Rambo Year One Vol. III: Point of No Return by Wallace Lee - HTML preview

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By the fifth day, the Baker team finally reached their objective.

Overall, they had accumulated a forty-eight hour delay and one of them had even suffered a minor injury. Barry had twisted his ankle because of all the hurry they were in one night.

Nothing serious of course, but it was slowing him down and he had to keep it under control, making sure it didn’t get worse than it was already.

The sky was grey and the lack of sunshine kept the air humid. As Ortega had foreseen the team was already tired by then. When the guys started hearing noises coming from the enemy base however, the adrenaline kicked in wiping out any and all signs of fatigue.


Their camouflaged faces showed signs of tension as they scanned for potential targets with weapons in hand.


While the rest of the team stayed back for cover, Rambo and Coletta broke away from them and slowly advanced to the designated point of observation.