Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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suddenly wore a look of concern.

"What is it?" She reached out to receive the flowers that he gestured for her to get when he reached out his arm.

"You'll find everything in the bouquet of flowers. I'm sorry it had to come this way, I had no choice."


She wasn't sure whether to truly take the floral gesture as a genuine act of kindness or a gimic to trap her in a ploy completely overseen by whoever was pulling Ron's leg.

What she didn't know was that Ron was taking orders from the man she spoke to in the lion's den.


The flowers were beautiful and she really liked them. Ron turned and left Irene to go through her parcel. She closed the door and returned to the bench. She looked in the bouquet and there amongst the flowers' stalks lay a disposable phone and a small box. She took out the phone and the