Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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"Yeah, looks like it. What do you do anyway?" She could tell his attention wasn't on her anymore but on something beyond her.

"I'm an artist. Yourself?"

"I'm not an artist," she said teasingly. "I'm a student, who's on holiday."

Both seemed genuinely interested on getting to know each other but the walk to the bus had come to an abrupt end as they had arrived at the coach's entrance.

"Alright Lisa the student that's on holiday, enjoy the rest of the journey then."

"Sure thing Kyle the artist, same to you." The mood between the two was pleasant.

Soon they were all on the coach heading out of the parking bay and heading for the bridge.

Scotty stared out of the window looking down at the river that seemed unending. The large bridge was the only thing holding the vehicle above the water and the thought fascinated as well as scared him. He shut his eyes as he focused on the music pouring into is soul, the journey continued.