Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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most twelve year olds wouldn’t reach. The crowd erupted into an applauding frenzy when her performance came to an end.

A brief account of her history was given as she disappeared beneath the stage.

“Grace is truly a talent to look out for. Watch this space Paridosa, she’s a star in the making,” concluded the voice.


The night was proving to be as spectacular as it was promised to be. The seventh act to be called onto stage was one of Triccoli and Paridosa’s most well-known artists. She was arguably the greatest Opera singer in the history of Paridosa and was reaching heights of being likened to other greats from Olympus and Falls View. Her presence was truly that of an idol. She was adored, she was worshipped and to Fleezy’s delight, she was single.


“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls no introduction is needed. The next performance is not for the performer’s privilege but it is our privilege to