Pink Lotus by Manfred Mitze - HTML preview

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Banish learning, no more grief.
Between Yes and No
How much difference?
What others fear I must fear –
How pointless!

People are wreathed in smiles
As if at a carnival banquet.
I alone am passive, giving no sign,
Like an infant who has not yet smiled.
Forlorn, as if I had no home.

Others have enough and more,
I alone am left out.
I have the mind of a fool,
Confused, confused.

Others are bright and intelligent,
I alone am dull, dull,
Drifting on the ocean,
Blown about endlessly.

Others have plans,
I alone am wayward and stubborn,
I alone am different from others,
Like a baby in the womb

Lao-Tzu, Tao Te Ching ~ Confused, confused ~ T’un t’un hsi*