Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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"Alright need to get your knickers in Knott." Fleez was as sarcastic as ever. Scott smiled as he watched the eye contact between Kyle and Brianna.

"Alright before we end up eating each other, let's go grab some Jaroka chowder," Said Scotty.

The two looked at him and laughed.

"Who the hell says chowder?" Teased Kyle.

"Like seriously should've just stuck to food," added Brianna. The three were back to being socially affluent and headed into The Farmer's Food Stop for a mouth filling meal. When they entered, the cool breexe that greeted them from the fans mounted in the ceilings was a good sign. The place was surprisingly sanitary and actually more inviting than they all expected. A waiter quickly came to them with a pen and paper in his hand.

"Welcome to the farmer's food stop, will your meals be take away or sit in?"

"Take away, can we please have a menu?" Fleez was up to the task of organizing everything (as usual).