Rambo Year One Vol. III: Point of No Return by Wallace Lee - HTML preview

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The sun was shining blindingly that morning as Trautman made his way to the American embassy, which also happened to be MacV headquarters.

He’dbeen putting off his mission debriefing for the last twenty-four hours not only with the MacV but with his two teams as well. The delay wasn’t really a problem for Trautman because he already knew everything he needed. He was prepped to answer any questions the brass heads may have thrown his way. They would have questions to ask and undoubtedly quite a few too.

Trautman took a deep breath.

The time had come therefore to report his mission to his higher ranks.

It was the moment of the truth.




Trautman climbed the embassy's steps and identified himself at the entrance. As he hurriedly walked through the MacV, he went over Black Spot's debriefing speech in his head, one more time.

He had a lot to say.

He’d been very careful and conscientious while reconstructing the missions that both Baker Teams had concluded.

He knew that while presenting his debriefing he would have had a lot of personal enemies listening in front of him who couldn’t wait to contradict Trautman's fact reconstruction.

It was very important for the colonel to consider his words carefully yet he intended to do justice to both teams. He wanted to tell them everything with the exception of the murder he’d committed inside that bar of course. That was nothing more than a moment of sheer madness, albeit the justified kind, but madness all the same and he had no intention at all of talking about it. 

Trautman was a little late and when he arrived on the right floor after climbing the last flight of stairs the meeting room doors were already closed.  

Trautman loosened his shirt collar a little because he felt like he couldn't breathe.

As he opened the door everyone turned to face him and the room grew silent.


Then they all got up at the same time without saying a word.


Trautman froze right where he was when Ericsson – a Navy general in charge of some Navy Seal teams - began applauding.

Once the highest in rank started the others followed suit, albeit sincerely nevertheless.

Trautman felt his heart pounding in his chest.

Some of them even came closer to shake his hand.


“Congratulations” Said Ericsson before anyone else.

“Congratulations, colonel” said another military while shaking his hand.


Trautman had to use all his inner strength to keep his eyes form tearing.

All of the Military Assistance Command big wigs gathered round him to congratulate him. Even general Loyd was present among them.



“We want to know how you found out where they were going to attack”

“Yes, tell us about the intelligence phase, and the battle as well”

“We want to know about everything, colonel,” said someone else.

“Yes, tell us everything, Trautman” pressed another voice.