Pure Perception (Web of Deception #2) by Michelle Watson - HTML preview

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Hunter age nine

Isabel age eight


My heart is beating as fast as fluttering bird wings. I stare down at my shiny white dress shoes with Isabel in thought.

“Feet don’t fail me now,” I say to myself as I take steady steps through the white aisle. With each step I take, I get closer and closer to the flowery alter, the fragment scent of orchards and roses wafting throughout the air.

I take in our small crowd of faces. Hero smiles at me and laughs as he says something to Tyler. Tyler is leaning his head on Hero’s shoulder as he visually sighs into him. Tyler wipes at his leaking eyes with the sleeves of his white shirt and Hero curls an arm around his back and grins down at him. My eyes shift to Isabel’s mom who is dressed in a pale yellow dress that looks like morning sunrise on her. She smiles at me and her gaze translates she has all the faith in the world in me and Isabel.

She believes in us.

Caleb grins at me, gripping a bible tightly in his hands. I grin back, never imagining my father as the ordained minister solemnizing our wedding ceremony. He loves me. I know this. But it’s still so strange to see him here, dressed in a white a holy robe after all the sinful things I’ve witnessed him do.

Taking a deep breath, I shake it off and enjoy it, enjoy everyone that’s here, enjoy my wedding day that I will never forget.

I’m marrying my best friend today. Not many people are that lucky. Not many people are that fortunate. But I am.

The golden sun breaks through the thinning clouds, beaming through the canopy of green treetops as if God himself is blessing us. Isabel and her father begin to walk down the snow white aisle, the soft melody of piano keys floating with every step they take from a small radio nearby. I don’t recognize the gentle lullaby.

But it’s beautiful.

My wide eyes land on Isabel in her ivory dress and my stomach trips over itself. I have butterflies. I’ve never had butterflies before. This is all strange, so beautifully strange. She really does look like a princess with the rays of golden warmth shining on her. The daisy crown sits perfectly on top of her dark flowing hair that’s waving down her back.

The pounding in my chest grows faster when she smiles shyly at me. Water hits my eyes when her father places her hand in mine. He’s giving Isabel to me and the serious look of happiness and sadness tells me how important she is to him, how I can’t mess this up, how we’re meant to be together.

She’s mine to protect.

She’s mine to love.

She’s mine to cherish.

My father opens his bible, but before he begins to read, I lean in close to place my lips at Isabel’s ear.

She has to know something before we’re married.

Something I’ve been waiting to tell her since I saw her.

Something that will never change.

“You and me, Isabel. Forever.”

I lean back to capture her face.

She nods in agreement, staring deep into my eyes and her bright smile widens. “Forever, Hunter.”

I close my eyes and bow my head, smiling because I know she means it.
