Purgatory by BG Britton - HTML preview

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She is a very attractive lady with a bubbly personality.  At the same time, she does not suffer fools easily. She  is loads of fun and smart too and is a hoot to be  around. She is also a dynamic businesswoman who runs a successful guest house in La Lucia where guests are treated like royalty. You can book directly at Bella Vista Guest House, La Lucia 083 703 5750.

Jenny has the looks and personality to grow the  business in the future and has plans in the pipeline to

increase the number of suites on offer. She has enjoyed a long relationship with her soul mate, the author of Ambush Alley, who treats her and their friendship with enormous respect. She maintains that her rich, financial executive son is her major accomplishment to date.

She is an executive member of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley.




Pierre is a world traveller and outspoken critic of the current governing party in South Africa. He is known to be a friend of the legendary Delarey and socialises with members of the Klu Klux Klan. His height and right hook earned him a place in the Sharks rugby line-up in former years and accounts for his stumbling gait today. He only takes instruction from his bright and successful better half, Cheryl, with whom he is constantly in  trouble. Pierre is a frequent flier and lands often in Turkey where he is remembered for his regular trashing of local bougainvillea plants. He acts as an undercover agent for the Stellenbosch white capital mafia and has effectively infiltrated the ISIS organization using his clever disguises. He  seldom can  remember  where  his  car is parked and often finds it parked in his garage at home. He is not comfortable with this Uber thing yet.


He is an executive member of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley.




Dawn is a Stock Exchange pundit, wine taster of distinction and grandmother to the rich and famous. Known as the black widow in some quarters she is instantly recognisable by her outrageous giggle and laugh routine. She is an original member of the Angelo’s Ladies Club and is a frequent flier to exotic places. Her family despairs of her bohemian lifestyle and are constantly trying to clip her wings. Prefers the company of the younger set and is sometimes spotted downing shooters with her errant grandchildren. She runs a successful Facebook Campaign and is seldom seen without  her  face  buried  in  the  latest  share  tips   or Facebook gossip.


She is an executive of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley.



He is the author of this piece of literary nonsense. He was once an accountant but has since been proven to be better at carousing and bull-dusting. He plies his   trade


these days on Ambush Alley in the vain hope of a little friendship and a free drink. He is tolerated by most of the inhabitants of the village because of his reputed, but never proven, connection to the Broederbond, Mafia and Sea Point Girl Guides Troop. He frequently arranges impromptu meetings at Luigi’s on Ambush Alley for which minutes are rarely kept. He is a long time soul- mate of Jenny Elkington whom he convinces himself is  a reincarnation of the actress Meg Ryan. Another of his daytime delusions is that he once played    professional football. Seeing his shuffling and uncertain

gait, members are in serious doubt about the veracity of this claim. He maintains that his only achievement in life is his three smart and successful sons in Gauteng.

He was reluctantly elected as an executive member of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley by   a quorum of disgruntled, compromised members and a split vote.




She is still classically beautiful after giving birth to four talented and gorgeous daughters. Her blue eyes, high cheekbones and blonde hair have been inherited by one of her daughters, Olivia, who is now famous as an international swim suit edition super model. Sue is the energetic owner of ‘Safaris for Africa’ a specialist travel agency offering tours throughout the Southern African sub-continent. Born to a financial mogul father, Sue at once packs beauty and business brains into a tall, willowy frame which makes her the centre of interest of the  rich  and famous in Umhlanga Rocks. A  voracious appetite for chips and Italian Kisses allows her, on occasion, to leave her teetotaller fetish and whirl uncontrollably in dance on the Ambush Alley paving.


She is an executive member of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley.




He was an aging rock musician with a burgeoning following in Umhlanga Rocks, Maputo, Vereeniging and Denysville. He is known also as the Willy Nelson of Ambush Alley because of his inexplicable predilection with country music. Patrons avoid discussions about the war, the cost of car repairs and past sexual conquests as these topics tend to delay Jeff’s appearance on stage. Seldom in a pleasant mood he is nevertheless regarded as an icon in the Umhlanga Village and is a pioneer of much of the debauchery occurring in the alley.  He  enjoys  a  symbiotic  relationship  with Papa


Paparides, the owner of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley. Recently Jeff was the victim of a stroke from which he was rehabilitating and the executive, management, patrons, fans and members of Luigi’s all hoped for his speedy recovery and return to the musical spotlight at the now famous Ambush Alley venue. Sadly Jeff was forced to undergo an amputation of his left leg and later passed away on April 15, 2017.

He is missed by all.

He was an executive member of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley.



Property mogul, bed and breakfast owner, business guru, party favourite and amateur pole dancer Chris is, although claiming permanent retirement, the    busiest


opportunist in the village. Often seen scurrying between high powered meetings, shopping errands for his wife or frequent cocktail appointments, which occur all day  long, he is a blur of activity in the Umhlanga Village. Exhausted from his frenetic endeavours, he was once found asleep in an empty chest freezer. He is often mistaken  for  Dudley  Moore,  the  intrepid  star  of the movie ‘Arthur’. He travels the world frenetically, often and is sometimes found in two places at the same time. The man is an energetic giant. Chris is also a gadget  fanatic owning every conceivable device that you can fly in, ride on, ride in, communicate with, speak to dubious third parties on or mix cocktails in. His  gorgeous wife just shakes her head resignedly. The lady should be knighted.


Due to the size of his liquor bills he was unanimously elected vice-chairman of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley.



Author of six World War Two history books Bill is the retired former vice chairman, then  chairman  of  the  South  African  Military  History  Society  –  Kwa  Zulu Natal.


 Formerly the Works Manager at Coca-Cola, Bill never goes near the stuff but prefers a wee dram (sometimes more, sometimes a lot more). He can conduct a tour at Spioenkop without spilling a drop and is a raconteur of some distinction. Bill was an erudite confidante of the famous and late war historian Ken Gillings. Although resident in South Africa for over fifty years he has never lost his Clydesdale Shipyards brogue which totally confounds the Zimbabwean waitrons at Luigi’s and most of the patrons. He is presided over by wife Kathleen who allows him out to play with the boys in  the Village on occasion. Bill always says Kathleen left Ireland and came to Scotland to find the right man and got that wrong too.


Bill was unanimously elected as Chairman of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley in December 2016.



Sexy  Sissel,  the  Author’s  Norwegian  sister  from  another  mother,  brings Nordic glamour  and  flight  attendant  courtesy  to  the  village.  An  expert  chef,   gravlax


 specialist and go-go dancer of repute Sissel puts the sizzle into every party and is a favourite with local tipplers along the Ambush Alley strip. When not wiggling and jiving she is a highly qualified guide for visitors to South African shores and sometimes leads large Scandinavian tour groups to the Drakensberg resorts, KwaZulu game lodges and Cape Vineyards. She travels frequently to her native Norway but has lost her Nordic accent speaking today in fluent and well- modulated English. Mother of a delightful son and daughter, Sissel brings an international, poised and sophisticated cosmopolitan atmosphere to proceedings in the alley.


She is an executive member of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley.



Long suffering wife of the Sheik of Arabique, Pierre Winterbach, she represents   the brains and beauty in the family. She often modestly overlooks Pierre’s  shortcomings


 and just conscientiously drives the camel train from oasis to oasis while Pierre wanders aimlessly in the rear of the procession. An executive in the motor industry she does not abide fools easily and many members of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley bear unhealed wounds from a scrap with the feisty Cheryl. In party mode she is a pleasure to be around and adds to the bohemian and hedonistic mayhem often encountered in the alley. She often steers Pierre home as he suffers from post- traumatic stress developed in Border Wars, bar fights and loose scrums.


She is an executive member of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley.



Greek owner of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley regrets daily his decision to purchase this Italian restaurant with the only genuine Italian food being the Italian Kisses ordered in abundance by Sue Garson. The ostensibly Italian restaurant is the only one in the Umhlanga Village that boasts a Greek owner, a Piazza Oven, a country and western singer and a dance floor. A large hole in the roof of the restaurant (where once grew a shady and gnarled fig tree that blew over in a storm) serves now as summer air conditioning and allows storm water to flow freely through the eatery as an


 attractive  water  feature.  The  restaurant has  become the clubhouse of the executives of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley and was recently awarded the ‘Unbelievable Red Wine Consumers Award’ for the highest per capita red wine consumption in South Africa. Papa, as he is affectionately known, remains up-beat about most things and liberally dispenses love, free food, free drink and largesse in the tradition of a true Don. Although not expected to kiss his ring Luigi’s on Ambush Alley members nevertheless afford the Don the highest respect, much affection and even settle their bills on occasion as a sign of good faith.


He is the Don of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley.



An elder statesman, he is known to dispense valuable advice and knowledge to mainly female constituents of the Umhlanga Village. While keeping his tongue glib


with lashings of red wine he has helped many a wayward lass with new direction in life. A sometime resident and joint property owner in the Seychelles, he often wings it to that exotic island to tend the family property portfolio. Known to some as Mr Pringle  because of his vast collection of designer shirts, he dabbles successfully in the futures markets. When not advising the lovely Belinda or savouring red wine on Ambush Alley, he curries favour and appears to be a favourite with the girls of the Kung Thai restaurant. Colin often exhibits impeccable taste in wine, woman and not song but food. He is contactable only through his attorney.


He is a life member of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley.



This lady is a handful. When meeting her for the first time visitors to Umhlanga are advised to wear an asbestos suit and goggles. Extremely pretty, funny,


sarcastic, bright and a perpetual tease, you had better bring your ‘A’ game if you wish to survive an encounter with this hot local in the village. I once saw her verbally savage a local attorney leaving the legal eagle looking like a simpering flightless, featherless chicken. She has an industrious daughter who manages a restaurant in the village and who is regularly found helping victims scorched by her mother. Her patron, the honourable  elder Colin Maclean, attempts constantly to advise this livewire  of fun on etiquette and good social behaviour. This fruitless endeavour certainly accounts for Colin’s several new wrinkles.


She is a stalwart of the area and can be relied upon to add sizzle to any otherwise boring party. Invite her at your peril.

She is an executive member of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley.




She is the widow of the well-loved late Pat Lloyd, a Springbok fisherman and veteran of the Umhlanga Village. Prior to his untimely death he was an enthusiastic tippler on Ambush Alley. Leslie has carried on Pat’s tradition but as yet has no fish named after her. A serious businesswoman in her own right she is the mega-mogul of a furniture manufacturer and retailer in the village. Leslie runs her life with precision using a neatly hand-written diary containing daily ‘to do’ lists. Better leave town if you do not fulfil a task on one of  her lists. She is an enthusiastic member of the ‘Angelo’s Ladies Club’ and keen bridge player. Leslie has great empathy with the younger talent in the village and is known to be a keen supporter of the spritely Bob the Builder and heartthrob Ryno Walker. Frequent traveller her preferred mode of transport is by international luxury liner.


She is an executive member of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley.



Jackie is well read, well-travelled, well informed and well just pleasant to be with. She has learned that empty barrels make most noise and does not cast pearls before


the swine. She makes polite well thought out discussion with parties who can be entrusted with the well- researched dispensed facts. She is currently teaching Gert Lacher the importance of listening and the entire village wishes Jackie success with that particular project. Being dextrous she can drink both white and red wine with equal aplomb. Lunches discretely and often and  can always be relied for restaurant recommendations. She consorts with the vagrant author of this book and does not allow him to wander too far off the  reservation.


She is an executive member of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley.



Kim is a beautiful and fascinating lady with wide indigo eyes, curvy body, flashing smile and sweeping black hair that falls across part of her flawless face. She has


mesmerised many a keen, unsuspecting and panting young man in her time. As if God had not endowed her with enough goodies, He had thrown in a caring nature and loads of smarts. She was a budding creative  author, dynamic mom, gorgeous friend, astute bookkeeper and she beguiled all in a charming. While her brother from another mother, Bryan Britton, was searching for an Australian Wine Farmer to light up Kim’s life, she went and found an Austrian mega-mogul by   herself.   Is   anyone’s   daughter   looking   to  be introduced to a distraught, rich Aussie farmer?


She is a country member of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley



Retired international market trader Paul still follows the international press daily. He commutes between Cypress and Umhlanga Rocks depending on the weather being experienced in each of the respective resorts. He is a food gourmet but does not cook as a rule. He does however own the biggest library of cook books on the African continent. He has a season ticket for the bar at the ‘Steak ‘n Ale’ and rarely misses a round. Deluded patrons who say that he is losing his hearing are just plain


wrong as I have heard him correcting grammar  bloopers made by local and international television sports casters. He dines finely and often and is the scourge of waitrons, restaurant managers and owners with his culinary demands. This could be yet another case of the British bringing refined European culinary knowledge to the last outpost of the British Empire.


He is an executive member of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley



She is a lady in the truest sense. She demonstrates fine breeding being at once refined, independent, cultured, intelligent and loyal. Oh if I was richer and  younger.


Colleen is a business mogul in the village with many respected connections. She is the owner of an upmarket art gallery which judging by the quality of Colleen’s classy  outfits and exquisite jewellery, also dabbles occasionally in hot properties. She tolerates the lesser bred members of the executive of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley and is a patient and faithful friend to many. When sufficiently motivated can embezzle wine with the best of them. Almost forgot that she has a lovely sense of humour and laughs with but not at her counterparts. She is also a member of the Saturday Club at the George where she gives the boys a run for their money.


She is an executive member of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley




Gert is German by birth but has mastered the English language impressively. He is a manufacturer and marketer of fine jewellery and is the village’s go to man in these matters. Has a son upon whom he dotes and makes his son his number one priority. He is currently taking lessons from Jackie on when and when not to speak. This is still a work in progress at the moment. Is the source of widely diverse information on the music scene and the various musical  genres. He  is not  to  be  challenged on  this subject as those doubting his knowledge invariably end up buying copious rounds of beer.


He is an executive member of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley.



The ‘Walking Groin’ in the village, Ryno took over the title from Russell ‘The Love Muscle’ when the latter was sadly retired from racing due to a strained right  fetlock.


Despite his advanced years Ryno chases anything rich and female. He was once almost run over in Chartwell Drive whilst pursuing a German Shepherd bitch sitting  in the passenger seat of a BMW Cabriolet. He is the  Don Juan of the Umhlanga Village. Despite  his advanced years he keeps his frame lean on a diet of mulberry leaves, mopani worms and Amstel Light. Besides being an ideal dance partner Ryno shows an astonishing empathy for nature and Zulu culture which led to him being a game ranger for a number of years. He is fully conversant in isiZulu. Not known as a big spender he is nevertheless valued as a guest in the village for his knowledge of KwaZulu Natal fauna, flora and natural history. He is frequently  spotted weaving his way home to Umdloti with his faithful dog Holly at the controls of his pre-war motor cycle.


He is an executive member of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley.



She is the much-loved Grand Duchess of Umhlanga Rocks. She is equally at home in Chanel dripping diamonds or in a safari suit toting a rifle. She undertakes  mammoth


journeys to far flung destinations on her own. Her bravery is astounding. When not bringing down elephants needing culling she is handing out prizes at St Benedict’s College in Bedfordview. I often wish that I  had a grandmother like her. A founder member of the Angelo’s Ladies Club she is a long-time friend of Steph. She was recently honoured by the mortals on Ambush Alley.

She is now an honorary life member of the executive  of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley.



Former major of the Umhlanga she has retired to the outskirts of the village from whence she departs daily for her various assignations, luncheons and visitations. She


is always chic, well-groomed and fashionable. Pundits speculate that there is a new man in her life. She meets regularly with her Angelo’s friends who all remain tight lipped. Friend Brenda is no help either saying merely that the whole affair is sub judice. All attempts to follow Steph have proved fruitless and she even gave the slip to John, the village’s only private detective. The author will attempt to discover the truth about Steph’s secret love life before publication of this book. Watch this space.

She  is  an  honorary  life  member  of  the  executive of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley.



Resident in Umhlanga Rocks for work purposes, Francois owns several residences in Cape Town where his family lives. A highly qualified Metallurgist and Businessman  he is one of the few villagers earning an honest living. Francois spends 97% of his time travelling between Meyerton, Gauteng, Umhlanga Rocks, Cape Town and Mauritius and the remaining 3% at Luigi’s on Ambush Alley. Once a famous long distance cyclist, the pressure of work has forced him to hang up his cycling helmet. Father of a delightful son and daughter at Stellenbosch University, Francois says that he brings his hard-earned income through the front door each month just to feed  the bulldozer at the back door.

He is an honorary life member of the executive of Luigi’s on Ambush Alley


Travel Guru, historian, reveller of note and partner of the gorgeous blond model  Sue, Greg can, in an instant, turn any polite discussion into a party of staggering proportions. Host to the Ghandi family from India on their annual sabbatical to South Africa, to visit commemorative and historical Mahatma Ghandi sites, he is an erudite travel organizer and travel guide.

Sadly, Greg’s permission to publish further details and photographs about himself could not be obtained by this author. Greg sites infringement of the National Secrets Act, possible interest from the CIA, possible patrimony suits and retribution by disgruntled former customers as reasons for wishing to remain incognito.

Greg is an honorary life member of the executive of Luigi’s on A