Purgatory by BG Britton - HTML preview

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‘Purgatory’ is the sequel to the book ‘A Bridge Too Far’ which was first published on the free e-books site on October 16, 2012. ‘A Bridge Too Far’ has been downloaded 3,200 times to-date.

‘Purgatory’ covers the years from 2012, when I was 62 years of age, until 2017  when I turned 67.

‘A Bridge Too Far’ ended summarising forty odd years of my life and business thus: ‘I salute all of those who have risked much to forge new entities capable of creating new  employment opportunities  for  others.  It is  a  lonely  and  often discouraging


furrow to plough but South Africa's horrific forty plus per cent unemployment rate demands that many more of these adventurous and courageous entrepreneurs put up their hands.

If any young person reading this is unsure about his or her future direction in life, may I suggest accounting   as   a professional career? The reward is good, you get to go to some unique places and meet some interesting people and there is very definitely never a dull moment.


In three years’ time my disability benefit ceases and I will be required once more to work. The limping old man with the lederhosen and the beady eye will then be starting a new career.

I wonder what it will be.