Pure Perception (Web of Deception #2) by Michelle Watson - HTML preview

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Head Games & Partition


Isabel smooths the sexy black sleeve dress down her hips. The dress stops several inches above her knees. I watch with morbid interest as Isabel turns at different angles in the full-length mirror, admiring herself. Victor made this creation of black lace that has had me hard for the past half hour. She says it’s a girls’ night and she going out with Harmony and some friends from work. They’re going to Stone Vine, a luxurious fine dining restaurant outside of town.

I lean back on the bed, releasing a heavy sigh when she slips into a pair of black shiny fuck me high heels. My instincts are telling me this is a test that I will fail miserably at.

For one, she’s leaving town.

For two, she looks strikingly beautiful and that dress and those heels are causing me to become sick with envy at anyone else who gets the viewing pleaser to witness her in them.

For three, she’s leaving town.

“It’s only dinner, Hunter,” she says to my neck after she lies gently on top of me, hugging me.

My hands stroke up and down the line of her spine. “You’re leaving town.”

“Only for a little while. A few hours at most,” she says, sliding her nose down the side of my neck and kissing the edge of my jaw. “I’ll be home right back to you tonight.”

Shutting my eyes, I hold her tighter against me and breathe in her berry-scented hair. “A few hours away from you is too long for me. I don’t like this.”

“Hunter,” she admonishes softly, her fingers tapping against my lips. “You trust me, right?”

“I do.”

“Then stop worrying. I’ll be fine.”

“It’s impossible not to worry about you, Isabel.” I nip two of her fingertips and she gasps, quickly pulling her hand away from my mouth. “What did I tell you about putting your hands near a greedy animal’s mouth? You’re going to get bit, baby. Always.”

“You’re the only greedy animal I know around here,” she teases, rubbing her cheek against my chest like the little kitten she is.

I narrow my eyes, jerking my head back. “Animal you say? I’m a fucking dragon, girl.” Joking around with her is the best kind of remedy for all of my problems that continue to stress me out.

She throws her head back and laughs musically. Isabel clutches my neck with both hands, shoving her face in my throat. I shiver and bite back a groan. I love when she’s this close to me. “Yeah, baby. You’re my mighty dragon.”

Grinning, my hands glide up her legs and bare thighs. Using my fingers, I draw silhouettes on her skin at the apex of her thighs. “Your dragon needs a taste of you to hold him over for the meanwhile.”

“But you’re going to mess my hair up,” she protest in a breathy voice.

“Mmhmm,” I mumble, swiftly turning her over and laying flat on her on her back.

“But it took me a really long time to do it,” she murmurs, propping up on her elbows to watch my descent down her body. She’s all bark because she’s not putting up much of a fight.

Skimming my nose along the width of her thigh, I lightly sink my teeth into her.

Her lips part in a loud gasp, her eyes expanding and her face flushing. Desire flares within her and something dark and feral comes alive inside of her glossy orbs. With a heavy grunt she pushes at my chest until I allow her to pin me to the mattress. Her small hands hold mine down, pressing them high above my head.

She bends her head and leans forward, staring right into my eyes. “You bit me.”

“I did,” I say mockingly, feeling my dick stir in my pants, pushing against my zipper. “What are you going to do about it?”

Isabel grinds her hips roughly on top of mine and I take in a sharp breath. “You shouldn’t have done that, baby.” She drags her mouth across my cheek and bites my bottom lip, tugging roughly at it. She nips me with her teeth. I grunt when she breaks skin. Isabel licks the red droplet from my bottom lip. “I’m going to have to torture you now.”

“I like the idea of that, my sweet.”

She lifts a challenging brow and the impish gleam in her eyes intensifying. “We shall see.” Isabel lifts my shirt to place feather-light kisses across the skin of my abdomen. My muscles in my core tighten and constrict at the sensation of her soft lips marking me and the anticipation of where she’s heading. She hastily unbuckles my belt and yanks it free from all the loops in my jeans.

Isabel pops the button of my pants free, unzips it and pulls my jeans down until they reach my ankles. She plants her face in my groin and inhales deeply. I have to bite back a smile and laughter. “I’ve been waiting three years to do this.”

“Do what?” I ask, knowing exactly what she’s talking about.

Isabel looks up at me and narrows her eyes into slits. “You know.”

At the sight of her face stuffed in my crotch, I should be laughing hysterically. But the scene is visually erotic and I’m trying very hard not to just thrust myself in her mouth. I have never let Isabel go down on me. I’ve never let anyone go down on me before. The act itself seems too intimate and I have no control over it. I didn’t grow up with a lot of intimacy and going down on someone is the ultimate intimate act, so I get highly uncomfortable when it comes to having oral sex performed on me.

But Isabel gets what she wants.


“You know what I want to do,” she murmurs, caressing me through my boxers.

Narrowing I eyes at her, I bite down on my bottom lip hard and taste the sharp tang of my blood from where she nipped me. “Say it.”

“Say what?” she asks with false innocence, batting her thick lashes at me.

“Say you want to suck my cock, Isabel.”

She looks away briefly and grins at the wall, then turns her gaze back to me. “I want to suck your cock, Hunter.”

“Not good enough, baby,” I provoke, managing to keep a scowl on my face. “That doesn’t sound too convincing. Say you want to suck my cock like you mean it.”

She squeezes me harshly in her hand and I grunt in more pleasure than pain. She kisses my navel. “I want to suck your cock, baby. I want to make you come so hard you lose your sight and see stars. Now, well you be a good boy and let me suck your dick? Please?” 

My brows lift to my hairline and I can’t help but smile. “You may since you’ve asked so nicely.”

She reaches into the elastic waistband of my boxers and pulls out my hard cock, her fingers unable to wrap fully around me. Isabel looks down at my hardness in her hand, her gleeful eyes expanding. She leans forward with her lips puckered and plants a kisses the tip. My abdomen tightens like a stretched rubber band. I exhale very slowly. Damn that feels good. If I’m not careful, then I’m going to come before I get the full pleasure of experiencing her mouth for the first time.

“Do you like that?” She asks, smiling wickedly and still gripping my cock in her hand. She squeezes it a few times. “Does it feel good?”

My eyelashes involuntarily flutter closed. “Such a fucking tease.”

“Mm,” she mumbles, leisurely sliding her soft lips up and down my hard length. “You didn’t answer my question, baby.”

“You’re touching and kissing my cock, of course it feels good.”

I watch as her pink tongue comes out to lick the droplet of fluid oozing from the tip. She dips her head down, her tongue touching the base of the shaft, running all the way under it to my tip, licking along the my slit.

I squeeze my eyes shut, my chest heaving and my breath leaving out of my mouth in rugged grunts. “Oh, fuck.”

“I can taste you, Hunter,” Isabel says, beginning to lick faster, lapping at the head of my cock. “You taste really good. I like the taste of you so much that I could spread you on dry toast and eat you for breakfast.”

I burst into genuine laughter, but I have to stop immediately because I’m about three seconds away from erupting. Reaching, down I stroke her cheek of her face with my hand. She pauses to kiss my palm. “I love you, Isabel. Only you can make me laugh while receiving the best blow job of my existence. But I’m dying here, baby. Your teasing is killing me.” Pouting, I make the most pathetic face I can. “Don’t you think I suffered enough?”

She moans, the vibration flowing through her lips into my cock.

I have to force my hands into fist tightly in the sheets because it taking every ounce of my self-control to not grip her by the hair and fuck her face with abandonment until I’m contentedly relieved.

My balls have never felt heavier.

God damn it!

Isabel’s the master of head games.

To my surprise, she closes her warm and wet mouth around me and sucks earnestly like she came to lose. I smile inwardly at my joke. If I say that out loud, I wonder if she’d tell me how much of a smug bastard I am before she bites my dick in two.

With enthusiastic persistence Isabel suddenly cups my balls in her warm palm and squeezes hard, sucking all of me in her heavenly mouth with so much intense pressure it feels as though my ears will pop and my brain will explode.

She stops suddenly, tilting her head to the side. “Do you hear something?”

Mimicking her, I tilt my head and hear absolutely nothing but the sound of the wind outside. “No,” I mutter through gritted teeth. “Fuck, baby. I need your mouth back.”

“Hunter,” she says, gripping me tightly in her hand. “I could have sworn I heard a car.”

“Baby,” I groan desperately pained, on the verge of a temper tantrum. “Mouth. Now.”

She smirks, bending her head to take my throbbing dick inside of her pretty mouth once again and out of nowhere, a loud horn beeps twice, blaring throughout the silence of the woods.

“Got to go, honey,” Isabel says, rising to her feet too quickly.

I prop up on my shaky elbows, lifting myself to look at her. “C’mon, baby. You can’t leave me like this.”

The evil gleam in her eyes flares as she stares down at my engorged cock lying on my stomach. Then it occurs to me that she planned this entire thing. “Aw, poor baby. It looks so angry lying there like that.” She winks and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. “I would kiss it and make it better, but I really do have to get going.” She turns her back to me and walks out the room.

“Isabel, wait,” I call out, scrambling to my feet, pulling up boxers and almost tripping over my jeans that are tied and knotted around ankles.

That little devil.

When the hell did she do that?


 I look up in time to see her reaching for the latch of the front door with her back still to me. She gives me a unconcerned wave. “Bye, Hunter.”

“Fuck!” I pull up my pants and follow her, but she’s already inside the glossy black limo with bunch of giggling females and they’re all drunk.

The darkly tinted window rolls down and Harmony sticks her head out, her thick blonde curls falling in her face. “My Baby Daddy loves me. He got me car service so I could drink all I want. We’re going to rock out with our cocks out, Hunter! Fuck men. Women rule!”

All the girls cheer in laughter.

Isabel pushes Harmony back into her seat and gives me an apologetic smile through the window. “She’s drunk. She started early. Love you, Hunter.”

My mouth is agape as I watch the limo speed off. After staring down the dark empty street for infinite amount of time in disbelief, I lie on my back in bed and stare at the ceiling with my aching dick in my hand, stroking while I think about how Isabel left me completely defenseless with blue balls.

Exhaling heavily, I glance down at my throbbing cock that only seems to get harder.

She had fun torturing me. 

Isabel planned this.

Frowning, I give my dick another harsh stroke, getting nowhere.

“Fuck it.”

Slipping on my clothes and lacing up my black boots, I pull on my jacket and snatch my truck keys off the counter. I’m going to make the long drive out of town to Stone Vine and drag Isabel out kicking and screaming, then lead her back to my truck so I can retaliate by fucking her face senseless while I spank her ass for leaving me in this condition.

She’s going to pay.


It takes me a good hour and a half to arrive at Stone Vine. I hand the valet my keys and continue through the velvet rope entry into the lavish five star dining restaurant that also serves as a night club below. I give Falcon’s last name to the smiling hostess dressed in a posh black suit with her jet-black hair tied into a tight bun at the back of her head. She nods and tells me to wait a moment, then a slender young man with wiry ash brown hair appears dressed in the identical black suit as the hostess. He leads me to a bank of sleek elevators and presses a code into the button panel. We begin to descend smoothly down in comfortable silence. Electronic music comes alive and erupts in fast pace harmony when the elevator doors slide apart. I follow the guy throughout the multicolored dry ice haze of smoke, the heavy beats booming out the speakers vibrating under the soles if my boots.

I spot Isabel sipping bright yellow liquid from a tall glass that has a wide rim coated in crystals before he leads me to their blood-red booth. “I got it from here,” I tell him. He nods and disappears into the teaming crowd of glow sticks and sweaty bodies. I take a sit on the high stool once I reach the bar.

“Can I offer you anything to drink, sir?” a guy with dark dreadlocks asks.

Nodding, I lift my chin in Isabel’s direction. “I’ll have what the girl in the black dress is drinking.”

He follows my gaze and grins knowingly, nodding. A short while later he slides me a large glass filled with the same electric yellow drink on a napkin. I hand him a bill and press my lips to the coated sugar crystals on the rim, taking a big gulp.

It’s lemonade.

Settling on the stool, I lean my back against the bar and intently watch Isabel. She claps her hands and laughs in pure delight at something Harmony says. One of the girls comes back to the table with two armfuls of glowing accessories. She hands Isabel the glow-in-the-dark bunny ears and they all rush to the dance floor when a Beyoncé song comes on, laughing.

The attractive girl with long thick ringlets of dark hair flowing down her back runs her hands down the length of Isabel’s legs. She’s one of Isabel’s coworker friends and she’s just as drunk as Harmony is, but that doesn’t stop her from pressing against Isabel or Isabel grinding against her like a pussycat in heat. The sweet drink becomes tasteless in my mouth as I watch the women seductively dance on each other. They’re all hair swinging, tits jiggling, and ass swaying. My dick is instantly furious with me yet again. 

Pushing off the stool, I ease into the sea of bodies, my gaze sharp on her.



“I want to fuck you senseless in that dress until you scream my name,” Hunter whispers into my ear.

A fierce shudder ripples down my spine and my heart pounds hard in my chest, bouncing off my ribs. Every facet in my body tingles and I become instantly wet by his crude words. I open my eyes not the least surprised to see him here in front of me. “Took you long enough.”

He gives me a wicked grin that has my pulse soaring. “You aren’t mad.”

“No, I’m not,” I say, confirming his obvious statement. “I’m not fighting destiny, baby. But maybe you can find a way to make it up to me before the night ends.”

“Guess I’ll leave you two to it then,” Dasha says releasing me, stumbling back to our booth.

Hunter leans in close, placing his lips at my ear again. “I can’t wait to leave my handprints on your ass, but I’m going take your mouth first, then I want your screams.”

Without another word he wraps his large demanding hand around my elbow and drags me throughout the crowd and towards the exit. I lock eyes with a smirking Harmony and shout, “My horny fiancé wants me to perform extraordinary fellatio on him before he fucks me senseless in this dress, so I’m out!”

His lips curve up, but he doesn’t slow his pace once we’re outside. “Wait, wait, wait,” I protest, tugging on his strong arm as we pass the limo.

He pauses and looks down at me, his expression impatient and severe.

I glance back at the shiny vehicle and then into his eyes that shimmer like the darkest of sapphires. “You want to get sucked off in the back of a limo?”

Hunter scans the lot and his gaze lands on the driver who is leaning against the railing of the restaurant, smoking a cigarette and chatting on his mobile while leaning over to admire the flowerbed.

“It seems to me like he’s going to be on break for a while. At least long enough for an orgasm to occur,” I say, licking my suddenly dry lips.

  “Maybe long enough for four,” he replies quietly, urging me to the limo by my elbow as if I might run if he let me go. We crawl inside the luxurious leather interior when he opens the door. As soon as my backside settles on the fine seat Hunter gives his blonde head a shake. “I want you on your knees, facing my lap.”

Breathing ruggedly, I lower myself to the carpeted floor of the limo and sit back on my heels once I’m between Hunter’s legs, on my knees.

“Take me out, baby.” 

With deft fingers, I undo his belt buckle and pull his hard as steel erection free from his boxers.

“Kiss me,” he orders, his darkened eyes leveled on me with so much intensity that his gaze has me on the verge of my own orgasm.

Bending slightly, I press my puckered lips to his tip and kiss him. He jerks in my hand and I pull back to look at him, awaiting further directions.

His eyes flare as he sinks his white teeth into his bottom lip. “Now lick and suck me. Don’t stop until I tell you to.”

Doing as I’m told, I lick him from his tip to his shaft, enjoying myself as I start to suck. He grunts and shifts forward in his seat, thrusting into my throat. “Fuck. That feels good.” He reaches out and palms my breasts through the thin material of my dress. “Play with yourself, Isabel. Take yourself to the brink and then stop.”

Gripping him tight in one hand, I let the other trail down between my thighs. Sucking earnestly, I rub my clit hard over my damp panties until my internal muscles clench for something that isn’t there and my abdomen tightens. Pleasurable warmth floods me. Moaning while he’s still in my mouth, I’m unable to top what my fingers are doing.

This feels out of this world good.

I need to come.


“Stop touching yourself,” he commands harshly.

I instantly drop my hand, but not for long because I have to brace my hands on Hunter’s muscular thighs to keep myself upright as he grips two fistfuls of my hair and begins to fuck my mouth without mercy. He thrusts his thick erection down my throat so hard my eyes water. I almost gag, but I don’t because I focus on breathing through my stinging nose. “Baby, your mouth is unbelievable. I should have let you suck my dick sooner.” He wrenches my head back and looks into my eyes. “What do you think?”

I lick my lips to keep his taste inside of my mouth. “I think―”

He shoves my head back down on the long length of him, twisting his fingers in my long hair. “Changed my mind,” he says with cruel indifference that has me wetting my panties. “I don’t care what you think. Suck me harder.” 

“Arrogant fucker,” I mumble, slurping like I have new Popsicle flavor I’m in love with, which I am.

He bends to brutally smack my ass with a heavy strike of his large palm. I groan out as the pain shoots straight between my legs, causing me to become wetter. My thighs are soaked with arousal.

Hunter forces my head further down on the length of him and he fucks the back of my throat. He uses me as he sees fit and although this should be wrong and degrading, it feels too right and too good to be such a sin. I’m getting off on this just as much as he is. His hands tighten in my hair and he roots himself in my throat, coming so hard I threaten to suffocate from it. I jerk back. He removes his hands from my hair, laughing breathlessly as I watch his seed explode all over me like an uncontrolled high pressure fountain. Wet stickiness splatters across the front of my dress as I look down at myself in amused horror.

“There is no way I could have swallowed all of that.”

He gives me a lazy smile. “It looks nice on your dress like that.” He gives me a wink that sets my body ablaze. “Stay on your knees.”

Nodding, I stay where I am as Hunter lifts from the seat and repositions behind me. His swift fingers trail up the back of my heated thighs, gripping my panties.

“Put your hands behind your back,” he orders sternly, pulling the lacy material down my legs. Hunter uses my damp panties as restraints to tie my hands once I comply. He places a heavy palm on the middle of my back and shoves me against the seat until my back is nicely arched and my bare ass is lifted up to his hard stomach.

I shudder fiercely when he leans forward, placing his warm lips to the shell of my ear. He wraps his long fingers around my throat as he begins to whisper, “You’ve been a naughty girl tonight, leaving me utterly defenseless like that. I should spank your ass, huh?”

Groaning, I constantly rub up against him, wanting his strong hands on me and him inside of me.

His free hand vigorously caresses me between my legs, his fingers sliding effortlessly through my folds. He pinches my clit with his thumb and forefinger, his other digits sinking into me. His breath beats at my ear as his hand flexes on my throat, tightening.

A guttural moan leaves my lips and I come just from the feel of his powerful hand on my throat and his clever fingers between my legs. 

“You know I like verbal answers, Isabel. So I’ll ask you again. I should spank your ass, shouldn’t I?”


His lips skim down my cheek and he bites me on the edge of my jaw. I mewl when he removes his fingers from between my legs. “Beg me.”


“Please what?”

“Please spank me,” I plead earnestly, pushing against him to gain more friction.

He shoves me forward and I can’t help but whine when I lose the touch of his erection on my backside. “Beg harder.”

“Please spank me. Please. I need your hands on me. Now. Please.” I have to suck on my bottom lip to keep from crying like a baby.

“Mm,” he hums low in my ear and I experience a mini orgasm. “Tell me why you need a spanking.”

“Because,” I pant, “I’ve been a bad girl tonight. I left you with blue balls on purpose. I’m sorry.”

A sharp pain ripples across my ass when Hunter strikes me with his palm. “No, you’re not.” He continues to supply slaps that are on the verge of harsh to my ass, but I know he’s holding his strength back. The pain is sharp but it isn’t his usual biting pain he can deliver. My backside is stinging with his handprints when he stops and lifts me by my armpits, flipping me over and sitting me on the seat. He grips my legs, urging my hips to very edge of the black leather seat.

Gasping, I lean back on my tightly fastened hands and watch as he devours me with his hungry mouth. His tongue tantalizingly part my wet folds and ruthlessly circling my clit. Tossing my head back and shutting my eyes, I squeeze my legs together, loving the sensation of his rough stubble scrapping against my thighs. He moans into me, causing the familiar warmth to pool low in my abdomen from the vibration. My entire body trembles when he intensely sucks me into his mouth. A bolt of hot-white pleasure zaps down my spine. My hips immediately lift off the seat.

He uses his hands to hold me down, his tongue dipping inside of me. “No running, my sweet. I want you still.”

I bite my lip hard, desperately trying to stifle the hysterical scream in the back of my throat. The building pleasure overwhelms me. My body bucks and writhes under his unyielding mouth. Releasing a guttural scream, I freeze. Warm fluid flows from within and me. Mortified, I keep my eyes closed. This is so embarrassing, but Hunter doesn’t seem to mind because he laps at the sheen that coats my slit and both of my thighs, letting nothing go to waste.

He leans back suddenly, beginning to rub my clit furiously with his hand.

“Oh, no. Please. I can’t,” I plead, feeling the muscles in my arms strain in protest and my stomach tightening.

“You can. You will,” he growls viciously. “Come. Now.”

My breath catches in my throat as wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure strikes me until my body is seized in a haze of lethargic exertion. This doesn’t deter Hunter from laying me on my belly with my knees planted on the carpeted floor of the limo. He shifts my weakened limps to his liking, repositioning my ass until its high in the air. Hunter has me bent over the seat with my backside bare and vulnerable.

He doesn’t take his time when he surges deep, thrusting so hard I blink back floating spots. “Baby, you feel too good,” he whispers sinisterly in my ear, nipping my lobe hard enough it stings.

“Are you going to talk me to death or fuck me harder,” I laugh breathlessly. The feel of his sleek and heated skin touching mine is perfectly wonderful. Hunter’s a high that doesn’t compare.

He gathers my hair in a large fistful and yanks until I wince. “My baby loves it rough.” He pounds into me in a steady and deep rhythm, filling me completely and tugging my hair.

The pain spikes throughout my scalp and ripples down my body. Grunting, I close my legs to Hunter. He tsks, swatting my backside quite nicely. Closing my legs to him is the wrong thing to do. He simply pries them apart, pulling out only to ram back into me. I come from his powerful thrusts, feeling faint.

“Please,” I whisper so low I doubt he hears me.

I’m going to pass out.

 “My poor baby.” He rains searing kisses across the back of my sensitive neck, his teeth biting down on my erratic pulse. “She can’t do anything all tied and bound like this. So helpless, yet so fucking greedy.” He reaches down to rub me harshly between my legs. My body stiffens and we come together. He collapses on me, laughing deliriously. Hunter and I instantly tense. The chauffeur opens the driver’s door and eases back into his seat. He is still talking on his mobile.

“…did I mention I loved my job today? Yeah. I gotta car full of hot drunk chicks to look after. It’s cool, though. I mean, they’re all fine as fuck.”

“At least the partition is up,” Hunter says.

Laughing, I nod. “Thank God for partitions.”

I feel Hunter smile in my hair before he unties my hands, stuffing my panties in his jean pocket. He quickly dresses me and then himself. “We’re going to run to my truck and get the fuck out of here before we both get a ticket.” I nod and then we stumble out of the limo and race to his truck holding hands and laughing, smiling at one another like a couple of high school kids running from mall cops.

“Hey!” The driver shouts.

My legs are shaky and hardly able to support my weight, but I don’t dare stop running. He gets inside the truck before me and has to reach over to open my door, pulling me up into the cab. I buckle my seatbelt and once the click registers we’re out.

Hunter presses on the accelerator and the wind from the rolled down windows blow our hair everywhere. He grips the steering wheel tightly, grinning over at me and biting down on his lip. “I think I want to get a limo now, just so we can fuck in it.”

Snorting on a laugh, I shake my head and grab a handful of messy blonde hair. I give his locks a tug and he looks at me, his twinkling blue eyes dark in the moonlight. “I love you, Hunter.”

His beautiful eyes go soft, shifting back to the road. “Love you more. Always have. Always will.” He removes my hand in his hair only to bring my knuckles to his soft lips, pressing a kiss there.

I shiver in my seat, pressing my thighs together.

“We’re going to shower when we get home and sleep for the next two days. I’m exhausted,” he says, squeezing my hand and watching the road.


But what he doesn’t know is that I’m going to fuck his brains out in the shower.

He delivered on his promise of four orgasms and some.

The twinkling lights of my glowing bunny ears dance across the dark glass of the window. Looking at the window, I take in my wild hair and smudge lipstick and runny mascara that streaks my face on the reflection of the glass.

I look like a hooker after a long night.

A huge smile takes over my face.

I love me some Hunter Knight.