Pure Perception (Web of Deception #2) by Michelle Watson - HTML preview

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Bitter Sweet Reunion


I watch in fascination as Isabel undresses me. Her hands are steady and precise. She isn’t rushing nor is she moving with leisure. She pulls the soiled T-shirt off my head and flings it on her bathroom floor and then she shoves down my boxers and pants. I step out of them as she starts the shower.

“Get in and stay in for a while. Maybe it’ll help to clear your head,” Isabel says, blushing slightly as her eyes remain on mine.

I do as she says, but when she turns to leave, I reach out and grab her arm. Her footsteps halt and she looks back at me. “Baby, don’t leave me. I need you.” My voice is as fragile as I feel and unrecognizable. My voice is weak and as desperate as I am.

She steps forward and I haul her by her arm the rest of the way to me. She gasps when her back slams against the wall tile and the warm water hits her, wetting her blouse. Fisting a handful of dark fabric in the middle of her chest, I rip her shirt off her back and toss in the corner of the shower. Her bra, skirt, and black lacy panties join her shirt.

My shaky hands reach for her and I cradle her precious face in my hands as if she might vanish altogether.

She looks deep within my eyes when she cautions, “Slow, Hunter. Take it slow.”

I shut my eyes and lean my forehead on hers, trying to catch my breath. That’s when I notice that my entire body is trembling. The feeling is like going through excruciating withdrawals with an armful of the origin of my addiction right here in front of me, tempting me to devour it all.

“I can’t,” I plea, spreading her legs wide and franticly thrusting into her. I choke on something building in my throat. “I’m sorry.”

Isabel kisses my quivering lips. “Shh. It’s okay. It will all be okay, Hunter. I’m with you, honey. Always.”

Shutting my eyes, I press my face in her neck and grip her hips hard in my hands, grinding into her. “I’m sorry. Please tell me you still love me.”

She remains silent and my heart painfully clenches.

It’s about to erupt in my chest.

I reach down and pinch her clit between my fingers, thrusting deeper into her until she screws her eyes shut and tosses her head back. “Baby, please. Tell me you love me.” My teeth graze her breasts and nipples.

“Hunter,” she whimpers.

I pound into her harder and fill her with all of me. “Isabel, please. I need to hear it.”

Her dark lashes flutter open and she looks intently into my eyes while hooking her arms around my neck to gain some balance. Her golden-green eyes sparkle and darken all at once. I lose all the breath I have ever owned. “I love you,” she whispers against my lips. “I love you forever, Hunter,” she says in my ear.

At her words I come so hard my legs wobble.

But I don’t dare fall.

I hold her steady and continue to thrust inside of her, loving the feel of her silky, wet heat.

I can’t seem to stop.

She tightens around me and climaxes.

“I love you, Hunter. So much,” she says sweetly pressing kisses to my face.

“I love you, too.”

She’s gets shy on me when we break apart to wash each other. I frown when Isabel covers her breasts with her arms and turns her body towards the steaming spray. I don’t know if she’s actually conscious of this.

I decide to wash the parts she offers when she turns to expose her back to me. Picking up the shampoo bottle of the rack, I squeeze a swirl of fragrant gel into my palm and rub until I get a nice lather. Gathering a bunch of dark strands, I wash her mane of thick hair. She tosses her head back in my hands as I run my fingers through her hair from root to tip. I’ve always loved Isabel’s hair. It’s long and beautiful. I love her moans too. Wanting to hear more moans from her, I scrub and massage her scalp with gentle pressure.

A massive smile takes over my face.

I get what I want.

“Jesus, Hunter. What are you trying to do to me?” she says, facing me as she dunks her head in the spray. As the water cascades over her face and drips from her plump lips. All I can think about is kissing her until she vows to stay with me for the rest of my life.

“I’m just trying to make you feel good,” I say, placing my hands on her hips and drawing her close to me so I can kiss those pink lips. “You came back to me.”

Her brows push together and I smooth the space between them like she has done to me countless times before. “I wasn’t going to.”

My fingers flex in her skin and she winces. “Why?” I ask, loosening my grip on her.

“You hurt me, Hunter,” Isabel confesses quietly. “You’ve hurt me so much throughout my lifetime, Hunter. You fucking killed me over and over again. But what you did was beyond hurt and beyond pain…you left me. Again.” She closes her eyes and shakes her head. “You left me. I waited like you told me to. I waited on my knees for hours and hours. Only when the housekeeper found me, did I realize you weren’t coming back.” She takes in a shuddering breath as tears roll down her cheeks. I wipe them away but they keep falling. She finds some kind of resolve and opens her watery eyes and they are determined. Isabel begins to repeat what I told her to do, and it fucking hurts just as much as did when I said. “I want you to take your IDs and passports into our room and lay them on the bed and then I want you to treat yourself to warm bath with lots of bubbles and oils. I want you to stay in there a good while. After that, I expect you to be kneeling at the door for me. I need you to follow these orders step by step. Fail to comply will result in severe punishment. Do you understand?”

“What do you want me to say, Isabel?” I ask, sliding my nose down her cheek and cupping her hot little pussy in my demanding hand. “You want me to confess how much of a fuck-up I am? How much I don’t deserve you?” She whimpers when I stroke down her slit and part her folds, dipping my middle finger inside her wetness. “How much I should leave you alone. How much I should let you go?” I press two fingers into her and swirl them in a motion that has her hips chasing my hand. My teeth close around her earlobe and I bite her there. “It’s not going to happen, sweet Isabel. You’re mine. And I’m going to make sure everyone knows it.”

She groans and comes on my hand.

Our shower is short. I carry her to the bed and a second later, I’m in inside of her again, holding her legs propped on my shoulders and thrusting slow and deep, as deep as I can go. I feel myself bend inside of her and she groans, her eyes rolling and her mouth slack and asking for my tongue. “You want it slow, baby. You’re going have it your way. I can fuck you for hours. Your pussy is mine.”

Her hand drops down to rub her clit and I pull out, flipping her on her back so I can spank her ass. “No. Bad girl. I didn’t tell you that you can touch yourself, did I?”

She makes a husky sound in the back of her throat.

My hand smacks across her incredible ass with my palm again, causing her skin to heat and turn deep rosy-red. “Answer me, baby.”

“No, Hunter.”

I grip the base of my cock and aim it at her entrance, running the head of it up and down her slippery slit.

She begins to pant and squirm.

My fingers bite into her hips, preventing her movement. “I’m going to go slow, Isabel. And you’re going to take every second of this, every inch of me, isn’t that right, baby?”

“Yes,” she says barely audible.

“You’re going to take it because you love me, right, Isabel?” I say, pressing slowly into her, filling her with everything I am. She clenches around me as I gradually sink into her inch by inch.

“Yes, Hunter. I love you,” she whispers, avidly pushing back against me.

“Good, baby. I love you too,” I say through gritted teeth when I’m fully rooted in her. She feels like heaven. Isabel is the closest to heaven that I will probably get. I pause and let her get used to me. I also take this moment to talk to her and explain where I am with her, where I want to be with her, and hope to God that we’ll be on the same page for once.

“But now I need you to listen to me, Isabel. What I did, baby, was fucked. I know it. You know it. I wanted to save you. I didn’t want you to suffer any more. I wanted you safe. But I‘ve learned something.” My fingers trail down her spine and she shudders. “As much as I want all those things for you, and I desperately want them for you, you know how much so, I can’t save you. That isn’t up to me, Isabel. That’s up to you. You have to decide that for yourself. I’m here to pick up the pieces and make you whole again.” I throw an arm across her belly and hold her tight against me as I slide in and out of her, kissing her naked shoulders. “I want you, Isabel. I want you in every way imaginable. I want to be in your space. I want to be in your life. I want you to have all of my babies. If you say yes, then I want you to have my last name. I want to fill you up when you get sad. I want you forever…” I shut my eyes when she clenches around my dick tighter than my fist ever could.

“Hunter,” says breathlessly.

My arm tightens around her stomach. “Listen closely, baby. I love you. I want the best for you. I want you to fucking win at everything, Isabel. Everything. But if you want to win without me, you’ll have to tell me now. I can deal. I’m not going to lie. It’s going to fucking burn and hurt like hell, but I’ll deal.” My tongue touches the back of her left ear and she shivers as she grinds against me. 


She likes that.

My girl fucking loves that.

“What’s it going to be, baby?”

“I’m with you, Hunter.”

“Always?” I ask, moving again.

“Always, Hunter. Baby, Always,” she whispers, arching her back and completely giving herself to me. My heart fills with heavy glee whenever she calls me baby. She’s too sweet to me, when all I’ve been is a dick to her.

I don’t deserve her.

Or her forgiveness.

But if you know me as well as you think you do, then you know that’s not going to stop me from being with her.

Or taking what she gives me.


I ride her brutally and hard. She comes three more times. I lose my sight when I allow myself to come, seeing a sea of brilliant stars behind my closed eyelids.

We both collapse on the bed.

Isabel stares at the ceiling, breathless with a void expression.

I hook an arm around her waist and pull her into my side.

She takes big breath and then settles.

Shutting my eyes, I breathe in her lush scent and soak in her body heat as I stroke her back. “I don’t know why you came back to me,” I start, burying my mouth in her damp hair, “but since you did. I’m not going to let you go, Isabel. Never, baby. You hear me?”

“I hear you,” she mumbles sleepily to my throat.

“My baby is tired,” I say, cuddling her closer.

She reaches up, tracing my lips with curious fingers. “Yeah. Your baby is tired and jet-legged, but mostly tired.”

“Sleep, then.”

Isabel laughs softly, tips her head up and graces me with her shimmering eyes and smile that say so much, then she kisses the underside of my jaw, and wiggles her ass as she snuggles even more into me.

My pent-up breath escapes from my mouth.

She wiggled her ass on me.

Now I’m hard again.

My dick hurts and throbs painfully, but like I said before, if you know me as well as you think you do, then you know that doesn’t keep me from spreading her thighs and pushing into her once more.

Her eyes fly open and she holds my gaze. “Hunter.”

Pressing my forehead against hers, I grind my hips against her and stare into her eyes. “You wiggled your ass on me. I’m hard again. Didn’t want to waste it. I need to tire you out until you’re exhausted.” Her entire body trembles when my fingers brush her clit. She groans and I swallow it. “Shh,” I order against her quivering lips. “I have you. I’ll always have you, baby.”

When Isabel is peacefully asleep, I leave the bed and wander outside to her porch to make a phone call, staring up at the silver crest moon in the dark blue velvet sky. Two rings later, Ivy answers the phone.


“Ivy, I have to tell you, it’s over between me and you. Officially. This is a dick move, giving you the news like this over the phone, but I just can’t leave Isabel’s side anytime soon. I didn’t want you waiting and worrying when you’re free, Tinker. I’m not the kind of man that would drag you along, Ivy.”

“I get that, Hunter,” she says softly. “I also get that I was a good distraction at best. After what I kept from you, I don’t deserve any apology. So don’t feel too bad for me, okay?”

The moon disappears when I squeeze my eyes shut.

Fuck me, she’s crying.

“Ivy,” I whisper firmly.

“No, Hunter. I’m okay,” she sniffs. “So don’t worry. Please don’t worry. I knew what you and I had, and it was temporary from the very beginning, nothing more than a short-lived fantasy. I enjoyed it for what is was worth, Hunter. You’re the most beautiful man that I have ever had the pleasure to get to know. You’re a superstar, honey.”

That pinch in my heat begins and I swallow thickly. “Ivy.”

“I’ll have my stuff out within the day. She’s The One. Be happy, Hunter.”

She disconnects.

“You to, Tinker,” I say to dead air.