Rambo Year One Vol. III: Point of No Return by Wallace Lee - HTML preview

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The crossover point was on the stretch of land where the Ho Chi Minh trail was a long dirt road not unlike a real and proper highway, and ran from north to south.

Eventually, it met a wide river with an overpassing bridge. Crossing the river from the south side of the bridge was unquestionably the best place to do it because they’d be able to hide their tracks.

There was only one problem however, and that was that it simply couldn’t be done.

The problem was the river itself, and that’s precisely why it couldn’t be done.

It wasn’t only problematic because of its width or because of how incredibly deep it was, or even how fast flowing it was. It was all those things put together simultaneously, turning it into a fast moving, highly aggressive and extremely dangerous death trap.

It just couldn't be done.

On the north side of the bridge Coletta found a crossing rope probably dating back to when they’d built the bridge years before.

That’s precisely where the Baker team was planning to cross.

With a little luck, the Vietcong wouldn’t remember there was a rope to begin with, now that they had a whole fucking bridge at their disposal.

Anyway, even if they used a rope, crossing a river as wild and large as this was, would be time consuming and very challenging.

The most troubling aspect of all however, was how long they’d be out in the open.

Ortega knew they couldn’t pull it off without having some kind of decoy ready to go beforehand.

Setting up a diversion in an area as patrolled as this was, on enemy territory to boot, may have been dangerous for everybody, but especially for whoever was in charge of the diversion itself.

Given that crossing the river automatically meant compromising your position, deciding who’d have to do the riskiest part was unfortunately up to Ortega.


The worst part of being a leader is having to make decisions that jeopardize the safety of your squad now turned friends. When it does happen though, team leaders have generally given it some thought beforehand.

Ortega wasn’t a very well prepared team leader, but his team was so motivated that finding volunteers for something like that wouldn’t have been that difficult despite how dangerous it essentially was.

That's why, in the end, he decided to be honest with his teammates and tell them how things were, knowing they would understand.


When the time came he told them everything no holds barred like Trautman had taught him, and then he let the team vote on it democratically.

At any rate, a few exceptions would apply to the choice as some technicalities did apply.

For example, they could not send anyone who wasn’t dispensable, as the decoy. Messner for instance, had valuable radio skills (which incidentally were of the utmost importance in their current situation) or Coletta’s skills as the sharpshooter or land navigator.

Even less expendable was someone like Ortega since he was team leader.

When Manuel finished his speech a long silence ensued, but in the end, despite Ortega's expectations, none of the five remaining candidates actually volunteered.


Ortega looked each of his friends in the eyes.


Not a single one of them was willing to die after everything they had gone through to get as far as they had. They were barely a stone’s throw from South Vietnam. Not even the craziest ones Danforth and Krakauer volunteered in spite of their unquenchable thirst for adrenalin.

Not this time, anyway.

Ortega got a lump in his throat.

So this time he’d have to make the choice for them.


“I'll go” Rambo said shortly thereafter.


Ortega looked his friend in the eyes. His best friend, that is. 


John 'Corvo' Rambo wasn’t only a few years younger than the rest of them but he also happened to be the only one there already injured. Yet he was the only one offering to volunteer.


Rambo – thought Ortega. 

Then he looked at him again.


He had a fixed stare, untainted, almost innocent. He knew exactly what he would have to face and yet volunteered nevertheless.

He was the soldier who had received an honourable mention, only months before. Ortega couldn’t help but feel it was almost a shame, that they hadn't actually given it to him yet, but were still contemplating it. What the hell were they waiting for? Did they want him dead before handing it over?

Ortega loved him a lot.

He loved each and every one of them, but among them all, his friendship with Rambo was the one he would miss the most, if anything ever happened to him.


Jesus – Ortega thought to himself. 


Now all he had to do was pick one more but this time, Ortega would need to do it on his own.


Delmore, Lawrence, Carl, Danforth... Danforth too, as the second in command, can’t possibly be expendable either.



Just contemplating it gave him the worst feeling he’d ever felt before.

If only Ortega could be sure that once they’d crossed the river everything would be over, he would have volunteered to do it himself, but there was no way of being sure. The radios still hadn’t shown signs of life, and for all he knew, that fucking mission could last another four more days, or longer. God damn it.


Maybe, once they’re across crossed the river, they’ll have to make a run for it.

They may even find an entire regiment at the ready patiently awaiting them on the other side.


God only knew when they’d eventually be able to make contact with the MacV, especially using those goddamn little radios, or when for that matter. No...

The Baker team still needed a team leader, or at least for the time being it did.  


Barry and Jorghenson were ideal candidates. Except for Jorghenson being a little stressed out, all in all, the two of them were still strong and healthy despite not having eaten well for some time now, and neither of the them had unique roles on the team.


“Don't make me choose guys. Please...” said Ortega, but his prayers seemed to go unheard.

Krakauer was a good candidate too, but then and there, Ortega wasn’t getting a solid impression from him. He couldn’t say why that was exactly, despite knowing his men exceptionally well. In his opinion, Krakauer looked too tired to handle a decoy role alone if necessity called.

After reflecting thoroughly, and despite many doubts Ortega came to a decision.


Jorghenson – he thought to himself. 


He and Rambo had always played very well together, and even more so after Black Spot. They would have been a good squad for sure. Moreover, Jorghenson had always been very strong both physically and mentally (even if during the selection program he’d punched Ortega in the face).


How could he possibly forget?


Maybe that's the real reason why you want to send him there, revenge over that sucker punch.


No, it wasn’t.

It was nothing but a matter of role priority, and currently, Jorgenson was the last on the list.


“Grizzly” Ortega said finally, with a lump in his throat.