Project Merge by Mona A. - HTML preview

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Chapter 10



The room felt like it was spinning. It was the same feeling when I spun around grabbing the street lights. Boris removed the breakfast tray from my lap and placed it on the table next to me. He looked at the screen above me, and then stared at me. He said, “You have to tell me. I am the only one on your side.” I tried to focus on him, but everything kept spinning. I removed my hands off my mouth and I tried to talk. He eyed me and said, “Why can’t you tell me? Don’t you trust me?” I was shocked, and suddenly, the room stopped spinning and I was able to focus on him.

With an angry tone I blurted out, “Trust you? I barely know you!”

He lifted his head higher and moved his body backwards leaning on the chair. He frowned, but kept looking at me. I said, “Our population is at 1988 now, and I know that number will keep going down. It has for the past five years and we don’t know how to stop it.” I continued, “What I think happened or what I say is unimportant. Our world needs scientists and researchers to help repopulate this earth that we have damaged for decades. Dana, and every innocent scientist is more important than me.”

I felt a sharp pain in my head, and I tried to continue talking. Boris stared at me and said, “You need to rest. You are in deep pain as your face is showing it. Relax now.” He shifted me back and lowered the top part of the bed. He tapped on the screen above me, and I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.