Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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your music." Jordi was a lot less intense as when she and Arina first walked in.

"I'm not that old, Jordi. Don't make me sound older than I'am." She giggled at his comment as she sipped from the mug of coffee. Despite the seriousness in his voice, she had failed to realise that he wasn't joking.

"I know but you've been doing this music for a while now and I've been following you. Well, you and your crew that is." His face didn't reveal much of an expression as she sat there and explained how the Pharoahtics had gained popularity in Arc Vale over the years.

"I'm glad that I've been an inspiration to you Jordi. It's a privilege to be a positive influence on someone as important as you." He was trying to sound as polite and warm as he could but his mind clearly wasn't in the moment. He seemed very distracted.

"You're welcome," she said with a cheeky smile on her face. "That's my line," he said with a grin on his face. "I use that all the time and it usually gets em