Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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As the most self sufficient colony on the planet, Narkal was assigned a council that demarcated the borders that separated each district from the other. One of the districts that bordered Paridosa district was Mobilia. The district has been mostly known its manufacturing of technological gadgets and distributing them throughout the colony.

Right in the centre of Mobilia in the city of Gandt, lies a building not known to many Narkans. So few in fact that if you ask the neighbouring city where this building is or the name of the organisation occupying it, there would undoubtedly be an answer of uncertainty, displaying nothing but ignorance.


This fact is not because the people of Mobilia are ignorant but rather because the organisation has specifically ensured that its existence remains entirely unknown. The secrecy is not just a gimic but a necessary security precaution. The services provided by this organisation ensure that Narkans are protected from outsiders but also from themselves. This organization has been in