Raising Nancy by Michel Poulin - HTML preview

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08:00 (New Zealand Time)

Monday, May 13, 2960 B.C.E. ‘A’

Time Patrol mobile base, future site of Auckland

North Island, New Zealand


Ingrid let out a sigh of relief when she found herself where she had wanted to be: she had not been sure that her special Time Patrol implants were still fully functional after all these years spent out of contact with the Time Patrol, an organization co-founded by her late adoptive mother, Nancy Laplante ‘A’, and dedicated to protecting known history from illegal time travel tampering.  Ingrid had been a field agent of the Time Patrol for close to thirty years now, acting as a ‘resident agent’ for Timeline ‘C’, with the main task of watching for and countering any interference in that timeline by the now defunct Imperium.  With the disappearance of the Imperium ‘C’, which had been erased from future history some sixteen years ago in her own biological time, her main mission as a resident agent had come to an end.  While she was still officially a resident agent of the organization and still had her special field agent implants, which allowed her to travel through time and to manipulate time to her advantage, she had not come here or met other Time Patrol members for a good fifteen years.  However, she now needed their help if she was going to save nineteen innocent lives and prevent a possible nuclear war in her timeline.


Walking up the sandy beach on which she had appeared and heading towards the huge metallic sphere constituting the mobile base of the Time Patrol, Ingrid exchanged greetings in passing with members of the Time Patrol and their family members who were sunbathing on the beach and who were probably mistaking her for one of her two timeline twins, Ingrid ‘A’ and Ingrid ‘B’, who had both been saved by Nancy Laplante during World War 2 and who had become field agents of the organization.  Ingrid ‘C’ couldn’t help hesitate and then change course when she saw Ken Dows ‘B’, the timeline twin of her late and only husband, Ken Dows ‘C’, who had been killed in the Philippines in 1941 ‘C’ while fighting the Japanese.  Her husband may have been dead for 56 years of her biological time but she still cherished his memory and visited his grave every year at the Arlington National Cemetery.  Stopping next to Ken ‘B’ and kneeling near his head, she bent down and kissed him on the lips with a passion that surprised him, although it also pleased him.

‘’Wow!  What did I do to merit such a nice kiss, Ingrid?  Uh, how come you look so young now?’’

‘’It’s because I am Ingrid ‘C’ and because I am now a Chosen of The One, with powers as great as those of Nancy ‘A’.  I came to seek the help of the Time Patrol to avoid a possible nuclear war in 1989 ‘C’ between the United States and the Soviet Union and also to save innocent lives from imminent death.’’

Ken’s smile faded at once, replaced by a somber expression as he stared into Ingrid’s eyes.  He then got up from his beach towel and picked it up while speaking.

‘’Then I will accompany you to Mike’s office.’’

‘’Mike is still the Chief of Operations of the Time Patrol?’’

‘’He still is, while Farah Tolkonen has accepted to become again our Chief Administrator some ten years ago, after first quitting her post following Nancy ‘B’s revolt.’’

Ingrid nodded her head at that, having been briefed in the past about those events.  Nancy ‘B’, the timeline twin of her adoptive mother, had revolted and became an independent agent after her unwanted pregnancy from King Louis XIV had been poorly handled by Farah Tolkonen, who had accused Nancy ‘B’ of violating Time Patrol rules.  As far as Ingrid knew, Nancy ‘B’ was still an independent agent living twin lives in the 17th and 19th Centuries.


Using an elevator cage to enter the huge, 600 meter-diameter sphere which constituted the mobile base of the Time Patrol, a base able to fly by itself and jump space-time at will in order to evade possible attackers, Ingrid and Ken went up to the level containing the executive offices of the organization, then walked down a wide circular corridor before stopping in front of a sliding door, where Ken rang a buzzer before entering.  Both then found themselves in a comfortable but not overly luxurious office, where the sight of the big, handsome man sitting behind a work desk made Ingrid’s heart race.  Mike Crawford ‘B’ was her adoptive father and had been Nancy ‘A’s husband until her death in Kurdistan in Timeline ‘A’, when she had been killed by a mortar bomb while she was doing her job as a war reporter.  Mike, on his part, looked with surprise at her teenage face.

‘’Ingrid, how come you look so young?  And are you Ingrid ‘A’ or Ingrid ‘B’?’’

‘’Neither, Mike!  I am Ingrid ‘C’ and I came to ask for the help of the Time Patrol.’’

‘’Ingrid ‘C’?  Don’t tell me that some lost Imperium ‘C’ warship has appeared in your time.’’

‘’No, not that, Mike.  The trouble in my timeline is purely of local making.  But first, I must do something.’’

Walking quickly around his desk, Ingrid then kissed Mike Crawford ‘B’, who did nothing to stop her.  At the end of it, Ingrid unglued herself from him and looked at him with a somber expression. 

‘’Mike, I just came from the year 1989 ‘C’, from May 14 to be more exact, and there is a very real risk that a nuclear war could happen between the United States and the Soviet Union.  I came to ask for the help of the Time Patrol to prevent such a war and also save some innocent lives at imminent risk of death.’’

Mike nodded his head and pointed at a set of two sofas and one low table in one corner of his office.

‘’Then, let’s sit down and tell me about your problem, Ingrid.’’


With the three of them going to sit on the sofas, Ingrid then spent a few minutes to relate and explain what had been happening in her timeline, plus what was now at stake.  At the end, Mike nodded once his head while staring into Ingrid’s eyes.

‘’The Time Patrol will never allow a new nuclear war to happen, in whatever timeline.  The Holocaust of 2035 ‘A’ very nearly marked the end of Humanity and another similar war cannot be allowed.  Besides, I suspect that The One will not allow that either.  One of his goals when he empowered Nancy to become his Chosen was exactly to avoid such new nuclear war.  You thus can count on the active help of the Time Patrol in this.  Do you already have a plan on how to deal with this, Ingrid?’’

‘’Yes, I do!’’ replied Ingrid before starting to explain what she had in mind.


10:04 (Moscow Time) / 02:04 (Washington Time)

Monday, May 15, 1989 ‘C’

Courtroom Number One, Moscow Central Courthouse

Moscow, U.S.S.R.


Chief Judge Anatoly Spasschuk harbored a dignified air as he and his two associate judges entered the courtroom via a back door and then walked behind the elevated bench to take their seats.  He could see the various diplomats invited to watch the trial, sitting in the front spectators’ benches.  He had been told that they represented China, Cuba, Finland, France and Sweden.  After knocking his gavel twice and calling the court to order, Spasschuk gave his first look at the nineteen accused, sixteen men and three women, held in large steel cages to one side of the courtroom, as was the standard in Soviet courtrooms.  He had to hide his reaction on seeing the poor physical shape of all of them: he had expected them to have been roughed up by the KGB during their detention, but what he was seeing now was a collection of physically and mentally broken men and women, some of them moaning in pain and others crying quietly while sitting on their bench.  Even for a Soviet courtroom, this already made this trial to look like what it really was: a politically-motivated show trial.  Spasschuk, who had been a prosecutor in his younger years, some of them under the rule of Stalin, had seen or participated in plenty of such trials in the past.  Still, he threw a severe look at the state prosecutor, a man he deeply loathed as someone with zero regard to true justice and who was a total sycophant of the Kremlin.

‘’The prosecution will now read the charges against the accused.’’

‘’Thank you, Your Honor!  The charges against all nineteen defendants, fifteen of whom are American citizens, are terrorism, mass murder of Soviet officials, espionage and sabotage.  Added to these charges in the case of the four Soviet defendants is the charge of high treason.  All the accused have already signed confessions concerning their crimes.’’

‘Which means the death penalty for all of them.’ thought Spasschuk.  Grabbing the list of names of the accused, which had small pictures attached next to each name, so that he could easily identify to whom he was speaking, he spoke in his microphone, with his voice coming from the loud speakers of the tribunal.

‘’The defendants will now rise in order to register their pleas in front of the court.’’

What followed deeply shocked Spasschuk.  While most of the accused rose to their feet, although with some difficulty, one young woman, an American reporter for the CBS network, stayed sitting and broke out crying after one attempt at getting up, prompting a question on a severe tone from Spasschuk.

‘’Why won’t you stand up to give your plea, Miss Kasparova?’’

‘’I…I can’t, Your Honor!  They drilled my kneecaps.’’

A wave of exclamations and gasps went around the courtroom, forcing Spasschuk into banging repeatedly his gavel.


As relative silence slowly came back into the courtroom, Spasschuk discretely examined the expressions of the attending foreign diplomats.  The French, Finnish and Swedish representatives looked both shocked and upset, while even the Cuban diplomat seemed disturbed.  If those idiots in the Kremlin had hoped to gain some good propaganda out of this trial, then their scheme had just backfired on them.  One of the MVD guards near the prisoners’ cages then tried to force the American female reporter to stand up, succeeding only in making her let out a cry of pain that moved Spasschuk.


As the woman bent down in pain, sobbing, something broke inside Spasschuk.  When a newly licensed lawyer, he had been an idealistic young man full of patriotic elan.  However, working within the Stalinist justice system had quickly disillusioned him in his dreams of equal justice for all.  Realizing that his chances of bringing any significant changes by himself to the Soviet justice system were exactly zero, he had then chosen to go with the flow while doing his best to concentrate on criminal cases with no political overtones.  In that he had succeeded brilliantly, rising steadily up the judicial ladder.  Now, however, as Chief Judge of the Moscow District, he had been unable to avoid presiding this case.  His own wife had died some five years ago, while their only son had been killed in 1953, in the failed attempt by Stalin to invade Poland.  Then, one month ago, he had been diagnosed with incurable cancer, with less than a few months left to live, something only he and his doctor knew about.  This was thus most probably the only chance left to him to preside over true justice.  Using a sympathetic tone of voice, he spoke in his microphone, addressing the American female reporter.

‘’Miss Kasparov… Miss Kasparov, please look at me.’’

Surprised by his change of tone, the American woman strangled her sobbing as best she could and looked at him with eyes full of tears.  Spasschuk then committed himself.

‘’Miss Kasparova, were you tortured into signing your confession?’’

‘’Y…yes, Your Honor.’’

Before the state prosecutor, stunned, could react to that, Spasschuk then asked her another question.

‘’Do you honestly plea innocent or guilty, Miss Kasparova?’’

‘’Innocent, Your Honor.’’

The state prosecutor then jumped to his feet, enraged and shouting out loud.


‘’SIT DOWN, MISTER CHERNIKOV: YOU ARE OUT OF ORDER!’’ replied Spasschuk while banging repeatedly his gavel.  Knowing that he now had very little time left to do what he wanted to do, he ignored the exclamations running around his courtroom and looked at another American defendant.

‘’Mister Woolworth, were you tortured into signing your confession and do you plea ‘innocent’ or ‘guilty’?’’

‘’I was tortured and I plea ‘innocent’, Your Honor.’’

Chernikov then had enough by now and shouted an order to two of the KGB guards who had brought the prisoners from their KGB prison.


A second man inside the courtroom then showed the kind of bravery which was near certain to bring him very big trouble, at least from the KGB.  The MVD Starchina{15} standing next to the main entrance of the courtroom and who acted as the Sergeant at Arms raised and pointed his AK-74 assault rifle at the two KGB soldiers now running towards Spasschuk’s high bench and fired twice, hitting both soldiers in the back and dropping them like broken puppets. His third bullet was for the state prosecutor, who was now producing a pistol with the clear intent to shoot Spasschuk, hitting him in the forehead and killing him.  The two state television cameramen present in opposite corners of the courtroom, frozen with stupor and disbelief, took time to react to all that and involuntarily ended up transmitting live across the U.S.S.R. the first seconds of the drama.  While one of them got cold feet and stopped filming, the other cameraman gathered his courage and continued filming as Spasschuk repeatedly banged his gavel and shouted for silence, succeeding after long seconds to return the courtroom to relative calm.  He then looked at the accused while speaking forcefully in his microphone.



High above Moscow, inside a Time Patrol scoutship hiding behind an invisibility cloak, both Ingrid ‘C’ and Mike Crawford ‘B’ had been watching the trial via tiny spy probes which had positioned themselves in high corners of the courtroom, where they were practically impossible to spot.  They had been waiting for the right moment to act but the totally unpredictable actions of Spasschuk and of his Sergeant at Arms had caught them completely off guard.

‘’Holy shit!’’ exclaimed Mike, as stunned as Ingrid was.  ‘’This judge has some huge balls!  However, he probably just signed his own death warrant: those new leaders in the Kremlin will never pardon him for this.’’

‘’Then, lets cut the head of the serpent right now, Mike.  Get me into the Kremlin and I will put an end to this sorry episode.’’

‘’I concur!’’ replied Mike before looking at Frida Winterer ‘B’, who was manning one of the surveillance stations inside the scoutship’s ground operations center.

‘’Frida, where are the new Kremlin masters right now?’’

‘’The eight of them are assembled inside the Politburo conference room, where they had been watching live the TV coverage of the trial.  Right now, they look more like a bunch of headless chickens than anything else.’’

Approaching quickly Frida’s station, Ingrid read the space-time coordinates of that Politburo room, storing them in her micro-computer implanted at the base of her skull, then sent a mental command to her time distorter implant, fixed against the inside face of one of her dorsal spine’s vertebras.  She then disappeared in the blink of an eye from the deck of the operations center.


In the Politburo conference room inside the Kremlin’s Senate Building, rebuilt after the 1955 destruction of the original building by bombs dropped from Ingrid Dows’ plane, the unofficial head of the coup and new General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Valentin Pavlov, was literally mad with rage as the state television channel was continuing to show live images from the courtroom.


‘’I…I just don’t know, Valentin.’’ Stuttered the Minister of Interior, Boris Pougo, who was in charge of the MVD.  Before Pavlov could shout again at him, a female voice then made all eight men present in the room turn abruptly to look towards one corner of the big room, where a teenage girl now stood.

‘’I know!’’

‘’WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?’’ shouted Pavlov.  Ingrid replied in a voice dripping with hatred.

‘’I am your death, you monstrous bastards.’’

Before Pavlov or any of the other men could shout an alarm to the guards posted outside of the room, Ingrid unleashed a barrage of energy balls which vaporized the eight men, on top of turning half of the big room into smoking and burning debris.  With her job done, Ingrid then disappeared again, jumping back to the waiting Time Patrol scoutship before the first guards could rush in.


02:40 (Washington Time) / 10:40 (Moscow Time)

Monday, May 15, 1989 ‘C’

Attic space, 326 Sough Grove Street, Aurora Hills

Arlington, Virginia, U.S.A.


Nancy was sleeping beside Leonardo, with both of them naked under the bedsheets, when a strong mental message woke her up with a startle.


‘I’m coming, Mommy!’ replied Nancy at once, realizing that now was not the time to waste time by asking questions.  Not bothering to put clothes on, she ran down the attic’s staircase, then down the main staircase leading to the ground floor, running across the lounge and the kitchen before bursting out through the house’s rear door.  What she found in the courtyard was Ingrid, surrounded by close to twenty men and women lying on the grass and moaning.  Ingrid was actually in the process of healing one of the women when Nancy arrived and she shouted at her daughter.

‘’Can you do a healing burst, Nancy?’’

‘’Yes, I can, Mommy!’’ replied Nancy, who then came to a stop in the middle of the group of wounded people and closed her eyes while concentrating.  Half a second later, a bright explosion of white light emanated from her body, extending into a radius of some fifteen meters and persisting for a few seconds before dissipating.  Ingrid then smiled to her daughter as the people on the ground started looking around them, utterly disoriented and confused.

‘’Good job, Nancy.  Now, you better go get some clothes on, before you offend some of our new guests.’’

‘’Okay, Mommy!’’ said Nancy, not sounding convinced, before returning into the house.  The woman whom Ingrid had treated first got up on shaky legs and looked at her with confusion in her eyes.

‘’Where are we?  How did we get here?’’

‘’Where we are is in the rear courtyard of my house in Arlington, Virginia.  How you and the others got here was through my supernatural powers.  I am Ingrid Dows, ex-General Ingrid Dows.  Welcome back to the United States, Miss Kasparova.’’

Completely overwhelmed and still a nervous wreck, the CBS reporter glued herself to Ingrid and cried without shame.


18:39 (Washington Time)

Tuesday, May 16, 1989 ‘C’

Ingrid’s lounge


Ingrid had squeezed herself between her three Soviet guests on her largest sofa facing her television set, while Nancy sat in the lap of Leonardo on another, smaller sofa.  The set was switched to the CBS channel and they were all watching the evening news program, in which Ingrid and Nancy featured prominently.  Right now, news commentator Dan Rather was interviewing Maria Kasparova, previously the Moscow correspondent for CBS.

‘’First, Maria, let me tell you how happy we all are to see you back safely in the United States.  As you just heard, the situation inside the U.S.S.R. is now chaotic, with anti-coup forces trying to eliminate the few military and police units still supporting the now dead leaders of the coup which are said to have actually committed the bombing in Red Square which killed Secretary Gorbachev and President Yeltsin.  Unfortunately, we don’t know if the very brave judge who declared you ‘innocent’ despite the heavy political pressure on him to conduct a sham trial is still alive or not.  Can you tell us what you felt when he pronounced that verdict?’’

‘’To put it simply, I just could not believe my ears at first.  He was the first Soviet official since my arrest to talk to me with kindness and consideration and I will never forget him.  His name is Spasschuk, I believe.’’

‘’Then, tell us what happened after he pronounced that verdict, Maria.’’

‘’The state prosecutor started protesting it but Judge Spasschuk rule him out of order and ignored him, then declared all the charges against me and the others as void due to irregularities and use of torture to extract our so-called confessions.  That was when the state prosecutor ordered the KGB soldiers present to arrest Spasschuk, claiming that the judge was in league with us.  Thankfully, the MVD guards present, who by the way form the regular Soviet police, defended Judge Spasschuk and shot the KGB soldiers, then freed us up.’’

‘’And what happened then?’’

‘’Then, the MVD guards carried us to two of their trucks in order to bring us to the nearest hospital, so that we could get some medical treatment.  That was the last time I saw Judge Spasschuk.  Once in the MVD trucks, we started rolling towards the hospital.  However, things got fuzzy after that.  Somehow, I and the other accused lost consciousness while sitting in the back of those trucks as they were rolling.  The next thing I saw when I regained consciousness was General Ingrid Dows, wearing a dark gray coverall and kneeling beside me on the lawn of her Arlington house’s courtyard and with her hands glowing.  She later told me that she was then healing me via her powers of touch-healing.’’

‘’What about the other Americans who had been arrested and tortured, where they with you, Maria?’’

‘’Yes, Dan!  All of them were lying on the grass of General Dows’ courtyard.  It was night then, since there is an eight-hour difference between Moscow and Washington.  Then, Dows’ young daughter, Nancy, ran out of the house, placed herself in the middle of our group and produced a burst of white light that nearly instantly healed all of us.’’

At that point, Dan Rather became even more focused as he asked his next question.

‘’You are saying that six-year-old Nancy Dows, who was already known to be able to fly by herself and throw balls of energy, healed all nineteen of you in an instant?’’

‘’She actually healed eighteen persons with her burst of light: General Dows had already healed me when her daughter came to us.’’

‘’And how do you explain that a young girl could do that, Maria?’’

Maria Kasparova’s expression then became solemn and her tone of voice became nearly reverential.

‘’The only way I could describe that beautiful young girl is as an angel, Dan.  There is no other word for her and the way she healed our group.  General Dows also deserves to be called an angel, the way she healed me and, most importantly, because she was the one who transported all of us instantly from Moscow to Arlington.’’

Dan Rather was left speechless for a moment then before he could ask another question.

‘’Wait!  You say that General Dows somehow transported you and eighteen other persons instantly over thousands of miles, from Moscow to her house in Arlington?’’

Maria nodded gravely her head in response.

‘’That is what she told me after I woke up and was healed by her.  I must emphasize that she and her courtyard were the first things I saw after losing consciousness in the back of the MVD truck in Moscow.  All the other defendants with me told me the same afterwards, thus I have no other explanation to our miraculous rescue than that General Dows used some fantastic and quasi-divine powers to extract us from Moscow and bring us to her house.  There is also something else I noticed about her.’’

‘’And what would that be, Maria?’’

‘’That, last night, she looked even younger than usual.  In fact, she now looks like a sixteen-years-old teenager, an extremely beautiful teenage girl to be more exact.  Just remember that we all know that she was officially born in Berlin in September of 1925, which makes her to be 63 years old.  She simply can’t be called a simple woman, Dan, the same as her daughter can’t be called a simple girl.’’

‘’Maria, some of our reporters sent to her house this morning to interview General Dows took pictures and films of her and also reported her enhanced youth.  Our archivists have then compared old archive pictures of General Ingrid Dows to those morning pictures.  Here is the result, dear viewers, with five pictures of her shown side-by-side.’’

Five color pictures then appeared in the background, with years and an age attached to each of them.

‘’Dear viewers, the first picture to the far left is General Ingrid Dows as she appeared in 1941 and at the true age of sixteen, as she started fighting in the Pacific as a fighter pilot, first as part of the Filipino Air Force, then as an American Army Air Force fighter pilot.  She then quickly became our top air ace of the war, with a total confirmed of 132 victories by the time Germany capitulated and Japan was struck with British nuclear missiles.  Here, I have to add that, during the Battle for Guadalcanal, then Major Dows was shot down and was gravely wounded.  She ended dying on the operating table at the American field hospital in Henderson Field but was promptly resurrected by what can only be described as a divine intervention.  The next picture to its right shows Ingrid Dows, now a major general, as she commanded in 1953 our Indochina Task Force.  Here, her face mostly reflects her actual age of 27.  On the third picture from the left, we see General Dows shortly after she was miraculously healed from serious burns to her face and upper torso in Israel in 1955.  Please note that she again looks like a teenager of sixteen.  On the fourth picture, taken in 1985, she has apparently aged by only a few years and looks to be about 24 or 25 years-old, although she was then in reality 59 years-old.  Finally, on the fifth picture, taken of her this morning, she definitely looks again like a teenager of about sixteen, and this at the age of 63.  You add to that her proven ability to remember 7,000 years’ worth of past incarnation, her demonstrated powers of telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, touch-healing and now the ability to move instantly between distant locations, and you end up with someone who you could hardly qualify as being a normal woman.’’

‘’Dan,’’ cut in at once Maria Kasparova, ‘’I would object to insisting only on the supernatural aspect of General Dows.  More than anything in my mind is the fact that she is a genuine American national heroine, our most decorated ever military member and an incredibly brave woman full of compassion and kindness towards the innocent persons around her.  She has already been instrumental or pivotal in bringing to an end or preventing many wars in the past decades.  Now, she may just has saved us from possibly ending up in a nuclear war with the Soviet Union.  Let’s admire her for the human being she is, rather than simply being in awe of her superpowers.’’

‘’Wow!  I like this Maria Kasparova.’’ said Ingrid, smiling to herself, just before Dan Rather spoke again.

‘’Well said, Maria.  Now, there is another part to the fascinating history of General Ingrid Dows: her daughter Nancy, born in Space near Jupiter aboard the spaceship U.S.S. PROMETHEUS.  She was born in November of 1982, a fact recorded by the chief medical officer aboard the PROMETHEUS.  One year ago, at the age of five, she became famous when she went to the rescue of a classmate who had been kidnapped at his school by a group of mobsters.  Revealing that she could fly by herself, like her mother, and while demonstrating a stunning level of maturity, later explained by the fact that she can also remember her past incarnations, she caught up with the kidnappers, shot dead six of them and captured the last one.  Then, a few days later, as another group of mobsters tried to assault her mother’s house, she vaporized them by throwing at them balls of pure energy.  Finally, young Nancy Dows healed in seconds last night up to eighteen adults.  Here is a picture of six and a half years-old Nancy Dows, taken this morning.’’

‘’Ooh boy!’’ said softly Nancy when h