Rambo Year One Vol. III: Point of No Return by Wallace Lee - HTML preview

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The following day in Dak To, Baker Team B was sitting in its tent already in full gear and waiting to embark. They were armed, wearing rucksacks, were camouflaged and their AKs were hanging from their slings.

They had spray painted black stripes onto their plain uniforms.

They all had cold expressions and determined looks on their faces and by that point they had already given goodbye letters to all the rightful recipients.

Jorgenson was there as well, and only the scar on a corner of his forehead hinted at what he’d gone through those last few months.


Ortega and his team had tested him long and hard in those weeks of training and he’d passed them all.

He seemed changed by Black Spot but it was probably a temporary and purely psychological thing otherwise he would have never surpassed Garner, Ortega or Danforth’s tests.

Nevertheless, Danforth’s right temple was scarred exactly as Rambo had one on his right arm too although his was hidden once he was dressed.

They were only on their second mission and the SOG demanded a minimum of six before getting out of the unit. It seemed however, that the team had already been through a thousand battles at the very least.


“Okay guys, let's get sterilized” said Ortega.

The Baker team guys in front of him took their dog tags off and one by one and handed them over to Danforth.

“Take anything that could be traced back to you country of origin off” said Danforth.

“Documents, badges, anything and everything because we’re going over fence”

Ortega who was standing next to him, then added:


“I’m not going to feed you any bullshit so we need to get one thing straight right from the get go. This mission is going to be hard, almost painstaking. We’re going to be on our own over there, and we can only bank on each other, nothing else”

Ortega reflected a moment but then added:

“But you are also the meanest motherfuckers the SOG has ever had Baker Team, and there's no one else in this world I’d rather have at my side on a mission like this”


All their expressions turned serious and as far as Ortega was concerned, you could cut the air with a knife.

By that point, they were all worked up.

“Fuck. I wouldn’t even swap Danforth for anybody else. Not even for John the fucking duke Wayne”


Coletta, Krakauer and Delmore all smiled.

Even Rambo let himself grin.

Ortega then concluded:


“No seriously Baker team, you have no idea what it means to me to lead you over there.

Nor do I about how to say it.

It's a privilege.

No, it's more than that, it's an honour.

Now, let's get going.