Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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The Skuller was fully packed that night. News had spread of artists from another district coming in to perform. It was about 9pm when Arisa was at the entrance of the Skuller. The two door bouncers didn't even think of stopping her when she approached them. This was probably because Jordi and her two bodyguards were standing right behind Arina.

"I'm with her," said Arina.

Jordi raised her left eyebrow in agreement that they were together. The bouncers knew better than to cross the Fasceda family or any of their associates. They let them in without any argument.

"You can stay close to the exit," instructed Jordi as they entered the club's main hall. The bodyguards did as they were instructed and remained posted at the club's exit, keenly looking out for any activity that could endanger their boss.

The club was alive and the music was booming through the speakers, it came as a relief to Jordi that she had entered the club unnoticed. The daughter of a crime lord anonymously moving in