Raising Nancy by Michel Poulin - HTML preview

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    Nancy at age three       Nancy at age nine          Nancy at age 17

Born November 4, 1982 ‘C’ aboard the U.S.S. PROMETHEUS, in deep Space between Jupiter and Saturn.  Returned to Earth on March 20, 1985 ‘C’, when she was 2 years, four months and two weeks old.

  1. Nancy Dows (Nov 4, 1982 ‘C’ - ):  Born aboard the spaceship U.S.S. PROMETHEUS.  Mother: General Ingrid Dows ‘C’.  Father: Archangel Michael.  Dark blond hair, blue eyes.  Will grow to adult height of 178 centimeters.  Of extraordinary beauty.  Born with a number of paranormal powers already active (telekinesis, empath), will develop more powers, including super-strength, super-speed, levitation, touch-healing, telepathy and more, as she grows up.  will also see her mind open up to the souvenirs from her past incarnations.  Very high IQ (159) and phenomenal memory.  Very talented singer, dancer, actress and musician. 
  2. img30.jpgAndrée Raymonde Borrel (Nov 18, 1919 – Jul 6, 1944) :  Born in Bécon-les-Bruyères (Paris region), France.  Reputation of tomboy.  Became member of the French Résistance in WW2, then became a British S.O.E. agent.  Parachuted in France in 1942, but captured in 1943 and tortured by the Germans.  Sent to the Natzweller-Struthof concentration camp in 1944 and executed on Jul 6, 1944.  Spoke French, English and German. 
  3. Ali Pasravi (Jan 9, 1822 – Dec 11, 1873): Born in Isfahan, Iran, to parents of modest means and origins.  Proved at a young age to have a special talent for music.  Became a professional musician, played for the rich and powerful in Isfahan.  Finally married a local girl at the age of 29, had four children from his wife.  Died of a cancer in Isfahan.  Favorite instruments were the Tombak goblet drum, the Barbat lute and the Qanun zither.  Spoke Farsi and Arabic.
  4. Lyang Ziyi (Oct 27, 1769 - Mar 7 1780): Chinese peasant girl born in the region of Kunming.  Died from starvation at the age of ten, during a local famine.  Spoke a local Chinese dialect.
  5. Buwayo (Jun 16, 1660 - Apr 30, 1704): Warrior in the service of the King of Togo.  Married, with five children.  Killed in a short battle with an enemy tribe.  Spoke a local tribal dialect.
  6. img31.jpgSir Francis Drake (1544 – Jan 27, 1596): Born in Tavistock, England.  Became a sailor at the age of 12.  Famous corsair, explorer and politician. Completed an Earth circumnavigation voyage between 1577-1580.  Got a knighthood from Queen Elisabeth the First in 1581 and became Mayor of Plymouth and Member of Parliament.  Fought off the Spanish Armada in 1588.  Died of dysentery off Panama in 1596.  Married to Mary Newman from 1569 to 1582 until her death, then married Elizabeth Sydenham in 1585.  No children.  Spoke English, Dutch, French and Castilian. 
  7. Aroha (1426 – 1488): Maori girl born near Christchurch, in New Zealand.  Daughter of a fisherman, became known as a beautiful, talented dancer.  Married to a son of the local tribe leader at the age of 16.  Had six children.  Died of an infected wound after a travel accident.  Spoke a Maori dialect.
  8. Arjun (1330 – 1363): Born in Northern India, in a village at the feet of the Himalayas.  Became a hunter and top notch archer often employed by the local rajah.  Married, had three children.  Killed by a tiger during an organized hunt for a man-killer.  Spoke Hindi.
  9. Amalia Kupinski (1216 – 1270): Born in Radom, Poland.  Daughter of a well-to-do merchant.  Married to a Polish knight (Sir Vladimir).  Had five children.  Lived through the 1241 Mongol Invasion.  Died from pneumonia.  Spoke Old Polish, Latin and Saxon.
  10. Mistibis (1129 – 1165): Huron girl born near the future site of Trois-Rivières, Canada (then Huronia).  Married to one of the tribe’s hunters and warriors.  Had three children.  Died during her fourth labor.  Spoke a Huron dialect.
  11. Balapang (1028 – 1071): Filipino fisherman.  Born in Mindanao.  Married, with four children.  Drowned at sea in a sudden storm.  Spoke Old Cebuano.
  12. Frida (916 – 971): Norse girl born near Stavanger, Norway.  Married Rolf, a sailor and a merchant, had three children.  Killed by marauders while helping to defend her village.  Spoke Old Norse.
  13. Toklat (823 – 856): Mayan artisan from the city of Tikal, in the Yucatan Peninsula.  Produced obsidian blades and artefacts.  Married, had two children.  Died of a tropical fever as his city was in its final decline.  Spoke the Mayan language.
  14. Mabele (702 – 749): Nomadic hunter-gatherer who lived in Southern Africa.  Married, with four children.  Killed by lions during a hunt.  Spoke a local tribal dialect.
  15. Yoko (598 – 632): Born in a small farming community near Kyoto, Japan.  Married to a local farmer, had five children.  Died in labor.  Spoke Ancient Japanese.
  16. Leon of Norcia (467 – 526): Monk and scribe.  Lived in a monastery near Ravenna, Italy.  Erudite man, could speak, read and write in six languages.  Spoke Latin, Greek, Romansh, Occitan, Tuscan and Lombard.  Stayed single.  Died of a cancer.
  17. Priti (345 – 401): Indian dancer and singer.  Sold as slave at the age of nine to the Rajah of Patura by her parents to pay a debt.  Became a favorite of the Rajah, who emancipated her and made her a concubine.  Gave five children to the Rajah.  Died of an illness.  Spoke Sanskrit.
  18. Chaco (239 – 271): Andean stone cutter and mason.  Lived in Tiahuanaco.  Married, with three children.  Killed by a falling rock in a carry.  Spoke Old Andean.
  19. Marcus Sylvanus (125 – 163): Roman centurion. Served under Emperor Antonin the Pious.  Single.  Killed by German barbarians near Osterburken (east of modern Heidelberg).  Spoke Latin, Koine and Germanic.
  20. Tschou Li (2 – 58): Chinese imperial administrator in the city of Wu (East Coast).  Well educated mandarin of the Oriental Han Dynasty.  Served under Emperor Kouang Wou-Ti.  Had a wife and two concubines, plus six children. Poisoned by a jealous rival.  Spoke Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese.
  21. Hypsicratea (94 B.C. – 43 B.C.): Nomadic Sarmatian horsewoman from the Caucasus.  Met King Mithridates of Pontus around 69 B.C. and became his groom, then his lover and close companion.  Strong, intelligent, brave and adventurous.  After Mithridates’ death in 63 B.C., she was captured by Roman soldiers around 47 B.C. but was freed by Julius Cesar and became his personal historian.  Died of a fever.  First incarnation on Earth of Nancy Dows.  Spoke Sarmat, Greek, Latin, Armenian and Thracian. 



Known languages (spoken/read/written):

  • English (s/r/w)
  • 16th C. English (s/r/w)
  • French (s/r/w)
  • 16th C. French (s/r/w)
  • Castilian (s/r/w)
  • Modern German (s/r/w)
  • Saxon (s)
  • Old Norse (s/r/w)
  • Southern Germanic (s)
  • Medieval Polish (s/r/w)
  • Modern Farsi (s/r/w)
  • Classical Arabic (s/r/w)
  • Chinese Mandarin (s/r/w)
  • Cantonese (s/r/w)
  • Old Central China dialect (s)
  • Hindi (s/r/w)
  • Sanskrit (s)
  • Latin (s/r/w)
  • Classical Greek (s/r/w)
  • Thracian (s/r/w)
  • Old Armenian (s/r/w)
  • Koine (s)
  • Occitan (s/r/w)
  • Tuscan (s/r/w)
  • Lombard (s/r/w)
  • Romansh (s/r/w)
  • Sarmat (s/r/w)
  • New Zealand old Maori dialect (s)
  • Old Cebuano (s)
  • Ancient Japanese (s)
  • Old Andean (s/r/w)
  • Mayan (s/r/w)
  • Huron dialect (s)
  • South African tribal dialect/Old Zulu (s)
  • Old Togolese tribal dialect/West African (s)




Nancy’s ancient skills (Master/Expert/Proficient/Beginner level):

  • Horse riding (M) (Sarmat female warrior, Roman Centurion, English aristocrat, Polish wife of medieval knight)
  • Archery (M) (Sarmat female warrior, Hindu hunter and archer, multiple African hunter and warrior)
  • Musician (M) (19th C. Iranian professional musician who mostly played the Qanun zither, the Barbat lute and the Tombak drum. 13th C. Polish aristocratic woman who played the flute and the harp) 
  • Sailing & boat handling (M) (Famous corsair and sea explorer Sir Francis Drake, Filipino fisherman, wife of Viking merchant)
  • Fieldcraft and survival techniques (M) (Sarmat female warrior, Hindu hunter and archer, multiple African hunter and warriors, Roman Centurion, Norse woman, Huron woman, Filipino fisherman, Maori woman, English seafarer and explorer)
  • Hunting (M) (multiple African tribal hunter and warriors, Hindu tiger hunter, Sarmatian horsewoman and warrior)
  • Fishing (E) (Filipino fisherman, English sailor, Norse woman, Maori woman, Huron woman)
  • Animal butchery, skinning and pelt tanning (E) (Sarmatian horsewoman and warrior, Hindu hunter, multiple African hunters, Huron woman)
  • Sword fighting & fencing (E) (English sea corsair and aristocrat, Roman Centurion, Sarmatian warrior)
  • Gunpowder weapons handling (E) (16th C. English corsair)
  • Axe throwing (E) (Sarmatian female warrior, Togolese warrior)
  • Modern firearms handling (P) (WW2 French Resistance fighter and S.O.E. agent)
  • Stone cutting & sculpting (E) (Tiahuanaco Andean stone cutter and mason, Mayan obsidian blades and artefacts artisan)
  • Dancing (E) (4th C. Indian palace female dancer, Maori female dancer)
  • Singing (P) (4th C. Indian palace female dancer, Norse woman, Huron woman, multiple African hunters)
  • Calligraphy (E) (1st C. Chinese mandarin, 5th C. Italian monk and scribe)
  • Weaving and knitting (P) (Norse woman, Polish medieval aristocrat woman, Japanese peasant woman)
  • Farming (P) (Japanese peasant woman, Norse woman, 20th C. French farm girl)