Project Merge by Mona A. - HTML preview

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Chapter 14



Why did I feel scared? I wanted to hide so no one can find me. I felt vulnerable and I needed someone to always be with me. But what did I do? What did I need help with? After a few minutes of thinking, and noticing that Boris may never come back, I raised my body forward and sat vertically on the bed. I shifted my body to the left and lowered my legs until I touched the floor. I only had socks on. Where are my boots?

I tried to get up, but I felt that my head was heavy. I had one wire in my right wrist with a white bandage around it. I slowly removed the bandage, and then removed the wire that had a needle at its edge of it out of my skin. The panel above me turned black, and then words appeared, “Female, 30, Lina Ard is not connected to the system. Extremely Dangerous.”

I was dangerous? Or not properly cared for was dangerous? I didn’t know, but I tried to stand up. I felt weak and I had little balance. I tried to stand still, but my hands quickly touched the wall so I won’t lose my balance.

I looked at what I was wearing. I wore blue pants and a blue t-shirt that had a white collar. I wondered who changed my clothes. I also wondered how long I have been here. I kept one hand leaning on the wall, and I walked slowly to the door. I looked at the panel, and the top half had a camera showing the other side of the door. At the bottom half, it had the following: Lina Ard. 30. Extremely Dangerous.

It says I was dangerous again. I looked back at the panel, and it had almost the same warning displayed. I didn’t care, and I looked at the camera. No one was outside and it seemed safe. I shifted towards the door handle and swung the door open. I walked slowly and passed the door entry way. The room was at the end. The hallway ended here and there was a wall to my right and in front of me. I walked a few steps, and then I closed the door. There was a panel next to the door. I guess I can come out, but I don’t know the key code to go back in. I turned, shifted my body and saw a long hallway. I kept leaning on the wall and walked slowly.

After a few steps, there was an opening perpendicular to the hallway. I tried to get closer to it and I slowly leaned my head forward to look down it. I saw someone sitting on a chair with his eyes covered with his left hand. His right hand had a gun and he kept turning it round and round. It was Boris. I leaned my back on the wall. What should I do? Should I confront him? Why was he sitting there?

I then heard a lady talking and walking closer. She said, “Boris! Did you eat breakfast yet?” We are still in the morning I thought.

He said, “I don’t want to eat.”

She said, “You have to stop sitting alone and go to the cafeteria and converse with other human beings. It’s good for you. Its medicine that not even machines can recommend.” She giggled and he said, “I don’t think I can. I have to watch someone.”

She said, “Who? Lina? She was never your problem or Red’s problem. Why did you bring her here?”

I tried to not gasp and keep my breathing at a steady pace. She said, “You need to stop worrying about her. Boris. Are you listening?”

He finally said, “I am the only one capable of watching her.” I tried to keep my balance and stay leaning on the wall, then she said, “You know, you could have told Alex and Beth that it was not your place or high status to watch her. She …” Boris interrupted her and said, “I want to.”

She said, “Suit yourself Boris. You know it may cost you your life. They don’t have mercy towards you or anyone.”

He said, “She is worth it to me.” She said, “Right? Worth it? Who is she any ways? She is a traitor to us all and you only brought here to justify to high authority that she needs protection for some unknown reason that I, nor anyone in Red can understand. If it was anyone else, they would have been dead. A little shot between their eyes by you.”

I wanted to escape, go back to my room or try to cross the opening and keep walking. I didn’t know what to do. The woman said, “Boris. Boris?” He said quietly, “I think it is best that you leave Vicky.”

Vicky’s footsteps were getting fainter as she walked away. I tried to lean back slowly and look at Boris from the edge. He was sitting on the chair staring at Vicky while she was walking away. Why was she so informal with him and just called him Boris? No sir or general? Who were Alex and Beth? I shifted back and I leaned on the wall. My head felt heavy, and then I heard footsteps approach me. I couldn’t physically run. Boris, with his tall stature looked at me. He said, “I don’t think you want to escape. No matter how fast you run.”