Purgatory by BG Britton - HTML preview

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The date as I write this is April 24, 2017. Almost thirteen years have elapsed since I suffered a stroke and, as predicted by the physicians, my condition has degenerated and worsened alarmingly.

Today is especially bad in that my one functioning limb, my right leg,  has been affected by gout under the kneecap. I am thus hobbling about the apartment in great pain and using my three-wheeled walker.

The damage from the stroke has resulted in wasted musculature in my body generally but especially noticeable on the left side. My left hand is all but useless and has permanent stiffness in the fingers and constant ‘pins and needles’. My left foot has two iceberg abysses located in the heel and ball of the foot and is also affected by diabetic condition known as crow’s foot. My left leg from ankle to hip is almost entirely lame.

I have the condition known as frozen shoulder in both my left and right shoulders.

In attempting to free the constriction in my shoulders using Omega 3 and Salmon Oil the resultant release of calcium has played havoc with my left arm which remains swollen, painful and almost useless. Happily, the frozen right shoulder is now unfrozen.

I have arthritis in my right wrist and my right hand is swollen with little feeling. My right knee, which had the cartilage removed in the late sixties, is frequently affected by gout attacks.

I have a hernia in my stomach region which requires an operation.

I have no medical aid support and admission to a government hospital is likely to bring death from some new alien infection.

The nerve endings in the underside of both feet are dead making balance difficult and I have to rely on sight and ear fluid to maintain balance. My long-term memory is still pretty good but short term recall  is worsening by the day.

Lack of the funds has caused me to stop purchasing prescribed chronic medication at R1, 000 per month so my diabetes, arthritis, heart, kidney and blood conditions are receiving no remedial assistance.

The diabetes continues to play havoc with me eyes.

It is for these reasons that I am beginning to wonder about the  existence of a pre-death purgatory here on earth.
