Pure Perception (Web of Deception #2) by Michelle Watson - HTML preview

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Complicated Endeavor


This is the seventh day. I’ve had Isabel for seven days now and she still declines every meal I offer. She’s weakening in a physical sense, but mentally she’s strong and defiant and stubborn. It’s going to take me a while to break her down mentally. I’m concerned about her physical health. The weight is melting off her and, honestly, it’s starting to scare the hell out of me. She’s too thin. I can count her ribs if I wanted. As crazy as this may sound, I didn’t want to force anything upon her. Granted, I am forcing her to stay her. I am fully aware that she is my captive. But I wanted her to keep the illusion of her freedom. I wanted her to at least have choices when it came to certain things. I wanted her to have options despite what I said to her about not having any options.

I stand before her, holding a bowl loaded with mashed potatoes, cheddar cheese, and bacon. This isn’t my best creation, but this is also loaded with calories, which she so badly needs. I have to restore her energy in the most efficient way. 

She looks at me as I take a seat in the chair by her bed. Her hair is still wet from the fresh shower she took. I had to bring her more clothes and it was convenient enough that Ivy and Isabel are the same size. Isabel looks beautiful in Ivy’s clothes.

“I’m not hungry.”

Instead of responding verbally, I reach out and fiddle the top button of her white blouse until it pops open. My eyes lift up to hers and I smile. She swallows hard, then looks away.

“Really, Hunter. I’m not in the mood for food.”

I undo a button and then another. Her black lacy bra is exposed now and my fingers purposely graze the tops of her breasts. “If you keep this up, then you’re going to be very bare soon. I doubt you want that. I’m satisfied either way, though. Your choice.”

Her stormy eyes fly to mine and she scowls. If looks could kill, I think. My smile broadens. I tsk when she reaches for the bowl. She pouts and glances up at me. Scooping up some, I bring the food to her mouth. She’s hesitant, but willing. Her lips wrap around the spoon as she focuses on me. She leans back and swallows. My eyes drop back down at the empty spoon. Thank God, she didn’t spit it in my face. I feed her more and she accepts. It breaks my heart when I see how hungry she actually is. She finishes every drop. I watch her as she licks the last traces of mashed potatoes off her lips.

I cock a brow, leaning back in the chair. “You want more?”

She blushes for a reason unknown to me and looks away again. “No, thank you.”

“You don’t need to be embarrassed, Isabel. You know that, right?”

She nods, running her fingers through her damp hair that’s beginning to wave. “Yeah, I know. Thanks. It was good. I didn’t realize I was that hungry. I can lick the bowl clean.”

“Do you want to?”

She shakes her head, avoiding my eyes.

“Would you like anything else? Something sweet maybe?”

“Mmm…” She glances at the TV and then me. “Yeah, M&Ms and some popcorn. There’s a movie coming on.”

When I bring her what she asks for, I leave back out. I don’t know if it’s my imagination or a misinterpretation of some kind, but Isabel appears upset that I leave her. I don’t have time to dwell on it, though. I’m late to our little family dinner we’re having at Lennáe, the finest restaurant in Cherry Creek.

When I reach my truck, I switch my hoodie for a black blazer and smooth my hair back with my hands. Dinner with Charlie, Blue, and Ivy should be interesting enough. Hopefully, I won’t have to say anything at all. 


“…so I’m like, ‘Get your damn cat out from under the hood of my car.’ Can you believe I almost killed a ball of fluff? That would have been a mess that I wouldn’t even touch,” Charlie laughs, draining his glass of wine.

Ivy giggles and Blue stabs the romaine lettuce in her salad to death. Ivy immediately stops laughing and everyone’s eyes turn to Blue. Ivy reaches over to rub Blue’s arm. “Blue misses Berry. I can’t believe she ran away and never came back. Berry loved you too much to just runaway.”

Picking up my goblet of sparkling water I sip some, in hopes of concealing my smile from Ivy. Honestly, I don’t give a shit about hurting Blue’s feelings. If it was up to me, I would unapologetically laugh in her face and tell her how much I think she deserved everything she got. I know that cat meant a lot to her. From what I understand, she bought it when she first arrived to the US ten years ago.

“You should let me buy you a new one.”

Blue’s thin brows frown as her lips twist to the side. She rakes over her salad and takes a deep breath. “Maybe in time. It’s too fresh right now. Berry can never be replaced.”

I choke on a laugh that I tried very hard to stifle. Charlie reaches over to give me a few hard pats on my back. “You okay, boy?”

“Yeah,” I wheeze. “Went down the wrong hole.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Blue adds, smirking at me. “You have been gone lately, running off at odd hours of the night. Where have you been going, Hunter? We all are very interested?”

Clearing my throat, I cut into my grilled steak, biting the prime slice of meat off the sharp end of the knife with my teeth while fiercely staring at Blue. Her smile broadens and she bites her bottom.

Shit. This is turning her on. The little psychotic devil…

“He’s been writing at the house he grew up in,” Ivy answers, glancing at me and smiles, “right, Hunter? It’s the big white one behind the giant gate, the one on the hill?”

“Absolutely. I leave whenever inspiration strikes. But of course, you know nothing about that. Do you, Blue?”

“Humph,” she mumbles, stuffing her salad in her mouth. “Inspiration and dedication are all things I know about, Hunter. Have you picked up the latest Forbes magazine? I had huge article in there. Do you even know what I’ve accomplished and how I renovated the fashion industry? You have no clue.”

I settle back in the leather chair, holding her glare that might scare the hell out of one of her minions but not me. I have seen scarier. “And I don’t give two fucks,” I laugh. “You seem to need a lot of attention, Blue. I can help you with that. Instead of acting like a horny dog humping the shit out of my leg and begging, just ask me. If you need a reference, ask Ivy. I’m very good at what I do. I can give you the discipline you so badly crave.”

A muscle in her jaw jumps and she slides all the elaborate china off the linen table with a simple swing of her arm. Glasses and plates along with silverware come crashing and shattering down all around us like an explosion of some kind of thunderstorm.

I ball my fists under the table to keep from dragging her by her locks and into the bathroom to demonstrate how much of disciplinarian I am.

People aren’t apologetic or discreet as they snap pictures on their phones. It’s the damn flashes that are beginning to aggravate me. I have learned one thing from Blue. When you’re at her pinnacle of fame, people will take notice no matter what you’re doing. In a way, we’re like a huge circus. Our performance is us living our lives. When I began writing, my goal wasn’t fame or wealth. I doubted I would become successful at what I loved to do. My sells were great already, but when Ivy, Blue, and I made the news as a couple…my sells skyrocketed into millions upon millions. I was content with my way of living. It was quiet. It was fitting. I didn’t need everyone in my business. I didn’t need the bloggers, the paparazzi, and the gossip magazines. So there is more than a little resentment that I hold towards Blue. She came with all that extra nonsense attached to her.   

Blue stands and smooths her elegant white dress down, then she glances around at everyone who watches us. She calmly pushes in her chair and walks towards the exit. Ivy soon follows. Charlie asks the waiter for an entire bottle of wine, but soon I’m left at the table by myself with a very expensive bill.


Ivy’s silhouette is blurred by the steam that instantly fogs the glass. After tearing open a foil packet and stripping off my clothes, I slide back the sliding door and hop into the shower with her. If I don’t release some sexual energy soon, I’m afraid Isabel won’t be safe from me. My will is already weak enough. Isabel is like a helpless lamb and I am the wolf with not one good intention if I leave this house tonight.

Ivy faces the showerhead and soaps her body, ignoring me. My hands grip her hips, bringing her back towards me. She takes a deep breath and shudders when I kiss her back. “You didn’t have to say anything to her, Hunter. You know Blue is very sensitive.”

“She started it,” I whisper in her ear. “But you’re right. She wanted a reaction and I gave her one.” I let the warm water cascade down on us for a long moment. “She acts so tough, but underneath all that hardness is a big softie. I’ll make her team Hunter in no time.”

“It won’t be any time soon.”

“Sooner than you think,” I say, digging my fingers into her skin. 

“I’ve missed you.”

“I’m sorry. I have been neglecting you lately. I’ll get better. But let me at least make it up to you, love.” I swiftly roll on a condom, gathering her wet hair in one hand and kiss her naked shoulder. She trembles and I give her hair a yank, causing her to stumble backwards and fall against my chest. Before she can process another thought, I have her front plastered to the shower wall and I slide swiftly inside her. Closing my eyes, I release a pent-up breath that I’ve been holding all day. She grunts softly, adjusting to me. I simply take what I want from Ivy. It might be an inconsiderate move to other people who don’t understand what Ivy and I share and the inner workings of our relationship. She actually gets off this way. I take what I want because it’s my nature and Ivy is a willing participant of the depravity of it all. That is her nature. We each have a role to execute and we are each fully aware of what those roles are. But there comes a time when titles and roles are not enough. There comes a time when affection and love and honesty outweigh everything else. There comes a time when trust will be the main factor and solid ground to build a solid foundation on. I adore Ivy, but in a totally different way. Comparing my love for Isabel and Ivy is like comparing the sun to the moon. There’s a world of difference between them, but they both serve their proposes in a way I need right now.

Reaching up and grabbing a fistful of wet hair, I jerk her head backwards and nip her earlobe. She moans with every part of her body quivering as I effortlessly glide in and out of her. Though, I want to take my time with her and show her how apologetic I am, I don’t. I’m brutally rough with her and I can’t say that I’m concerned at all with her pleasure. But still. She should know. From my experience, women tend to do a lot of over thinking and guess work in their relationships. I don’t want to put Ivy through that kind of torture. I want to ease her mind and I want her to be knowledgeable of what she does mean to me.   

“Ivy,” I whisper, kissing her neck and squeezing her supple breasts. Her body bucks when I pinch her nipples. “Shh. It’s okay. You know how much I appreciate you, right?”

She nods and I add more pressure to her nipples, twisting them. She makes a tiny protest in the back of her throat. “You know I like verbal answers, love.”

“I know, but I’ve been doubtful lately,” she says breathlessly.

“Why?” I need to know what’s going on inside her head. Sliding half way out of her, my hands clench around her hips. My fingers dig deeper into her flesh when she pushes back, seeking what I took away. “Talk to me, love. Tell me what you’re feeling.”

“You’ve been distant and detached. Something’s been on your mind. I felt like it wasn’t my place to ask if you didn’t want to share.”

“You’re right,” I say, easing myself back into her gently. She shudders but I hold her in place. “I’ve been swamped with work.” Taking advantage of this moment, I solely focus on her wants and needs. Reaching down, I touch the little bundle of nerves between her legs while my free hand continues to pinch her nipple. Her juices gush down my hand and her body instantly locks and convulses around me. Gritting my teeth I bite back my orgasm, stroking in and out of her. She is incredibly wet and tight and has a suction of a powerful vacuum hose and this makes it difficult to not succumb to the inexorable urge.

I hold her tight in my arms and whisper in her ear, “I’ve missed you, Tinker. I won’t neglect you anymore. I’ll get better.”

She moans out as I fuck her through her climax. I make her come three more times before I give myself that luxury.