Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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"Well, I guess it won't be that much of a professional crime," Brant said as she considered going to the Haven with Arina. "But I'm not sure if going with lil miss crime lord's daughter here is in the best of my interest." Jordi was getting annoyed with how she was being insulted. She never chose to be born into her family and she sure as hell wasn't going to leave it because someone irrelevant wanted her to. If anything, Brant was only envious of what she had.

"Look, you can stay. No one's forcing you to come and if you think you're so perfect, you're creating the perfect cover for a drug operation without involving the cops, you're running a sex club and you're shipping high end goods to the southern parts of Arc Vale...whilst in Northern territory. If you weren't so insignificant, you would've been shut down a long time ago. Be careful who you rub cold shoulders with Brant, there's a bigger game being played here. Thanks for the info. Arina, let's go." Jordi's outburst left Brant completely dumbfounded but it was clear that the Fascedas were very much