Rambo Year One Vol. III: Point of No Return by Wallace Lee - HTML preview

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Ok guys - said Ortega.

We are going to use what Trautman use to call 'a double diversion'.


A little before down, Rambo and Barry will waste the sentries on the road behind the base, then their unit will enter the base and they will hide between the hostage's hut and the external palisade.


Coletta and I will stage the attack of a single sniper from the top of the mountain, and this will be the first diversion.

We are going to use four different, pre-determined points of fire, and we’ll move constantly to keep from being killed, thus simulating the presence of one shooter only with no intention of attacking the whole base at all, but just a 'hit and run'.

In the middle of the chaos generated by it all, Rambo and Barry will kill the tower guards the, thus removing their 'eyes' from above.


When the largest number of enemy are on the slope of the mountain, Jorgenson and Danforth will start the real ambush or the 'second diversion', using machine guns and rocket fire.

Jorgenson will shoot from the front, Danforth from the side.


At this point in time, the hostage rescue unit (Barry, Messner, Rambo and Krakauer) will only have to wait for the best moment to get in and free the hostages. 

Once freed, Messner will throw a green coloured smoke grenade to 'destroy everything', or red for 'retreat'.


At that time, the Vietcong will realize the risk of losing the hostages and they will probably break their flanks in two to prevent this.

Dividing their ranks will be their second mistake because they will no longer have a way out.


Remember the most important thing, Baker team.


We must always be the ones leading the game.

We must force them to constantly react to our actions, without ever leaving them enough time to reason over what's happening. We can’t let them organize.

Until they keep reacting to our aggression, we will always know where they are and what they are doing.

We will even know what they are thinking while we are killing them...

Just like Trautman thought us.


We were born for this, Baker team.

Let's show them what we can do 'over the fence'.

We can make it, guys.

We are going to make it.