Prometheus by Marieta Maglas - HTML preview

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Chapter 13
The Dream

In the evening Lisa, Laura, Samantha and Ella were invited to Nora's house. On the table there were cakes like bucellato, baumkuchen, croguemboucheand, dacquoise and some drinks.

" It's delicious. "said Lisa taking a piece of cake and tasting it.

"It is Mary's favorite cake. "said Nora.

"Where is Mary?" asked Samantha.

"She is visiting her father. She adores him and she sees him as a martyr because I left him. "said Nora.

" Girls love their fathers as much as boys love their mothers. "said Laura.

" Sometimes it is impossible for me to understand her. "said Nora.

"She is part of the new generation. They are always in some kind of conflict with their parents. "said Laura.

"When we make mistakes as parents, we cannot be credible any longer. My kids listen to me "said Samantha

"It 's ideal to have a pair. Jeff doesn't want kids. " said Lisa.

"It's better not to have them than to have them and cannot be able to offer them all they need, especially a family. "said Laura.

"You're right, dear. "said Nora. "Do you want to drink aloe tea?"

"Why do you ask?You just know that if we do not drink all your tea, we cannot go. "

"I'll make the tea. "said Michael.

Since then, Lisa was terrified. She tried to sleep. She admitted that she was scared even at nap time.

"I was in a club looking for a seat. I entered that club, knowing that I looked sizzling hot in my exotic wear. It was so romantic with its slow music playing and its pool table with a man and no other people around. The lighting was hang overhead flooding across the entire pool table so that I didn't have a hard time to strain my eyes just to have a clear view of the man. . He knew that I loved him. He came over to me, he put his arms around me and we started to dance. He didn't say a word and he just kept moving slowly. After a few seconds of dancing he pushed me on the pool table and made love with me. He trusted me and he loved me sharing everything with me. He was rather sweet. He tried to offer me the best feeling he could. It all appeared to be nothing more than a gesture of pity, but I knew that he did this because of my weakness. He told me that he loved me, but he couldn't truly satisfy me. He left me though with a hopeless romantic feeling like those feelings you find in books when ending relationships. I realized that I was deflated and alone as I came back to the throes of my reality with a confused state of mind. I felt like I still love him, and that I was neither sure nor wrong in my convictions. At the same time my own consciousness was telling me the opposite was true.

"You do cry when someone hits you, don't you?"

"Yes, I do. It reveals to me what's really deep inside"

"Do you love me?"

"Yes, I do. "

"So, why do you push your limits when you're hurt?''"

She woke up making a very strange noise, a noise of fear. When she walked to her door, she saw that it was still only slightly cracked. She tried to calm her down and put her back to bed. She was profusely sweating and trembling. . She phoned Jeff. She asked him where he was. He told her that he was at the club playing pool. It was eleven p. m. She closed the window and tried to go sleep again.

Susan went up to her mother to hold her and comfort her.

"What are you doing, mother, why are you crying?"

"I have a severe pain in my back and I have blood in my urine. . "

She did not say much, for it was her way not to be troublesome with her complains.

"Do you want to drink a diuretic tea?"

"It is wonderful how you bear up in order to comfort me. I do not know how we get out of this financial deadlock. "

"Try to sleep. It's eleven o'clock at night. If you are tired tomorrow, you will not be able to do anything. Take your pill and try to sleep. "

"After one long day I arrived home to find my front door opened. To my overwhelming surprise my living-room was deserted. . After a few seconds I heard a noise upstairs. I wanted to run out the door, but I forced myself to go upstairs towards the noise. When I got upstairs I found nothing else but a movie on TV. In one of the bedrooms I found a man, waiting for me. He seemed very gentle and I was not afraid just curious as to why he was in my bedroom He was telling me about his feelings for me. He told me that he would never surprise me with his visit but he had to declare his undying love for me. I was so confused.

He said "I want you" and I said "I want you too". . . It was so dark in that bedroom than I couldn't see him clearly but I felt his presence and I heard his tender voice. . He told me he needed to show me his love. He began to kiss me so passionately. We made love. I felt insecure or emotionally vulnerable or maybe I subconsciously distorted his expressions. I didn't know exactly how I felt but he became really rude to me and I tried to argue against him but I couldn't. My own perception of myself was reflected on his expression that very second. . He asked me about my breakup with my husband. He listened more and when he realized what my husband did to me he softened up to me a little. He offered me a drink, we talked. It all progressed then we ended up obsessed with each other. I was unable to defend myself. I could trust him because I knew how he was like in the presence of a woman. He told me that he loved me and I was the woman he wanted. I knew that our dramatic and so clingy relationship was rooted in a feeling of need and desperation for each other. His eyes were looking deeply into mine, and my heart was pounding in my chest. I had him for a few times and it was freaking me out. I had to be with him again. He asked me where I wanted to be at that exact moment and I described the grand theater. I was surprised that he knew that I loved that place so much. His face was blurry. He told me about an imaginary empty scene like a crystal, a scene where I could only hear his voice. My eyes scanned the imaginary scene until I reached the end of it. I began to feel self-absorbed. I heard his voice again much clearer. . Suddenly he locked me in a loving embrace, and we were kissing passionately. I told him over and over again that I love him, but all he said was" I love. . . "and then he stopped. We made love again.

"Do you love me?'

"Yes. "

''So why are you playing dirty games with me?Have you ever had a dirty dream about me?" he asked.

Laura woke up. She called Daniel. She asked him to come home. She told him that she loved him. It was one a. m. She went to the front door. She closed the door and returned to her bedroom. She tried to sleep again.

Mary heard her Grandmother's voice and went to her to see what happened.

"How do you feel, Grandma?"

"I have a pain in my chest and on the left side of my arm. "

"Take your pill, Grandma, , You may die. I must call the hospital. "

"Your blood pressure is normal. "

"I am an overweight old woman. I made an effort at cleaning the kitchen, but it was very clean afterward. Maybe this is the cause. I took my pill and I feel a little better. "

"You must see a doctor tomorrow. Try to sleep again. It's one a. m. "

"Good night, "

"Good night, Grandma. "

"He began taking short cuts, using superior materials, putting his best effort to renovate the house. . Ultimately, the house was finished, on the outside it looked good. I saw the quality of the work he had put into building that house. . Things he had done were coming back to haunt him. He left me for a few hours to go to his mother.

I remained at home alone when I suddenly heard the sound outside. So I went outside to see what happened. I realized that I wasn't afraid. I saw a light looking like a lamp bulb turned on in the middle of the night. I got closer and I saw a flicker of movement but it was just too dark to understand what happened. I closed the front door to get into the driveway and I saw a man holding some keys in his hands. I spend a second reflecting back on my life. I seemed to see old things so differently now. When he noticed me he quickly ran towards me. I ran down the driveway. I turned around to enter the house but I couldn't do that. I could feel my heart pounding and I glanced over towards the sand beach. I walked slowly toward the water. The waves were no longer peaceful, but churning, as if starting to boil. I touched the water and I was surprised to find it cool. I felt somehow relaxed and I let the cold water run over my feet. The water seemed normal, just bubbling and slimy. I saw him again. I saw him swimming under water towards me. Then I continued to run back the way I had come, I ran down on the same small pathway and I realized I lost my shoes so I could feel the soft green grass coming up through my feet. I stumbled back, trying to understand this reality, and I heard a whisper, like something brushing against the vegetation, more like an empty alarm bell. Then I heard his voice. Seeing him in the distance laid on the grass I stopped for a second. He called me. I saw him so beautiful that very second. He seemed to ask for my help and we started talking. My view went into a sky view and I couldn't hear what he said. I only saw myself talking to him then I turned again and ran back down the pathway to the house.

He ran faster than me. I saw him waiting at the bottom of the pathway. I stopped and wait because he ran again towards me this time. It was raining. We stopped a little to watch the thunder storm. We entered the house. We sat next to each other panting from running up the stairs, I felt him sitting next to me. He looked tired and leaned forward as I laid my back on the wall and watched him panting, all wet from the crazy game we had. He touched me and I felt his hair chest. I was upset and angry. I pretended that I was just tired and I wanted to go to my room. He was trying to apologize but I didn't care. He took me in his arms, put me on the sofa and he tried to make love with me but he couldn't. I couldn't be involved in that.

"I love you. You simply cannot run away from me forever. " he said.

We both fell asleep. The space was full of strange creatures which were swimming all around me. I stretched out my hands to assist me in rising, and they disappeared. I woke up at this point, and unlike my dream, I was really confused. I saw this as a comparison to life. Our inner selves our true selves are a continual work in progress, constantly, under construction. Our bodies are our personal houses. Housing the true us, our spirits contained within, during our time on this earth. "

Ella woke up. She called Alexander. He said he was still at home to finish renovating it. He was with the guys. It was three a. m. She went to the kitchen to drink water. She saw the front door opened. She closed the door and went to her bedroom trying to sleep.

Marie entered the bed and she laid herself beside Victor. Although he was somewhat nervous, he held her tenderly into his arms. . She told Victor while lying in her husband's arms:

"It is raining outside. "

"What time is it, my dear?"

"It's five o'clock in the morning. "

"I love the dawn. I'm keen on making love with you waiting this. "

They then proceeded to take their fill of that pleasure for which both had most desired.

"Women who pretend a man is perfect are regarded as weak in their eyes. " said Marie.

"If you do things like show genuine concern when your man has had a rough day, you will earn his respect and you will go toward winning him over and this good man of yours will reciprocate. " said Victor.

"He kissed me so passionately. I hadn't been close to him for over a year being so terrified of getting into this relationship after the failure of my first marriage. So, I had to leave my first husband. Yet I was so lonely in my marriage that I would like to love again, I guessed it was the aspect of confidence.

I didn't really remember. We used to stare at each other from far but it was more like we didn't need to know any kind of feeling. We made love. He told me that he was going out with a girl that looked similar to me and he spent that night with her not like what I might think but they spent the time together. And for some reason I felt a pain in my heart and I was disappointed. Did I really like him or was it just an illusion?

Suddenly he displayed feelings toward my daughter and I caught him kissing her and I confronted him and I said "I thought you weren't attracted to my daughter ". He said "I told you I was very angry ". I started hitting him with my fist but he started to laugh.

I tried to call her, but her phone was off. Then the door of the house was slammed. I ran to it, it was locked. I was trying to get out and I couldn't do that. I was just trying to break down the door, but instead of this I was shouting her name crying and I couldn't get to her.

"Do you love me?"

"Yes, I do. "

"You caught me. ""

When Nora woke up she noticed she had a fat lip and her pillow pet in her room had a bunch of blood on it. She thought she fell out of bed right there. She called Michael. He didn't answer. It was five a. m. . She slept again.