Rambo Year One Vol. III: Point of No Return by Wallace Lee - HTML preview

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Only then did the prisoners really come to terms with the fact that they’d made it out. 

Really out.

As of now, they were free.

They’d done it.

It was over.

They were going back to the US.

They were going to live. 


Ruckerson, who was packed up against the five Baker team survivors, looked over at Chester and Johnson before moving one hand to touch Chester’s shoulder because he was closest.

Initially, he managed to stay calm, but soon after, he had to cover his face with his hand because he burst into tears. As everyone naturally thought, he should.


“Everything's fine, man” said Danforth, standing behind him, as he reached to put his arms around his shoulders.

“It’s all over”


Ruckerson, also known as 'Rack' – who wasn’t even in the military, but a civil engineer – started sobbing so hard it sounded like he was going to suffocate.

It was as though all of the tension albeit from the raid, from all those damn days spent in the jungle or from the damn final getaway, was trying to get out at the same time, but couldn't.


“HOW’S ORTEGA?” he shouted afterwards.

He was drooling. His voice sounded somewhat altered from all the crying. He was almost howling in despair.

“Hey” said Danforth, giving him a good squeeze.

“Calm down, man” Krakauer said to him smiling.

Coletta on the contrary, broke out in laughter, and Barry followed heed.

Only Messner managed to keep a straight face unlike the rest.


The three (now formerly) prisoners of war made room to reach out and hug each other. As they did, they placed their foreheads against each other’s, not unlike football players do. By that point, they were all in tears. They were crying, hugging and touching foreheads without even knowing why anymore.

They were coughing, moaning, hugging tight and pulling at each other the way puppies from the same litter do, trembling and with their eyes still closed

Then, Ruckerson's stuck his head out and looked in the team’s direction.


“HOW IS ORTEGA?” he yelled out for a second time, spitting on the others as he did.

His nose was even dripping.

“He has been hit in an arm, but it’s under control” Messner said from behind, with a cool impassive voice. It was a white lie, but quite an insignificant one by then.

“He will make it” he went on to add.

“Where are Raven and the other guy…what's he called...”

“Grizzly” said Danforth.

“Yeah, him”

“They are pulling them up on board another helicopter. Everything fine, okay?”


Another lie, just a bigger one this time, but Danforth couldn't do otherwise. Trautman's 'don’t talk bullshit' rule definitely did not work on civilians. 

One day he would have told them the truth, maybe even right after they’d landed at the base, but now was not the time to do it. It was just too soon to tell them.

Ruckerson looked pleadingly back at the Baker team still in tears.


“Thank you” he said


Danforth, Barry, Krakauer Messner and Coletta met his look with embarrassment, feeling kind of tingly and moved, so much so that they almost started crying with him.


“I just don’t know how to express it enough” added Ruckerson.

“Thank you”

“Thanks for what?” - said Danforth grinning.

“We don't even exist” added Krakauer.


With that, Ruckerson finally smiled back, because it was over.

This time it really was over.