Pure Perception (Web of Deception #2) by Michelle Watson - HTML preview

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Curious eyes follow me as I make my way to Max’s office. I can feel all of his employees staring at me, some with a narrowed glare calling me bitch and blatantly informing me that I have no right to be here. I’m positive from the outside looking in, I seem like a coldhearted whore who left Max without much of a goodbye to suffer and came back to only defend Hunter. I don’t care what their perception is of me, because Max’s opinion is the only one that counts. 

There’s still something raw and pained that needs to be settled between us, a chapter that we both need closure with before we begin a new page of our life story with different people. Plus, I need to give him his ring back he gave me for our engagement.

He’s sitting at his large desk smiling at me, but conversing quickly on the phone when I step into his office. I shut his door and sit in the chair in front of his grand desk with my heart pounding in my chest with what I’m about to do.

Max ends his conversation, placing the shiny black phone on the cradle. His scrutinizing eyes roam over my face to my pale hospital scrubs, lingering on my ring Hunter gave me. His browns furrow, wrinkles creasing his forehead. His expression darkens and saddens all at once.

“Max,” I say, drawing his attention back.

His lavender eyes shift up to mine and his mouth is tight when he greets me. “Isabel.”


His face softens and he smiles a closed mouth smile. “Hey.”

I glance at his phone and back at him. “Did I interrupt something important? I can come back if you want.”

“Nothing’s more important than you sitting in my office right now, Pumpkin.”

“Okay,” I say, my pulse jumping in my neck. “I’m here to give your ring back.”


I said it.

It’s better to get to the point, ripping it off like Band-Aid and get it over with.

His body jolts forward and stiffens instantly. “Why? Keep it. It’s yours.”


“I gave it to you. I don’t want it back. It’s yours, Isabel.”

“Are you sure?”

His eyes flash with irritation, or maybe impatience. “Absolutely.”

Nodding, I wipe my sweaty hands down the length of my knees. “I started training today.”

“Do you like it?”

“Yeah. It’s everything I thought it would be.”

His stunning eyes glitter with something that flares. “I’m glad for you, Pumpkin.”

“We’re busy and I have short breaks, but I love it already.”

“Good, Pumpkin.” He leans back in his leather chair and stares at me. My stomach does a flip as I avoid staring back at him. “Are you happy?”

“Yes. I told you I am already,” I mumble, looking at my fisted hands in my lap and knowing he’s asking about Hunter.

“Are you happy with Hunter?” In this instant we both know we failed each other. Every muscle in my body tenses and Max sees my reaction and senses his opening to condemn Hunter. “You can tell me, Isabel.” His beautiful face gets severe, his voice darkly serious. “You can tell me anything.”

I force my trembling mouth to form a smile. “I’m happy.”

His features contort to a perplexed one. “What can he do for you?”

“Give me the world.”

Max briefly shuts his eyes, bowing his head with pain etched in his features. “Are you sure about that?”

“Are you sure you want to hear what I have to say?” I ask tentatively.

He nods with his hard eyes on mine. “I’m listening.”

“Okay,” I say, taking in a deep breath. “I need to tell you how wrong I am for not having the courage to cut you loose the right way. I did it all wrong and I didn’t give you a warning beforehand.”

His face contorts with surprise and pain. “Isabel―”

“No,” I say. “I need to get this off my chest. I was wrong for how I handled you, and I’m sorry. I can’t say sorry enough. I had you worrying about me to the extent you hand to launch an investigation.” I pause to wipe at my watery eyes. “I caused you grief and heartache. All of it was unwarranted. I’m so sorry, Maxi-pie.” I force the next words out. “Hunter makes me beyond happy. He gives me strength when I feel weak. He makes me smile when all I want to do is cry. Hunter gives me rest. I can sleep next to him and won’t wake until he urges me to.”

“You can sleep? Hunter gives you rest?”

“The best,” I sniff.

“He gives you rest?” he asks more to himself.


His expression turns blank, his face ashen. “I could never give you rest, Isabel. You and I both know that. You never slept peacefully beside me.”


“I’m pleased you get rest, Pumpkin. Go be with your fiancé.”

“Max.” I choke on his name.

His lips press together, his glassy eyes staring at the door beyond me. “Go, Isabel.”

I’m visually trembling when I lift myself up. I take a step towards Max and then halt, looking at him. His hard gaze slides from the door to me. I take another step and then another until I’m around his desk and my arms are around him. “I love you, Max.”

He exhales and gives me a squeeze. “I love you, too. But you’re making this difficult, Pumpkin.”

“You made me happy.”

“It wasn’t enough,” he mutters through gritted teeth. “And not enough isn’t good enough for you.”

I bury my face in his suit jacket, my hands coiling around his neck and I begin to weep.

Max strokes my hair. “It will be alright Isabel.”

“But will you be?”

“I will,” he murmurs into my hair. “I have Maxwell and Lily.”

“You have a beautiful family, Maxi-pie.”

I feel his grin in my hair. “I do, Pumpkin.”