Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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"The team will need financial aid for their stay in Arc Vale. It's uncertain how long this mission will be so make sure they are well funded. Make sure that before they leave, all their specific gear is availed to them, ensure that any other equipment needed is also included. Transportation to Arc Vale will have to be private and shouldn't attract unwanted attention. Are you writing this down Hera?"

The manager was going through schematics of the new software he was about to implement as he dictated to Hera what she was to organize.

"Yes sir, I'am." She answered in a cold, tired voice. She had been working over time for the past week and was hoping that she would get off early that day. With news of a new high priority mission at hand, it meant that more late hours for her. She didn't like this at all.

"Good. That'll be all. I expect an update in fifteen minutes."

Hera walked out of Ried's office and immediately started delegating the instructions to the different departments that were to handle the different tasks.