Prometheus by Marieta Maglas - HTML preview

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Chapter 15


Ella, Nora, Lisa, Victor and Samantha entered the hall of the theater.

Then they entered the auditorium to sit down near the stage. The play "Prometheus" was a modern drama and it was thought to delight the audience.

This theater play was Alexander's first real acquaintance with the myth of Prometheus. Playing this magical spirit of Prometheus, a new world of feelings and thoughts opened up to him. He realized that he could express better the essence of his great truth about life. Generally, the actors had to wear their invisible spiritual masks for representing their characters,but this time, Alexander didn't need any mask because the book was written in a manner to play his role naturally, with no help of anything but the costume. The myth of Prometheus kindled a fire in his heart. It was like a dawning light, growing for becoming a very clear flame. That flame could illuminate the great secret of human life. The play could bring a new vision about the mythological characters. Alexander played the character of P, the hero was like Prometheus and became the powerful center of the play. Michael played the character of Z, the leader who was like Zeus. The traits of those two characters were very much contrasting with each other. They were completely different in their meaning. Moreover, P and Z fought for their ideals in their society. This type of society was very well suggested by using a theater background, where the characters were placed in. P had a mythological past. More exactly, he came from an unreal environment to a real one. P was extrapolated from the mythology and brought to the reality to prove a non-conceptual point of view and to explain why a human self-awareness must be in the inner self as a spatial being.

The mythological past became the political present of the society. The play was written for expressing a non exclusionary vision, by which people tried to define their dreams of freedom, using some significant symbols. In this society, there was one political party, acquiring and exercising its unique political power of executing the decisions of their single leader,called Z, who was self adoring and who had achieved the absolute power. Moreover, Z was the representative of the ideal absolute power and his symbolic thunderbolt was the law, used to create his own social order. Z wanted the victory over K, the leader of another state.K was like Kronos. The state of Z was a vassal state of the state of K. So, Z wanted the victory over K in the same manner as Zeus wanted the victory over his father, Kronos. Z wanted to be like a master of the gods, the absolute ruler of the living matter. So, Z started the war against K.The eagle became his divine symbol.

Jeff played K, the character of Kronos,John played H, the character of Hermes and Marie played O,the character of Io.

It had been foretold that one day Kronos would be replaced by one of his sons. So he ate them all.His wife, Rhea, hid Zeus and gave Kronos a rock to eat. Reaching his manhood, Zeus fought against his father defeating him, thus fulfilling the prophecy. But that power was threatened by an unexpected foe, the human concept of freedom. Prometheus was a visionary and he understood that people didn't want thefire itself because Zeus sent already the lightning and the trees took fire.

So, men already had the fire. But the people didn't know the secret of the fire ignition. Prometheus brought them that secret.

In the play, the secret of the fire became the secret of the freedom, needed for a new better life. P was a simple man,an intellectual, but he became the representative for people 's fight against the political power. P thought that the absolute leader's implacable power can be overcome. P wrested the mystical secret of the power, that kept the people in terror. P taught the people to defend themselves.The society began to run by total anarchy.The people were outraged and began to fight. H was the messenger of Z, telling P the truth about the power of Z and helping him to understand the fierce defiance of Z, who became an insane god. As a woman, O was very faithful to P, suffering with him because of the anger of Z. Therefore, P became a rebel and a savior, while Z became a despot and a promulgator of a wrong justice. H tried in a way to solve the contradictions, knowing that there was always a third possibility. H tried to establish a communication between the visible and the invisible dimensions.

The play ended with the personal battle between P and Z.

"I feel like Zeus,"said Z.

"I feel like Prometheus, "said P.

"Try to remember when Zeus discovered that Prometheus was a traitor and he chained him to a mountain to punish him. I will punish you. This is the last meeting with the eagle,"said Z.

Z pulled out a gun and hit to kill P and P died.

Ella saw that Jeff changed the ending of the novel in his scenario and she realized that he wanted to change completely Alexander's mind.She went quickly out of the theater and began to cry. When she first felt the pain, she realized that her baby will be born sooner than she expected.

She felt the pain in her body and she needed to feel someone holding her. Alexander was on the stage and no one was around her. She felt like an abandoned baby. Nora came to her.

"What happened?'' Nora asked Ella.

"I have my labor pains, "said Ella, being suddenly very scared.

"Are you sure?''


"Go to empty your bladder. You will ease the pain. I will call the ambulance."

When Ella get out from the theater again, Alexander was there and he was very agitated. The ambulance took them to the hospital. The room she entered was a special place. It was a room set for the arrival of babies. It was seldom occupied, but, when it was occupied, the lives of those within it often changed quickly.

Ella began to feel deeply her labor pains. At the beginning, Ella felt the pain in her abdomen and back, during the contractions. She tried different ways to deal with her pain during the labor, such as walking, changing positions and breathing deeply. Alexander encouraged her. Suddenly, she felt that the contractions were very stronger, appearing very frequently and she sat because she felt her cervix opened. She pushed her baby out. The pain moved down to the pelvic area and she felt her perineum stretched. In that moment, she felt that the baby's head was delivered.

"He's coming!" Alexander exclaimed, understanding that he will be very soon a happy father.

Ella saw her first baby. He was a boy. When her child was born, her anguish became a joy because she had brought a baby into the world. Not only the child was born, but the mother was born, too. The woman became the mother.

"What a wonderful boy!" Nora exclaimed, looking to him. "He has blond hair and blue eyes like his father," continued Nora, taking him so tenderly in her arms and releasing him to his mother.

"Give me my child," said Ella. "Emmanuel, you're a little beauty."

Nora left the room to call the nurse, who took the child to bring him to the newborns.

"How is she?" Michael asked Nora.

"She's fine.And the baby is healthy and very beautiful."

"See you at home," said Michael before leaving.

Mike, Amy and Theodore came to visit Victor and Marie.

"Congratulations, Marie, on the success of your play," said Amy. .

"Has anyone had any success in this play? I don't think so. Don't you see what the media says? Look!" Marie opened the newspaper.

"You can't ignore the media people, when they don't want you," said Mike.

"Try to deal with the media," said Theodore.

"Sometimes you say things that you don't want to say," said Victor, laughing.

"It must be the influence of Ella.She is upset because Jeff changed the play," said Amy.

"Ella has nothing to do with that muckraking journalism, dear," said Victor. "By the way, Ella is in the hospital. She has a little boy."

"I'm happy for her," said Amy, enjoying the news.

"Let's see what is written in the newspaper.Give it to me!" Theodore took the newspaper for reading it.

"Can I read out loudly the news for a better understanding?" Theodore started to discuss the problem.

"Please, do this," said Marie.

"We were watching a play, which was constructed as a set of ambiguous ideas." Another opinion is that "the play lies in its non-dramatic aspects." Imagine that "a group of actors planned to stage a play about the heroism of the young generation, but the play is a failure, "continued Theodore.

'When will this kind of stupid articles stop?" Victor became very worried.

"Believe me, I have tried with all my being to play the role and to do my best," said Marie.

Someone rang the doorbell.

"Victor, go and open the door, please! I don't feel able to do this," said Marie.

"It must be the postman. I'm not expecting anyone," said Victor.

Nora entered the house.

"Nora! You! What a real surprise!" Victor let her in.

"Honey, maybe you don't believe me, but I lost the keys of the cabinet. Give me yours. I will buy another lock," said Nora taking a sit near Marie.

"I am sure," said Victor. "Take care and don't forget the sterilization device plugged in as you often use to do."

"However, my patients cannot complain. The instruments are very well sterilized," said Nora.

"Yes, but one day you will burn everything and nothing will remain for the patients," said Victor, addressing a very serious look.

Nora saw Theodore and asked him, "What are you doing here?"

"I missed my friends," responded Theodore.

'I also missed you," said Nora, tenderly touching his shoulders and his cheek.

"Did you really miss me?'' Theodore became somewhat stupefied.He looked like an infant. His face was suddenly illuminated.

"Mary told me about you and I began to remind our story of love," said Nora.

"I never thought that you care about," said Theodore, ducking his cheek.

"I want to confess myself in front of you. Sometimes I think of us and I think also at that village house. I want to be there and never to come back. All these years of life, recent years, made me feel exhausted. I know that the time passes and I lose the power to come back, even I want to do this. But if you ask me now, I will tell you that I am capable to come back, "said Nora.

Theodore looked at her insistently, playing with her hair. He asked her, "Do you think that you can be my princess again,that sleeping beauty?''

Theodore could see an endless sadness in Nora's eyes.

"I still love you, Theodore," she said, "but I could not forgive you. Living with Michael, I started to get along very well. You're my prince and no other can be instead of you. Only you're my prince."

Nora began to cry.

"Is anyone wanting to drink some tea with aloe?" Marie made the cookies. I made the tea,"said Victor.

"Victor, give me the keys. I must go to work because the patients are waiting for me, "said Nora, smiling.

"Let me come with you," said Theodore.

"Of course that you will come with me," said Nora.

"Good bye.See you tomorrow," she continued.

"Watch your driving, Nora. We need him alive. Theodore, call me when you want to come back," said Amy.

Marie approached Theodore and gave him a thermos with hot tea.

"Take this. You'll need it. It's very cold outside."

"Thanks," said Theodore, "I will really need it.You're a good fairy."

Theodore tried to remind Nora the commencement of their love, that ideal love of two dreamy young people, which meanwhile had failed. At first, Michael tried to turn Nora into another kind of woman, according to his view of women, but it was in vain because Nora had had an incurable suffering. At that time, an invisible, fierce and mud fight started between them. Nora rejected him, even she needed him, more specifically, she needed that bitter drop of love. Their relationship ended when Michael has exhausted all the emotional resources.