Rambo Year One Vol.4: Take me to the Devil by Wallace Lee - HTML preview

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Three days after 'Point of No Return' had ended, the search for Rambo and Jorgenson still hadn’t lead them to anything, not even a lead. The Jungle had seemingly swallowed them up, along with any trace they may have left, with them. Despite that both the helicopters and Bird Dogs had continued to fly over the tribal No Man lands between Laos and Vietnam, at a certain distance in Laos for political reasons mind you, no concrete leads were unmasked.

The National Liberation Front radio hadn’t broadcasted any new information regarding the death or capturing of US soldiers either.

Not once those two days, were any in-code emergency radio communications received, nor did they intercept any beeping signals.

There were some fake SOS calls – in English, by some Vietcong naturally, in an attempt to ambush, which, for some, proved that the two were still alive and hunted by them. Those were just theories naturally, given that fraudulent requests had become a daily matter. The lack of news on the National Liberation Front radio didn’t necessarily mean anything either, because when were the Vietcong catch you. nobody generally knows about it.

The Vietcong tended to parade their American prisoners around, but, as always, there were exceptions to the rule.

This, for example when they desperately needed info from some recently captured prisoner. In those cases, the Vietcong didn’t go public about the capture, so no one would come looking for them while they were being cut up into pieces. Then you could make the bodies disappear, so that no one would know what they’d done to them.

The absolute, most discouraging thing about Rambo and Jorgenson missing in action was that in almost five years of SOG history, no one had ever came back excluding Baker Team B itself. To be more precise, no soldier who had been declared missing came back on his own two legs at least, which explained why no one expected Rambo or Jorgenson to return any time soon. On the contrary, most believed they’d been killed right after the failed get-away.


Hence, after three days of abundant food, water, sleep and rest in general, the members of the Baker Team B were on the road to recovery.

In the meantime, Trautman was evaluating some Fifth Special Forces recruits to replace the two missing men, but since they weren’t trained in his special program, it was nowhere near the same.

Trautman knew it all too well.