Pure Perception (Web of Deception #2) by Michelle Watson - HTML preview

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Pinner, Greater London UK

Breathing in the fresh damp air, I step out into the busy streets of Pinner surrounded by wooden pubs, antique shops, and restaurants. I went to Lily’s father’s house. Tie was able to find his address for me. But sadly, I learned, from his neighbor, Mrs. Seaborn, that he passed last Tuesday. She also told me that Lily was around the corner at the neighborhood park.

My breathing halts and I pause in my tracks when Lily comes into view. The sweat seems to bubble and boil in the back of my neck. She looks like a summer dream in a flowing yellow sundress and white strappy sandals. She sits on the bench with other women, laughing freely as the wind blows her dark hair across her face. I swear that same gust of wind blows her flowery scent deep in my nostrils. Lily fragrance jump starts my heart, and I’m not thinking when my feet carry me to her.

All I know is that I want her and I can’t seem to reach her fast enough.

Her smile vanishes as I step in front of her. She blinks and then narrows her pretty brown eyes as if in denial that I am actually here. “Max?”

“Lily,” I breathe, gathering her in my arms before she has a chance to stand on her feet. Her arms settle around my neck and I squeeze her to me. “I’ve missed you so much, Lily.”

“I’ve missed you, too,” she whispers as I continue to embrace her with all my might.

She hugs me and strokes my back in a soothing motion. “It’s okay, Max. Take second and breathe, honey.” Only when she pulls back and touches my face do I realize my cheeks are wet.


I am a grown man sobbing in the arms of the only woman I’ve ever felt whole with.

This is not how I imagined our reunion.

I guess seeing Lily was the final straw. Seeing my father get shot to death by my bride-to-be and learning about his true nature and what he did to Tyler has taken a toll on my soul. I haven’t felt like myself in such a long time. But, as of now, I feel like I’m no longer struggling to breathe. Being with Lily is like a lung full of fresh air.

I can breathe again.

And it feels incredible.

“I’m just so happy to see you. God. I’ve missed you like crazy, Lily.”

Her thumbs brush repeatedly over my cheeks. She cups my jaw, briefly shutting her eyes and presses her face to the side of mines. “Max, I’ve missed you, too.” She pulls back too fast and stares up at me. “But you should’ve called. How did you find me?”

I shake my head, wiping at my eyes with the sleeves of my suit jacket, feeling less manly and more pathetic. “You would have run from me if I let you know I was in the UK. I had to just come. I needed to see you. Tie helped me track you down. I’m not sorry that I found you, Lily.”

A little boy in a navy Batman T-shirt and cargo pants clings to Lily’s dress and tugs, his tiny fingers clutching the yellow fabric. “Mommy, who is this man? Why is he crying?”

She has a child?

She makes a face. Lily looks anxious. “It’s okay. He’s sad, baby, but he’s going to get better. Go finish playing.”

“But, Mommy—”

“Maxwell, go,” she orders sternly.

“Maxwell?” I ask, taking a closer look at the little boy. He seems about three years old with black thick curls that spring off his head. But it’s his eyes that lay rest to any doubt in my mind. His eyes are large and lavender in color. They’re just like mine. His eyes are exactly like mine. There are no ifs or ands about it. This is my son.

Red flags go off.

I know why she ran.

“This is my son, Lily,” I say, feeling faint.

She opens her mouth and shuts it again.

Maxwell’s brows furrow but he smiles up at me. “This my Daddy, Mommy?”

Lily glances down and cuddles him closer to her hip as if I would snatch him from her this instant. “Yes, baby. This is your Daddy.”

I bend on a knee and look him in his bright young eyes. “Hey, little man. It’s nice to meet you.” My heart hurts and I almost fall backwards when he runs into me, slinging his arms around my neck.

“I have a Daddy,” he whispers happily.

“I have son,” I murmur through more tears. 


We eat fish and chips in a restaurant nearby. Maxwell sits in a booth between us, eating macaroni and cheese. He has his little hand clasped in mine. Maybe he thinks I might up and leave and vanish. I could not leave him now if I wanted.

I’m not really surprised at how quickly we are taken with each other. I wasn’t a father twenty-four hours ago, but someone would never have known by our interaction with each other.

“Mommy, want some mac ‘n’ cheese?” he asks, lifting his spoon up to her lips.

“Mm,” she says as he feeds her. “It’s good, baby. Now eat the rest.”

“But I have to ask Daddy if he wants some,” Maxwell mumbles. Then he turns to me after scooping up cheesy noodles. “Daddy, you want some mac ‘n’ cheese?”

“You bet, bud,” I reply, ruffling his thick hair. He smiles hugely and brings the spoon up to my mouth. I let my son spoon-feed me mac ‘n’ cheese. I don’t know what it’s going to take for Lily to agree to move back to the States, to Cherry Creek in particular. I need the both of them with me while I go through this process of proving Hunter guilty for the murder of Isabel. I can’t abandon everything and move down here, even though I want to. “Bud, go help yourself to some ice cream.” I need to have a moment alone with Lily.

“Can I have gummy bears and chocolate chips?” he asks.

“Absolutely. Add some brownie chunks for me.”

“And can I have hot fudge?” He might be testing the waters with me, seeing how far he can push, but I am already a goner.




He can have whatever he wants.

“Load it up, bud.”

“Max, he can’t have all that sugar. Maxwell will be bouncing on the ceilings,” Lily chides, disapproving.

I reach out and touch her cheek, gazing into her eyes, realizing I have never not loved this woman. She blushes and looks away briefly before looking back at me. “Let Jr. have what he wants. Today is a special day.”

She shudders and clears her throat. “Okay. But only for today.”

I place my hand to the back of her neck, moving my thumb back and forth over her skin there as we watch him hold out a sprinkled-cover cone under the ice cream machine. A thick swirl of half chocolate and half strawberry pushes out.

“Three years you’ve kept him from me,” I say, urging her by her neck to lean in closer until my lips brush her ear. “We have to sit down and really talk about this. Just the two of us. I need you and Maxell in Cherry Creek ASAP.”

Her eyebrows furrow and I see the defiance and war there before it has even begun. “Max —”

My fingers clench on the back of her neck, pulling her even closer into me. My lips touching her right temple. She shuts her eyes and sucks in a sharp breath and shivers. “Don’t fight me on this, Lily. Please.” My voice has taken on a begging quality, but I don’t give a damn about my pride. I want my family with me. She has my son and not only that, but my heart as well. This woman owns me. She has my entire world in her palms. I stare into her eyes as if I can translate everything I’m feeling into her. She owes me this.

Her lips part, red blotches her cheeks. Her expression turns serious, her eyes determined.

She gives her head a sharp nod. “Okay. I’ll do it for Maxwell.”