Pure Perception (Web of Deception #2) by Michelle Watson - HTML preview

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Making a left, I pull into the brightly lit parking lot of Cherry Creek Hotel. It’s where Naya and Rex told me Lily wanted to meet, which is fine with me. It doesn’t matter where we meet, just as long as we meet. I need to see my aunt that I had no clue existed until three years ago.

I’ve been waiting for this for three years and I couldn’t be more happier and nervous.

A large security-looking man with a severe face, wearing all black and dark shades greets me when I push through the double glass doors. “Miss Waters, please follow me.”

Taking in a deep breath, I nod. He leads me past the golden plush and lavish furnishings and shimmering crystal chandeliers to the bank of polished elevators. We step in and he presses the top floor. The doors slide open and he escorts me through maze-like corridors. The halls are empty and bare, but vacuums are still plugged into sockets and housekeeping carts are scattered around as if someone ordered the staff to immediately stop what they were doing and disappear. It’s strange that we haven’t encountered anyone past the receptionist desk. Where are all the guests?

He halts suddenly and I almost crash into him. He sticks the keycard through the slit above the latch and the door unlocks. He pushes the door open for me and I step in, my eyes landing on Lily dressed like an angel in a cream white-colored dress, tendrils of her wavy blond hair has escaped her bun at the nape of her neck and hang loose, around her face, framing it perfectly. It’s difficult not to see her as my mom, because she looks exactly like her, right down to the thin arch of her eyebrows.

I swallow thickly and move straight to here, throwing my arms around her midsection and holding on tight.

“Isabel,” she says softly, her voice sounding like my mom’s. “I’ve missed you, sweetie.”

The ache in my chest intensifies and I struggle with the heavy sob in my chest until I’m no longer struggling. My face is wet because I burst into tears. My fingers twist in her dress as I press to be closer to her.

“Aw, honey, calm down.” Her hands lovingly stroke up and down my back and she gives me a firm squeeze. “Breathe, Isabel.”

I suck back a breath, my head feeling dizzy. A strong hand curls around my elbow, gently pulling me from my auntie’s embrace and powerful arms wrap around me, warm lips press into the shell of my ear. “Baby, calm down.”

I press my face in Hunter’s shirt, not surprised one bit he found me. He was asleep in bed when I left. But I should know by now that I can’t keep anything from Hunter Knight. Tilting head up, I stare into vivid ocean blue eyes that show deep concern. “She’s really here, Hunter.”

He gives me a pained smile, cradling my face with his hands on either side. His thumbs wipe away my tears. “Yes, baby. She’s here.”

“I have part of my family back.”

Hunter slightly nods, sliding one of his thumbs across my lips, smearing the wetness from tears on my quivering mouth. He slants his head and delicately touches his lips to mine as if he might break me if he used more pressure, his hand moving down my sides to rest gingerly on top of my stomach. “You have all of your family, Isabel, including my child growing in your belly. You have all of us now and I plan to keep it like that. I’m going to take care of you and our child, baby.”

My hearts stops and I instinctively lock my limbs around the man I know without a doubt in my mind I will spend the rest of my life with. “I love you, Hunter.”

His lips move from the corner of my mouth to the curve of my jaw up to my ear. “Love you more, Isabel. So much more.”

I press my face under his chin, taking a deep breath with every overwhelming emotion running through me.

His hand squeezes the back of my neck. “Go and get to know your aunt, Isabel.”

“Okay,” I whisper, giving him a squeeze back. With my eyes on his blue ones, I drop my arms from around him and take a step back when all I really want to do is pounce on him.

Aunt Lily gives me a gentle smile, placing her arm over my shoulder. She presses a kiss to the top of my head, snuggling me in my arms. Lily leads me to a sleek white sofa and we sit next to each other. I’m vaguely concerned when Hunter exits out the suite doors and leaves us.

She holds my hands in hers, placing them in her lap. “I’m so incredibly happy to see you, honey. You’re more beautiful than your pictures.”

I suppress my sob so I can speak through my hoarseness in my sore throat. “I can believe you’re finally here. Where’s Taylor and Rex?”

“They’re down in the kitchen—Rex’s a chef now and a great cook. They agreed to give us a bit of privacy. I’ve wanted to come home since I had to leave everyone behind.” Her expression saddens. The grief is thick and strong. I have to breathe deeply through my nose to not get smothered by it. “I didn’t think things would escalate to being without my sister, Ivan and Tyler.” She gives me a wavering smile as her vivid green eyes are hit with moisture. “But at least I still have you.”

“Do you know why my mom and dad would…commit suicide? They loved us, so I don’t understand why they would do something like that. It doesn’t make since.”

She grips my hand tight in hers, wiping at her eyes with her free one. “I don’t understand, either. I’m afraid I will never understand.”

“Would Blain Stewart have anything to do with it?”

Lily shakes her head. “Blain has been dead for twenty years. Isabelle and Ivan would have never allowed Blain to come between their family. I’m absolutely positive she didn’t have anything to do with their deaths. I feel as if they had a bigger purpose, as if they had to sacrifice themselves for a grander picture, for you, Isabel, and your brother. I can’t think about it any other way.”

Nodding, I breathe through the bubble of pain in my chest. “Something’s missing. The reason why is missing.”

Her elegant fingers tighten on mine. “We may never find out, Isabel.”

My eyes are leaking in spite of my attempt of being strong. “I know.”

She scoots closer, wrapping her arms around my quivering body and embracing me tightly. “We’ll get through this together. I promise. Now tell me everything I’ve missed.”

“I’m pregnant,” I blurt out through a shaky whisper. “And I’m terrified.”