Parma Endorion: Essays on Middle-Earth by Michael Martinez - HTML preview

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Chapter 12:

A Chronology For Tolkien's Four Ages

The First Age dates were mostly taken from THE WAR OF THE JEWELS, the eleventh volume

of THE HISTORY OF MIDDLE-EARTH. Many of these events are uncertain and for the last

100 years or so things get very tangled and complex. I have two years for each of several events (such as the destruction of Arvernien by the Fëanorians -- 534 and 538).

A much more complete chronology for the First Age can be found at Parma Ambarnatsë

( The following chronology is retained

from the original Parma Endorion for the sake of completeness. A few additions have been made

for this edition.

The First Age lasted about 590 years. It is explicitly stated in at least one place that it lasted this long. The War of Wrath lasted from 545 to 587 and the Elves spent three years building ships in which to sail to Valinor. We know that Elros died in SA 442 at the age of 500, so he and Elrond (twins) were born in FA 532.

The following abbreviations are used:

FA -- First Age

SA -- Second Age

TA -- Third Age

FO -- Fourth Age

AYS -- Absolute Years of the Sun

Dating By Age AYS

------------- --- ------------------------------------------

FA 11 Fingolfin enters Hithlum.

FA 77 Fingolfin becomes High King of

the Noldor-in-Exile in Hithlum.

FA 20 20 Mereth Aderthad.

c.FA 51 51 About this time, Finrod establishes

the Kingdom of Nargothrond.

FA 60 60 Dagor Aglareb.

FA 65 65 Finrod rebuilds Eglarest and Brithombar.

FA 104 104 Turgon settles in Gondolin.

FA 260 260 Glaurung first appears and is wounded

by Fingon and his archers.

FA 310 310 Finrod meets Bëor and the First House

of the Edain (the Bëorians). Bëor's

people settle in Estolad.

FA 311 311 The Haladin enter Ossiriand but move

north and settle in Dor Caranthir.


Parma Endorion

Dating By Age AYS

------------- --- ------------------------------------------

FA 314 314 The Marachians enter Beleriand and

settle in Estolad.

c.FA 315 315 Fingolfin sends messengers to welcome

the Edain to Beleriand.

FA 365 365 Council of the Edain is held in Estolad.

Many Marachians return to Eriador. Many

Bëorians migrate south.

FA 375 375 The Haladin are nearly destroyed by Orcs.

Haleth leads them to Estolad.

c.FA 380 380 About this time, the Haladin settle in

the forest of Brethil.

FA 410 410 Finrod makes Boromir, great-grandson of

Bëor, Lord of Ladros.

c.FA 420 420 Fingolfin makes Hador Lord of Dor-lomin

and most of the Marachians settle there.

FA 455 455 Dagor Bragollach. Fingon becomes High

King of the Noldor-in-Exile. Many

Marachians and Bëorians flee Estolad

and return to Eriador. Barahir becomes

Lord of Ladros. Most of the Bëorians

flee to Dor-Lomin.

c.FA 457 457 About this time the last of the Bëorians

flee Ladros and Barahir becomes an outlaw.

c.FA 460 460 About this time the Swarthy Men first

enter Beleriand. The Folk of Bor settle

north of Himring and the Folk of Ulfang

settle in Thargelion.

FA 473 473 Nirnaeth Arnoediad. Turgon becomes

High King of the Noldor-in-Exile.

FA 474 474 Brithombar and Eglarest are taken. Cirdan

and Ereinion settle on Balar.

FA 484 484 Turin flees Doriath.

FA 495 495 Battle of Tumhalad. Nargothrond is

destroyed by Glaurung.

FA 499 499 Turin slays Glaurung and then himself.

FA 500 500 Morgoth frees Hurin. Hurin visits Brethil.

FA 504 504 Beren and Luthien pass away.

c.FA 506 506 Doriath destroyed by the Fëanorians.

FA 510 510 Gondolin is destroyed. Ereinion Gil-

galad becomes High King of the Noldor-


FA 532 532 Elrond and Elros are born in Arvernien.

c.FA 538 538 Arvernien destroyed by the Fëanorians.

Elrond and Elros fostered by Maglor.


Essays On Middle-earth

Dating By Age AYS

------------- --- ------------------------------------------

FA 545 545 The War of Wrath begins.

FA 587 587 Breaking of Thangorodrim. Elrond (and

Elros?) present at the battle.

FA 590 590 Many Eldar leave Middle-earth.

SA 1 591 Cirdan establishes Mithlond. Gil-galad

establishes Forlond. Celeborn establishes


SA 32 622 Cirdan's mariners take the Edain to the

isle of Elenna (Numenor).

SA 40 630 Latest probable date for founding of


SA 442 1032 Elros Tar-Minyatur dies in Numenor.

SA 500 1090 By this time, many Sindar and Noldor have

migrated eastward and Oropher and Amdir

have probably established their kingdoms

among the Silvan Elves.

SA 600 1190 Vëantur the Numenorean sails to Middle-

earth. Gil-galad arranges for him to

meet with Edainic men from Eriador.

SA 700 1290 Many Noldor and some Sindar settle in


SA 725 1315 Vëantur brings Aldarion to Middle-earth.

c.SA 750 1340 Ost-in-Edhil is founded.

c.SA 750- 1340-

790 1380 Sometime during these years, Aldarion

builds the seasonal haven of Vinyalondë,

which will more than a thousand years

later be known as Lond Daer Ened.

SA 882 1472 Gil-galad writes to Tar-Meneldur to ask

him for aid against the growing darkness.

c.SA 1000 1590 About this time, Sauron settles in Mordor

and begins the building of the Barad-dur.

SA 1075 1665 Numenor abandons Tar-Aldarion's works in


c.SA 1200 1790 About this time, Gil-galad refuses to

let Annatar enter Lindon. He sends

emissaries to other Elvish lands to

warn the Elves against befriending

Annatar. Annatar settles in Eregion.

Numenor changes its policies in Middle-

earth and the Numenoreans begin to

colonize Middle-earth.

c.SA 1300 1890 For the next two hundred years or so, some

Eldar leave Eregion.


Parma Endorion

Dating By Age AYS

------------- --- ------------------------------------------

SA 1500 2090 Sauron leaves Eregion and returns to

Mordor. The Gwaith-i-Mirdain begin to

forge the Great Rings of Power.

SA 1590 2180 Celebrimbor forges Vilya, Narya,

and Nenya.

SA 1600 2190 Sauron forges the One and the Elves learn

his true identity. Numenor begins to send

reinforcements and supplies to Lindon.

The Gwathlo river is fortified.

SA 1695 2285 Sauron invades Eriador. Gil-galad sends

Elrond to Eregion with an army.

SA 1697 2287 Sauron destroys Eregion. Elrond retreats

north to found Imladris. The west-gate

of Khazad-dum is closed.

c.SA 1698 2288 Sauron overruns Eriador and Rhovanion.

c.SA 1700 2290 A great Numenorean navy under the command

of Ciryatur reaches Lindon and Sauron is

thrown back from the Lhun.

SA 1701 2291 With Numenor's help, Gil-galad defeats

Sauron and drives him from Eriador.

c.SA 1702 2292 Gil-galad holds the first White Council

and names Elrond his Viceroy in Eriador.

c.SA 1800 2390 About this time, the Numenoreans begin

to make conquests in Middle-earth. This

may also be the time three Numenorean

lords receive rings of power from Sauron.

c.SA 1869 2459 Tar-Ciryatan becomes King of Numenor and

begins to oppress men in Middle-earth.

c.SA 2280 2870 Umbar is fortified by the Numenoreans.

c.SA 2350 2940 Pelargir is established.

c.SA 2540- 3130- Calmacil conquers large areas in

2737 3327 Middle-earth.

c.SA 3145- 3735- Pharazôn wages war against Sauron in


SA 3262 3852 Sauron taken to Numenor. Gil-galad begins

to extend his power eastward from Lindon.

SA 3320 3910 Downfall of Numenor. Elendil and his sons

establish Arnor and Gondor.

SA 3429 4019 Sauron attacks Gondor. The Last Alliance

of Elves and Men is formed by Gil-galad

and Elendil.

SA 3434 4024 Battle of Dagorlad.

SA 3441 4031 Sauron battles Gil-galad and Elendil. End

of the War. Mordor destroyed.


Essays On Middle-earth

Dating By Age AYS

------------- --- ------------------------------------------

TA 1 4032 Cirdan becomes Lord of Mithlond and

Lindon. Isildur becomes High King in

Gondor. Amroth becomes King of

Lothlorien. Thranduil becomes King of

Northern Greenwood the Great.

TA 2 4033 Isildur slain by Orcs near Amon Lanc.

TA 3 4034 Ohtar reaches Imladris.

TA 10 4041 Valandil becomes High King in Arnor.

TA 109 4150 Elrond marries Celebrian.

TA 130 4171 Elladan and Elrohir are born.

TA 241 4282 Arwen is born.

TA 249 4290 Valandil dies.

TA 490 4521 The first Easterlings attack Gondor.

TA 652 4893 Valandur, High King in Arnor, dies in

battle (the only High King after Isildur

to die a violent death).

TA 830 5071 Tarannon Falastur begins to extend

Gondor's power along the coast lands.

TA 863 5104 Arnor is divided into Arthedain,

Cardolan, and Rhudaur. No more High

Kings of the Dunedain are proclaimed.

Amlaith, King of Arthedain, moves to

Fornost Erain.

c.TA 1000 5031 A shadow falls on Greenwood and it

becomes known thereafter as Mirkwood.

c.TA 1050 5081 About this time the Istari come to

Middle-earth, landing at Mithlond.

Thranduil may at this time move his

people north away from Dol Guldur.

The Harfoots begin to cross Hithaeglir.

c.TA 1150 5181 The Fallohides and Stoors migrate to

Eriador. The Stoors settle in the Angle.

c.TA 1200 5231 Gondor reaches the height of its power.

c.TA 1300 5331 Angmar is founded. Orcs begin to appear

in the Hithaeglir, attacking the Dwarves.

Many Stoors flee to Dunland or Anduin.

TA 1356 5387 Rhudaur attacks Cardolan and Arthedain.

Cirdan leads or sends an army to


TA 1409 5440 Angmar invades Arthedain. Cirdan and

Elrond help end the invasion. Rhudaur

ceases to exist. The last prince of

Cardolan perishes. Arthedain absorbs

what's left of Cardolan.


Parma Endorion

Dating By Age AYS

------------- --- ------------------------------------------

TA 1600 5631 Marco and Blanco found the Shire.

TA 1636 5667 The Great Plague devastates Eriador and


c.TA 1850 5881 Wainriders enslave the Northmen. Some

escape to the Vales of Anduin and in

time become the Ëothëod.

TA 1899 5930 Battle of the Camp.

TA 1974 6005 Angmar destroys Arthedain. Arvedui dies.

TA 1975 6006 Battle of Fornost Erain. End of Angmar.

TA 1977 6008 Frumgar leads the Ëothëod north.

TA 1980 6011 The Dwarves of Khazad-dum release the

Balrog from its prison.

TA 1981 6012 The Dwarves abandon Khazad-dum and many

Elves flee Lothlorien. Amroth dies and

Nimrodel is lost. Edhellond is finally

abandoned by the Elves.

c.TA 1985 6016 About this time, Celeborn and Galadriel

take up the rule of Lorien. Mithrellas

weds Imrazôr the Numenorean in Belfalas.

TA 1999 6030 The Dwarves of Durin's line settle in

Erebor (under Thrain I).

TA 2060 6091 The Watchful Peace begins when Sauron

withdraws from Dol Guldur to Rhun.

TA 2210 6241 The Dwarves abandon Erebor.

TA 2460 6491 Sauron returns to Dol Guldur and the

Watchful Peace comes to an end.

TA 2463 6494 Galadriel forms the second White Council.

TA 2510 6541 Battle of Parth Celebrant. Eorl leads the

Ëothëod south to Gondor's aid. Rohan is


TA 2590 6621 Thror re-establishes his people in Erebor.

Gror settles in Emyn Engrin.

TA 2758 6789 The Long Winter begins. Rohan is invaded.

Gondor is attacked.

TA 2770 6801 Smaug attacks Erebor and Dale. Thror

and his family escape. Many of Durin's

Folk settle in Emyn Engrin. Girion of

Dale's wife and young child escape to


TA 2799 6830 Battle of Nanduhirion. Azog slain.

TA 2851 6882 The White Council meets. Saruman urges


TA 2931 6962 Birth of Aragorn II.


Essays On Middle-earth

Dating By Age AYS

------------- --- ------------------------------------------

TA 2941 6972 Thorin and Company return to Erebor.

Battle of the Five Armies. Bolg slain.

The White Council drives Sauron from

Dol Guldur. Erebor is re-established

by Dain.

TA 2944 6975 Bard re-establishes the kingdom of Dale.

TA 2951 6985 Elrond reveals Aragorn's true identity

to him. Aragorn meets and falls in

love with Arwen.

TA 3017 7048 Aragorn brings Gollum to Thranduil.

TA 3019 7050 The War of the Ring. Sauron overthrown.

Aragorn establishes the Reunited Kingdom

and marries Arwen. Celeborn establishes

the Kingdom of East Lorien.

TA 3021 7052 Elrond, Galadriel, and Gandalf leave

Middle-earth, taking Frodo and Bilbo

with them.

c.FO 1 7053 About this time, Legolas and Gimli lead

part of their peoples to Gondor?

FO 6 7058 Aragorn makes the Shire a Free Land.

FO 11 7063 Meriadoc becomes Master of Buckland.

FO 13 7065 Peregrin becomes Thain of the Shire.

FO 15 7067 Aragorn visits Annuminas.

FO 21 7073 Samwise, Rose, and Elanor visit Gondor.

FO 31 7083 Aragorn adds the Westmarch to the Shire.

FO 34 7087 Fastred of Greenholm becomes first Warden

of the Westmarch.

FO 61 7113 Samwise sails over Sea.

FO 63 7115 Death of Eomer.

FO 120 7172 Death of Aragorn. Arwen returns to

Lorien. Legolas and Gimli sail over Sea.

FO 121 7173 Death of Arwen in Lorien.

FO 172 7224 Last notations made in the Thain's Book

by Findegil.

c.FO 220 7272 Death of Eldarion, son of Aragorn and



Parma Endorion


Essays On Middle-earth

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