Raulf, an Adventure of Sorts by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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The days were getting shorter, October was here and Raulf took a month off from his work to be with Misha and, with Tinker, show him how the estate was run and to introduce him to the local village people. In mid October they took a trip to Bristol, where Misha shopped for a wardrobe of cloths. He was mesmerised by the wide choice in the department stores and spent much of the time in a whirl. Tinker and Raulf acted as sherpa’s carrying an assortment of plastic bags containing boots and jeans for the estate work, two suits, white shirts and ties, and leisure ware, jumpers, socks and pants. By the time they had returned to Morton, it was evening and drizzling. Raulf dropped Tinker at the Gatehouse but no lights were on.

“Carol’s probably over with Mrs.Mac so I’ll come with you.”  Tinker got out to shut the gate behind them.

“We’ll have to get one of those electronic gate openers Tinker.” Raulf waited for Tinker to get in then drove down the drive.

Sir Hubert’s car was parked in the stables.

“It would keep him out, he’s worst than a parent in-law,” Tinker spluttered. “Now what does he want at this time of night?”

They parked the car in the stables then crossed over to the house, Carol already had the door open awaiting them and she kissed Tinker, she welcomed them all back home.

“What’s your uncle doing here tonight Carol?” asked Raulf,  Tinker was saying how much he missed him and he was like a second in-law. That so Tinker?’

Carol laughed and beckoned them into the lounge where Sir Hubert sat awaiting them.


“I have some interesting information for you, I’ve just come back from Highgrove. If you would all sit down please.”

“First we’ll get rid of Misha’s packages, and I presume he’s very eager to go upstairs and retry the lot on again.” Raulf indicated the mound of bags they had bought in and Misha’s shining eyes.

“I would like Misha to stay please. Apparently, I am told that Sir Duncan Arnas is to retire, no further action and a Baronetcy is to be his, for his sustained loyalty and advice to three Prime Ministers. “

“Ah the standard British way of dealing with traitors.” Raulf shook his head in disbelief.

“Now Raulf we only have Misha’s father’s word.”

“And the others?”

“Gaunt and his henchmen are to be heard in camera and will probably be locked up, they even may be sent over to Russia to help identify the Mafia over there.”

“Who killed my parents Sir Hubert. That’s why I joined with you, to find out.”

“I expect we will never know, but according to Major Jackson it appears that it was a Russian hit, neither he nor Gaunt would have mistaken your fathers identity for that of your uncle. Your Uncle was killed by Mr.Dobbs and an accomplice, though its doubtful the evidence obtained would be acceptable to a British court.”

“Why not?”

“Chemical interrogation  were used on the same Mr.Dobbs to discover that truth. However he will also be joining Gaunt and Jackson. The Special Branch sergeant is being dealt with separately by the police prosecutor. And now some information for Misha.”

Sir Hubert paused for breath and Misha looked up expectantly.

“The main structure of the Mafia in his country has been eliminated, General Cheneskin has been in touch recently. He has also investigated the stealing by the militia and garage incident, blaming Misha. His found this to be true, but apparently this was a plan conceived by this militia team of which Misha’s father was a member. If he were to die the son must be protected, the team members decided the juvenile retraining site would be the safest place. It was an arrangement to protect Alex’s son. No doubt you noticed his english knowledge he was taught at the facility. There has been a request by the members of this team for Misha to return to Russia and to be adopted by them.”

“No.” said Misha, “Thank you but no, I wish to stay with Raulf.”

“And his new clothes.” Tinker interjected.

“Clothes not that important, Tinker, but home is here, that is for me.” Misha smiled at them, and went out to help Mrs. Mac with making the coffee.

“There is one more thing I need to mention from Russia. A Sicilian Mafiosi was killed at the bridge, as you know you shot at him and Vincent completed the task. General Cheneskin has warned us that the Don’s aged father still lives in retirement and has put out a contract on those who were responsible. It is unlikely to affect you but please be on your guard until I tell you otherwise. Now I best be off home.”

“We will definitely get the gate fixed up then Tinker.” Raulf looked worried, after such a glorious day, to hear this of this possible threat against them. He shook his head, if only it would finish and let him get back to the relative safety of the unscrupulous workings of business. It meant that once again Misha could be in danger. Perhaps Russia would be a safer place for him, after all, surrounded by his father’s militia team. He’d ask him tonight.


Misha looked out his bedroom window as Raulf told him his thoughts, but Misha’s head shook in disagreement,

“My home is with you Raulf, but you tell me somehow we could be in danger, I protect you.”

“You would be much safer surrounded by your father’s friends.”

“I am surrounded by you and Tinker and Carol and Mrs.Mac. I stay here with you all, you do not like me to suggest I go back?”

Raulf thought for a moment.

“I like you, but I don’t want you hurt, not by a vendetta which has nothing to do with you. I shot Dagio and Vincent finished him. They will come for us not for you.”

“No I stay, you need, together we have four eyes and ears and two pair of hands. I have decided we are safer here but I like the shotgun with us. I sleep in my attic room, or better still you come here with me in the attic. Mrs. Mac is too leave until it finished. You have a telephone channel to the Gate house?”

“Yes Captain Misha, we have a internal telephone system between the stables and Gate house and here. Mrs. Mac has a sister in Aberdeen I’m sure we can convince her to go for a visit.”  Raulf saluted, but Misha’s eyed him seriously.

“Then we be careful, always together, not like Uncle Todd alone in woods. Tomorrow we make plan of defence.”