mates she'd probably had been depressed.


She threw herself on her bed and shut her eyes. After a couple of minutes she opened her eyes and took a look at her phone. She found a missed call from Essay. This worried her very much. She was expecting a call but what she noticed was that the call was almost an hour ago and Essay still hadn't showed up at the hotel. She wasn't sure whether to call him back or text but she had a feeling that silence would probably serve the best cause. She decided to call Fleezy.


"Yo," he answered after two missed calls. "Have you heard anything from Essay?"