Rambo Year One Vol. III: Point of No Return by Wallace Lee - HTML preview

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Rambo and the SOG stats: 100% of KIA or WIA

The SOG stats that Rambo read without Trautman's knowledge are factual, even if, should we want to be exact, they refer to the whole war, and not exclusively to 1969, the year in which the book is set.

Ironically enough, it was actually far worse than that.

In fact, the SOG suffered 110% death or injured rate, because many of its soldiers were wounded multiple times.

The luckiest SOGs survivors made it home with minor injuries.

The other sad record set by the SOG was the number of missing in action it had.

With regards to the number of soldiers that fought on their lines, the SOG is probably the unit that suffered the highest percentage of missing in action in US history.


The presidential authorization

Author Jhon Plaster (along with others) says that some very delicate SOG missions (that might have had an impact on some matters of international diplomacy) were personally authorized by the president of the US himeself.


The blackboard before the briefing 'the others use metal plates but you SOG teams don't. We write your names in chalk because your names never stay on the blackboard more than three days” 

This dialogue is real but as requested by the veteran who cited it, I won't mention my source.