Project Merge by Mona A. - HTML preview

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Chapter 16

A New Place


He lifted me and headed to the door. He opened it and went through the door way. He didn’t close the door. He walked in a fast pace, almost sprinting, and I squeezed my hands with my arms around his neck. I said, “I can run. I really can.” Boris said, “We don’t have time.” He kept racing straight in a long hallway and then, when we reached almost the end of it, he opened the door to the left. It was a stair way, and he went up. I was confused. So am I leaving this place or staying? Am I in the basement and heading out upstairs?

After Boris sprinted two flights of stairs, he opened the door and sprinted down another long hallway. Then, a door at the end opened. He went in and stopped. The door closed behind him. The room had five other people in lab coats. Boris walked and placed me down on a medium sized white coach. He said, “There are no cameras here or in the hallways leading here. You are safe here. I will go talk to Triangle Authority now.”

I looked at him, and then turned around and stared at the people in the room. I said with a scared voice, “What’s going on? Where am I?”

Boris walked and sat next to me and said, “Not everyone who possess a high level of intelligence goes to the Intelligence compound. They want to defend first and help our world too.”

A lady with small spectacles, long brown hair with gray streaks spoke, “Hello Lina. My name is Nadia. We can help you with the bandages on your head. They are getting lose and you need new ones.” She walked towards me and I panicked. She stopped and hesitated to come closer. Boris said, “She means to help. That’s all. No one can harm you while I am here. Trust me.”

I didn’t know what was going on. I felt scared, breathed loudly and heavily. Boris shifted closer to me and said, “Calm down. Calm down Lina.” I stared at him and my eyes slowly closed and I was unconscious.