Randomness by Iris H - HTML preview

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Life is full of randomness. It touches on everything, yet it embraces nothing.

My intention was never to create beautiful pieces. My intention was to find that unique technique which allowed me to repeatedly produce beautiful pieces.

We are humans with creative minds and ordinary hands.

Love is not a feeling. Love is a selfish ability. It is the ability to love oneself, to accept and respect oneself regardless of how things have changed, and to shape the inner fears and pains into self-courage and faith.

With questions, one shall seek answers.

With answers, one shall create more questions. Whatever you believe in, it is a denial of something else.

All of us are perfectly ruined.

Have you ever looked at the beauty of a blade of grass in the midst of a vast field?

At times I wonder how do I exactly marvel, hate and grief a piece of art?

All attractions don’t deserve my attention. My attention is the start of a deserved communication.

It is a matter of importance not a matter of choice.

You have always got what you want. Just that you couldn't handle what you got. You didn't think of the unexpected that would come along with getting what you wanted. Instead of seeing how you could learn to grow and take what was given to you to achieve something special, you chose to complain and lament that you never got what you want in life.

Want but don't expect. Take what is given but don't take it for granted. Everything given is a chance to achieve something different within oneself. It is only through shaping what is given by shaping oneself, one can then fully learn to live life.

To see a person with power is to see that this person will not walk the predicted path.

I thought that pursuing imitation was a coward form of fraud but perhaps it was a sense of admiration that was conjured through re-creation. Unfortunately, some people could not go beyond re-creation to create beauty in imagination.

It was through the heartbreak that I understood real love. Should I thank life for this heartbreak? No. I should thank my wisdom that blossomed through the pain.

May the stars among us capture the beauty within us.

A mistake is a choice made with a lack of understanding.

By choosing to be a mother, I am giving a chance for a soul to learn to love himself or herself through me. Am I creating something special? I am not sure perhaps I am just creating a series of memories.

Nothing owes anything to me - the earlier I accept this notion, the earlier I can move on.

The whole world wants hope and faith all the time. It is rarely about hope or faith. It is about the fear of abandonment. And that has always been our Achilles’ heel as humans.

Religion is the translation of illusioned spiritual power to humans.

We don't imitate. We learn to imitate.

Art gives us opportunities to be great at something that we are good at.

I don't wish bad karma on a person. Instead, I wish him or her to be enlightened and to develop true moral consciousness. And so with every misdemeanor, one shall hence be engulfed in the inner struggle of his or her very own self-created emotions.

Fear took one phrase out of my entire book and laughed at me.

There is only so much a person can apologize but without your understanding these apologies are deemed pointless.

Apologies are not created to erase mistakes or to get back the past. Apologies are not promise of a desired future.

Apologies only requests the receiver to stop and listen. How can there be art with no history?

Only one can fully destroy oneself. No one holds more power than oneself.

Don't argue with someone else for the purpose of achieving one's wishes but argue with the purpose of allowing the other a chance to exercise his or her free will in understanding an undiscovered meaningful possibility.

Every conversation could be a selfish chance of establishing leverage.

Life is filled with sets of instructions integrated in forms of systems built gradually as habits and disguised as the natural order ways of living.

A relationship is the expectation of fulfilling a desire.

I am part of Nature. To change my life is to change Nature. To change is to understand. To understand is to acquire knowledge.

Doing something doesn't mean that I like doing it.

Boundaries are excuses dying to be broken. Boundaries should never dictate endings.

My desire to connect is extended through my clothes, my space, and my words; ultimately connection is what I choose to give attention to and what I offer in reaction.

We live our lives through building a sense of time within self-established rigid structures. Sadly, deep down we know that we can never really pin down life.

We should seek to understand movement within rigidity and induce flow within solid structures.

We seek. We learn. We act. We experience.

I realize that life is never really about being at my best. It is being who I meant to be.

Love is essentially a way to establish boundaries.

There is nothing wrong being different. What is really wrong is wanting to be different.

Time exists because of the desire to connect with the present.

The sun begins here and ends there. Something happens in between and we will never know. Beauty is lost in the mystery of change.

I gradually realize that some of my inner thoughts just simply deserve the attention of nothingness.

Ignoring something is far more potent than giving it nothing.

Every good idea starts from a random thought. Good ideas come from stupid ideas too.

He said: If you are blind, your other senses will heighten. She said: I doubt so. I think it is your attention and awareness that heighten. Your imagination and emotions heighten. It is just a different way of being.

Everyone is an artist and so everyone is a child at play.

My perception of my power to control occurrences creates the distance between me as a person and me as my life.

We wake up every day wanting. We want to want all the time.

The day I stop wanting something is the day the want becomes naturally embedded in me as a habit.

I have to lose myself to create art. I become art itself. I open up and accept the openness willingly.

There is always a reason in madness. Madness is produced by the struggle between passion and reason.

I would rather that you judge than assume someone else's opinion. I would rather that you judge and think than to judge with limited knowledge.

A wise man judges, thinks and respects and chooses what to accept to bind with his thoughts and actions, and ultimately expresses gratitude for such opinions and the ability to recreate and influence.

Troubles do not arise from troubles themselves but arise from your own preceptive which is clouded by your emotions. Your emotions stem from your own assumptions and judgments.

Experiencing is better than possession. Would you rather paint a picture or own the picture? Can shopping for ingredients, cooking the food and eating it, change the way I feel about dinner?

There is beauty in everything including death.

People don't realize that everything that start will end. Relationships end. People leave. People die. How can you only want to be with someone without accepting the end of a connection?

The power of faith is stronger than the power of thought.

It is not that life is changing all the time. It is how we change with the changes of life, how we control and let go at the same time. It is not about changing my life, it is about managing changes.

Simple is life. Simplicity in the basics but sophistication in the interweaving of the basics.

Be responsible for your own high hopes and expectations. You don't get to set them and choose not to work on them. You can't demand others to fulfil them without you bringing them on board along with you.

How foolish...he would rather that people love his work than to love him. For he believed that people who loved him should only love him if he could love them back. He failed to realize this - people love themselves through him. He too could have love himself through other people. Yet, he chose to love himself through his work.

Look not only through space but also through time.

Unite the sense and nonsense. Unite the chaos and the peace.

To see music as itself is to not attach your emotions to it. Use your senses to appreciate it. Feel but don't think about how you feel.

Before you judge, be curious.

It is not not having morals or values. It is not knowing when to draw the line or when to take a stand and it is all caused by one's narrow-mindedness.

Although my thoughts are silly, they are mine. How can I just ignore them?

I don't need to feed them but I can certainly respect them.

Perhaps, it is through pain that I appreciate love, for I know that I can never really understand love.

Everything is a form of art - the art of learning.

When you are in touch with yourself, you will realize that the outer world is actually inside your inner world and everything that is felt through your body is also conjured through your mind. It is you that brings meaning to your own world. Stop asking the universe for the meaning of life when you already have the ability to create it.

A life event that happened to a person is a resource to be fueled.

A doesn't take. B takes it all. C is given.

The other day, I asked myself: What am I doing here? And a voice whispered: You are dying. Indeed, I am busy living and dying.

Real evil exists in all of us. What scare us the most are our inner fears.

The point of education is to build a common language within a community. A common language creates common meanings, thus defines unified expectations and establishes desired actions.

When appreciating art, I see both the work and the observer.

Motivation is not something that you can give to someone. A person can only motivate himself or herself.

Don't lose track of the basics. Don’t complicate things. When you hold onto time, time is limited.

I don't see people as people, but I see them as a form of art. The art of playing with time where time exists continuously.

Don't go digging in the past. Let the past unfold itself in the present.

How many artists have lost their talents through established techniques?

Real writings are invitations to think before feeling and doing, sadly most writings are invitations to feel and react before thinking.

Nature never begs us to be seen because it knows that it is the only living thing that unlike us, has always been true to itself.

Whenever I am sad, I question if I really understand why I am sad. Or maybe there is another emotion that I should be feeling instead.

Life is not about finding out who you are meant to be. It is about finding out who you are not meant to be.

I finally understand the beauty of every one of us. We craved to be ourselves, yet we struggle to be ourselves. We want to tell the whole world we are not like someone else, yet we have to be like someone else to understand how different we are individually.

If I see crooks as people just like me, it is much easier to understand their mindsets. People, after all, are people.

Most people believe that there is only one world. The truth is we live in many worlds. One of them is the real external world. Another one is the internal world which is my mind. The internal world evolves into many other worlds. We have to be present in all the worlds.

Life is the constant need to float between the imagined and non-imagined worlds.

I speak to you, but it is not me that is deciphering, it is you.

My soul has been begging to be seen as it is. But my mind is still trying to understand life. That even till the day I die, my mind would still be struggling to understand life and my soul would never get a chance to be what it is. The truth is my soul is never going to be what it is because my mind is constantly changing my soul.

The pain will never stop. It can never be removed or replaced. You can never run away from it. So cry. Immerse yourself in pain. Do not cry to end pain but to accept pain.

Sometimes I wonder if is better to be blind so as to have the freedom to create the languages of colors rather than have the colors speak for themselves. Perhaps, there is beauty in every way.

To understand someone is to understand his or her ego.

Our desire to understand the world leads to the simplification of nature. We create unreal categories of nature. This is not the truth of the universe.

At the museums, I like to observe the space that lies between the exhibitions and me. These pieces of art will never reveal themselves because they are never meant to be understood in the first place. All they do is to invite me to form my interpretations and to create my experiences.

Life is a flow of momentum.

It is me that wakes up to this world. Not the world that wakes me up.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a marketing madman's dream.

You are love. Your heart has always been with you. Stop asking to be given of what you already have. You can't give away what is yours. What you can give away are expressions of love without expectations. You love yourself through caring other people.

The voice in my head is telling me something, yet it is also telling me nothing.

Evolution is through motivation.

Brilliant minds convert information into insights and actions, which subsequently translate into education and habits.

Real knowledge is the ability to connect random records of reasons.

How do you know that that is home? How do you he or she is the one? You will never know because it is not about getting it right. It is about knowing how to change.

As I get older, do I really get clarity?

But I don't recall my memories. Is not remembering a blessing?

How do you know what is true or not true? So, I choose to live on imagination but not on portrayed reality. I open my opened eyes.

There is more bad art than good art because to maintain the sanity of this massive society it is much easier to delight the mass majority of common knowledge through simple comprehension and immediate gratification.

For observers who deem themselves with an artist flair, bad art serves as a platform to protect their egos and to propel them to either create more good art for social justice or to remain status quo by joining the pool of common critics.

There is a difference between boredom and wandering. There is a space between emptiness and nothingness.

I love the silence in the library. Everyone is busy reading but I am busy immersing myself in pure silence.

There is a whole in each part.

He did it not because he liked you. It was because he chose to like you. And, sometimes people chose for the wrong reasons or maybe they did not even know the reasons behind their choices.

The word ‘love’ has been wrongfully used. Love is only meant for oneself. We arrogantly use it on other people and expect love in return.

There is no start or end. Every single moment is the moment itself.

There is no truth. There is only perceived truth.

It is never just about goals. It has always been about me and my goals.

Do you age for someone else or for yourself? We have always been aging for ourselves.

Did I lose myself for that person?

No, I did not because I have always been part of my own life moments. My time had always been mine. It was I who chose to let someone into my life.

Grace can be achieved when you take a step back to feel without touch, to wish without will, to think without thoughts.

People like the reclassification of knowledge. Why classify?

To hide what has always been obvious.

I cannot love my child. What I love is the perception of my child. I can only care about my child. Through loving myself, I translate the love for myself to the care for my child.

I care about other people. I care about her as a friend. I care about him as a life partner. I care about them as parents. But only I can love myself and no other. Only I can love my mind and my perceptions. I love the perception of my husband. I love the perception of my work. I love the way I think. My thoughts may be wrong or silly. They may just an illusion. But I love them.

True wisdom is very simple.

The future is a conjured destination created by singular steps in the present.

People are not stupid. People are just silly. Their actions are just poor decisions of will.

There is no ultimate success or absolute achievement. There are only steps. Steps that you take to create life moments: moments of anger, moments of sadness, moments of happiness, moments of pain.

My present is constantly changing my past.

Every visit to my old memories allows me to exist in the past and the present simultaneously.

I am lost but I am not wandering or searching or expecting. I feel at home.

Not at an actual place but a feeling - a feeling of settlement. Not resigning to destiny but seeing destiny as a life to be.

Human lives are looped in circles. The events are different, but the meanings are the same.

The ability to see infinite impossibilities is the pathway to infinite beauty.

We were meant to be born as fools, live as fools, and die as fools.

There is nothing wrong not knowing certain things.

I don't have to understand something to accept something.

True value is never created by a lone ranger. It is created by a collection of works produced by multiple hands.

We are so contradicting. We want the expected yet desire the unexpected.

Possess not achievements but techniques. It is not about winning, it is about establishing a new way of doing things in life.

It is not what happened to me. It is what I do with what has happened to me.

What is similar and what is different grow from the same universe. Perhaps, we are not so different after all.

Seek not expectations, not demands but standards.

You are missing the point – it is not about how much you have achieved through the years. It is about how much you have learned and helped others to grow during the years.

Sadness is sadness itself. It doesn't need someone else or something else. It is itself and it is part of oneself.

Agree with fears. They are after all your very own fears. Stop fighting against them. However, agreeing does not mean accepting.

To grow knowledge, one must learn to acquire and nurture knowledge.

If you can support your weakest argument, then you may just have created the chance to change the precedent.

It is about being fast in small steps and slow in big steps.


This distance that we spend apart from each other makes me realize something far more special than the simple loss of a familiar human presence. No, I am not referring to the common cliché - distance makes the hearts grow fonder.

I am talking about the yearning for someone that is there but is not there.

The yearning is for a memory. This memory has no right to dictate the present or the future. But yet lingers in the distant, awkwardly and constantly pushing its unwanted presence into the present and pushing its dreamy hopes into the future.

If I let it dictate the present and future, the memory then reshaped its past. The more I reshape it, the more it loses its authentic self, and the distance becomes more apparent and the yearning becomes stronger.

But if I have that much courage to realize that for this memory to be as beautiful as it was, it must stay in the past, then there is no longer a distance or a yearn.

The memory is asking to be embraced as itself and yet since I would not, it has no choice but to constantly seek affirmation through the present and the future. The memory is after all part of me and it is just seeking to be accepted by myself.


I am the illusion of time. Everything is a creation of time.

Career ends. Life ends. What will last is reputation. It is not the reputation of a profession but the reputation of a person that truly matters.

By worshipping something, you have given up your right to be on equal footing.

If I pay attention to loneliness, then loneliness is no longer lonely.

What ruins relationships is the lack of mutual understanding and accountability of expectations established through assumptions.

Instead of removing negativity, focus on introducing positivity. Then, use the combined positivity to convert negativity to positivity.

You can choose to care or to not care. But if you care, the question is do you care enough to change?

Create space to create presence.

A person may not have the experience or the skill to give me the solution. But he or she has given me hope.

It is about time I stop reading and start thinking.

After my injury, I was so focused on when I could walk again. I kept focusing on how to walk and forgot to ask myself why I should walk again.

I know that I will stand up one day. I just have to be patient. I keep telling myself that every day is a different day and today will be better. Or I can say today, the 3rd day of my agony, is not a good or a bad day. It is a day that I will use it to the best. Instead of thinking when I will stand up, I should be thinking that the worse of me right now may just be the best of me.

There is a huge difference between being mad because you did not get what you want and being mad because you are disappointed in the person who did not get what you want.

Life will always be what it seems and never truly what it is.

Why are you expecting others to give you what you want? What makes you think that the universe is going to dance for you?

Nobody owns your time. Nobody took your time. What you have given up is the illusion of time (in terms of number of hours) not the value of time.

In life, I am not striving for answers and solutions, but I am striving for the opportunities to do something.

To trust means to relinquish control. But trust doesn't exist without control. When there is trust, there is control. To trust is to know when to control and not to control.

Achieve a clear mind not a quiet mind.

The first step of any learning process is self-awareness of one's stupidity.

Sometimes, we have to introduce chaos to summon order.

What I like should not be quantified. I like reading. It doesn't mean that I have to read many books. Why hurry on something that I like?

When loneliness exists, you long for external companionship. When solitude exists, you long for self- companionship.

He committed suicide not because of the loss of money but because he lacked the courage and faith to start all over again.

To learn the basics when you are a baby is nature. To learn the basics of the basics when you are an adult is beyond nature.

At the end of my life, I fell in love with myself. It is not too late, is it?

Find your motivation. Learn it. Through that you develop skills. Through your skills, you establish your thoughts. Through your thoughts, you lead other people to care about something beyond themselves.

The mad man is not mad. He makes you think he is mad. We are living in heaven and in hell simultaneously.

No one stole your freedom of speech. You already have it. It was you who chose not to think and not to create. You chose to follow instead. By following blindly, you have given up the chance to own your own words.

Instead of just removing something or someone, one should create something useful out of the removal.

Real truths are simple but they not easy to stumble upon.

My aim was never to write a book. My aim was to be the writer that I wanted to be - the writer of my own life.

Everyone is the same. It is what I focus on that makes him or her different.

I don’t have to see something to believe it. Believing it doesn't mean it is the real truth because it is only real in my world. Having faith enables me to see something, but this does not mean I need a reason to believe it.

It is not about believing me. It is about trusting your judgment of me. You don't need proof to believe me because you have faith in yourself and you trust and understand your judgment of me. Faith prepares the way for self-reasoning and self-illusions.

We seek empathy from others, but we also seek people to empathize for.

Changing for the better does not mean you have to accept or remove your flaws. Instead, you learn to acknowledge and understand your flaws. You embrace them and grow with these flaws to develop a better self and build a better life.

You are meant to have these flaws because through them you learn to create something beautiful for yourself and for others.

There are two sides of a coin - head and tail. Where there is head, there is tail. Yet, people could only focus on one side. People who have heads cry for tails. People who have tails cry for heads. They can have all the heads and tails, but they fail to realize that they have the whole coin the whole time.

Don't just see the beauty in art. See the ugliness as a beauty of art.

Life is shifting attention from one pool of knowledge to another.

Life starts with your self-established basics.

At the end of the day, when the wine bottle is gone and I am sober, I am nothing but a very sad man for I know you are a jilted lover using me to recover from your pain. So, it all started from one jilted soul whose foolish need of immediate ratification led to another hurtful soul who then went on to hurt another one. It all starts with a foolish need not a foolish soul.

Everything is a vessel of time. Time comes in different forms.

The image of the entire universe exists in my world. I choose what to interact and how to interact based on my own world.

I was embarrassed about my inner sins that was why they were hidden away. Instead, I should have given myself a chance to understand my whole self by embracing and facing my inner sins.

What I learned is not permanent because humans have the amazing ability to unlearn and learn again.

A human is a tool that measures the illusion of time.

Instead of considering some people’s opinions as stupid, consider their opinions as forms of disappointment.

What the universe needs is connections, not love. Because love has always been meant for oneself. One has to learn to love oneself before having the ability to translate his or her love of oneself in a form of care to another self.

To sustain the universe, it requires connections to synchronize energies. It requires one to not only love oneself but to seek others to care through loving oneself.

Maintaining and building connections create the flow of interactions between the inner self and the external self.

In a room full of people listening to the same music, do their hearts beat at the same wavelengths?

If everything is based on my ego, my assumptions, and my perceptions, can I ever see a feeling as the feeling itself?

I can be aware of a feeling but the moment I choose to pay attention to the feeling and feel, I have unintentionally pulled in this feeling into my