Project Merge by Mona A. - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

A New Place


With a shocked face, I said, “How am I in the Red compound? And why did you fire at the surveillance cameras. Are you going to kill me?”

Boris laughed and smiled, “I would never kill you. Even if I was ordered to do so.”

I didn’t know if I felt relieved or scared for what will happen next. Surely Boris knows what happened and why am I here, and his sudden compassion towards me is so foreign. I had many questions burning inside me and I asked, “What happened to me? What happened to my head? Why am I here? Where is John? Ellen?” Boris shrugged, looked away and stared at the wall. He kept holding my hands tightly and for an instance, I felt he was scared.

Someone knocked on the door. Boris let go of my hands; he stood up and walked to the left of the door towards a panel. It was a camera pointing on the other side of the door that showed who was knocking. Boris shifted to the door knob and opened the door. A man with a thick mustache, white hair, came in.

The man said, “Boris. Are you watching her carefully? Boris stood straight and said, “Yes sir.”

Boris is the commanding chief of all the infantry and the General of the Red compound. I never heard him say sir to anyone, but who is this man? I know everyone that is in authoritative power or I think I do. The man said, “Good. Keep an eye on her and never leave her sight. We will get to the bottom of this.”

Boris lifted his arm and pounded his chest near his heart with his fist. He said, “Yes sir!”

The man walked out of the room and closed the door. I felt that my eyes were heavy, and my head quickly landed on the pillow. Boris approached me, tapped on the screen behind me, and I dozed off.