Project Merge by Mona A. - HTML preview

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Chapter 5



I didn’t know how to reply or if it was a hoax by someone. Maybe it was Ellen that devised this plan to scare me or anyone that tried to come to this place. She is using old technology and holograms to taunt me. I kneeled down and grabbed my gun. I pointed at the hologram and demanded, “Where is Ellen?”

The hologram started walking and getting closer to me. I started walking backwards, and another hologram appeared. This time of an old man in a wheel chair. He looked at me and said loudly, “She is alive! Sara is alive!”

I turned around and ran back in the direction I came from, but the door disappeared. Where did it go? I looked back and the two holograms were looking at me. Sara’s hologram said loudly, “Ellen is gone. She wanted to go through. I didn’t let her.”

My heart was pounding uncontrollably now. I couldn’t put words together to speak and I felt dizzy. Sara’s hologram approached me and she said, “Your life in this world isn’t real.”

Her words were like knives tearing up my heart. I breathed heavily and blurted, “No!”

The old man then faced Sara and said, “She wants to start again. I know it. Let her start again.”

Sara’s face turned dark and with an angry voice she said, “I can’t keep doing this. You HAVE to go back. You HAVE to stop time control.”

I felt my hands shaking and the gun started slipping from my hand. My eyes were blurry, and then it hit me. John told me that I should always be alert. I have to be alert that this isn’t real.

I closed my eyes tightly and started running as fast as I could to the other side of this room. I then opened my eyes and a door appeared. It was not the same door that I came through, but it was a door. To my surprise, I opened it quickly and ran in a narrower hallway. The sides were white and empty. I kept running until I reached a large white door. “How am I supposed to open this?” I said frantically. Then I heard a noise and turned back. There was no one there. I turned around and something long and hard struck my head, and I fell unconscious on the floor.