Raulf, an Adventure of Sorts by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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By mid afternoon Raulf had received another call from Mrs.Mac. Since he and Misha were the only ones to pick the phone up he presumed the others were out and about in the estate.

“They have left now and were interested in Morton, you can tell young Eric that Tricia did her stuff.” Raulf rang Vincent’s mobile with the news.wer

At three pm there came a call from Carol at the gatehouse. “Land Rover from Highgrove just arrived a Major Porter has come to give us a hand. Unofficially of course, he’s his nibs’ adjutant. Vincent has asked us all to meet in the first stable now before it gets dark.”  m wi

Misha checked his shotgun for the tenth time, then slid down the loft ladder to join Raulf. They quickly ran to open the far end stable to allow the Major to drive in. He was dressed in black jeans and black weatherproof top. He introduced himself to Raulf and produced an identification security card. Raulf told him of the meeting, then showed him the main layout of the estate, drawn in the dust of the stable floor. They returned to the first stable block and the others arrived on time. Carol stayed at the gatehouse but she spoke with them on the internal phone. Major Porter was introduced and spoke quickly to Vincent who then as usual took command. He asked everyone to sit then proceeded to outline his plan.

“I have here a number of frog clickers. Each one of us will have one. Two quick clicks identify us an ally. Tinker has an owl horn, one hoot enemy proceeding north, two is south, three is west, four east. He perches up in that tree platform Raulf and he built when they were kids. He will also use one of the night scopes, which Major Porter has bought with him. Eric and Terry are the ground men. They prefer their own weapons, their hands. Their job is to take out whoever falls into the snares. They are not armed but the Major is so he will be in on the platform with Tinker with the rifle. I will be around the house and the stables. Misha and Raulf are in this stable block, under no circumstance will they leave until Tinker comes to collect them.”a

Terry raised his massive arm,

“We have barn owls round, how do we know ‘tis Tinker?”ste

“Good point, two clicks of the clicker then the hoots Tinker OK?” Vincent nodded at the twins, “basically the hoots are for the twins, but they’ll assist me as well.”rth,

“And me?” came Carols ringing voice over the phone.ts

“They could conceivably come in two directions, so the gatehouse is in a perfect position to spot movement down the drive. That’s if you are on the roof Carol.”y&r

“That’s all I need on a chill night.”ire

“You’re welcome.”d o

“Tell me why Vincent we can’t be given official protection. Why this ‘do it yourself’ business?”es a

“Sir Hubert reckoned too short notice to get the anti terrorist team. He had notification of Corio’s arrival day before yesterday. It seems Special Branch were less than enthusiastic about supplying staff, Sergeant Redman was the sticking point. Alas the police have a habit of sticking to themselves. Heads will roll Sir Hubert said, as long as its not ours.”ith

“So to business gentlemen and Ladies, Mrs. Mac has given us the lead now lets take it further. One thing I’m sure of, these are not professional hit man. They are Scilian bandits, used to going in quickly and ruthlessly and leaving just as quickly. They could use grenades, fire, pistols, machine guns, or daggers. It’s all the same to them. If they get through the wires they will blow Morton’s front door and run in, that’s why Eric has done his work in the house. He and I will go over there to check it out. I propose to leave the door locked but not bolted, I want who ever gets through to go into the house. We will leave your bedroom light on Raulf, I want a quick means of entry and exit from there, so I’ll take the scullery door key from you Raulf. OK take some sandwiches and lets get to our places,” Vincent looked up to the loft window, “its getting dark, Carol can you take a phone for up on the roof, and food?”nd we’d t

“Yes, Raulf has leant his me his mobile, and I’ve packed up some chicken soup in a Thermos.”r.

“On your phones select flashing screen or buzz only, switch off the pitched tone please.”s.



Raulf and Misha let the others out then securely battened the stable doors. They then climbed up to the loft and opened the window. They had bought sleeping bags and Raulf climbed into his, whilst Misha pulled his closer to the window so he could see out.

“Raulf, what is a clicker?” he whispered.ec

“They used them in the WW2 as identification signals on the D Day landings. Well I guess there’s not much we can do Misha.  It seems everything has been taken out of our hands, think I’ll have a nap.”  Raulf bundled up some sacking under his head. “Now keep your head in Misha and don’t catch cold. Night.”daggers

Misha smiled turned to look directly through the half moon window set almost at his knee height. He saw a dusk rapidly setting in with the stars already glimmering in the darkening sky. He could see Vincent and Eric leave the house and lock the door, with Vincent heading for the scullery and Eric crossing the lawn in a series of zigzags and jumps toward the woodland. For an hour all was quite. Misha checked his watch. He lay down listening to Raulf’s slight breathing. Turning he saw Raulf was fast asleep, funny how people did different things under pressure. Raulf slept, at peace with the world, Misha on the other hand was in a state of excitement, intermingled with fear. He remembered the vicious angry face of Don Dagio as he tried to wrench Misha away from Raulf, he thought of foolish Sasha being mixed up with these ugly people, and now dead. He had watched Vincent carefully and had seen by his expression, these people coming were the same callous type. He was impressed by the size of the twins, but bullets could stop them quickly. He remembered the hoodlum he had killed when Raulf had fallen over loosing the gun. As another hour ticked by Misha’s mind recounted the sadness and poverty of his life until he had reached Morton. He looked again at Raulf, and stretched over to touch his brow. Raulf momentarily stirred but was soon asleep, a glimmer of a smile on his lips. He too is having pleasant dreams thought Misha as he heard three hoots of an owl. He wondered if it were Tinker. If it was they were coming from the West, that meant the woodland road where Gaunt’s men, Jackson and Redman had come from. If so and they managed to elude the twins snares they would come close to the stables on their way to the house. The night was still not a sound, as if the frost had frozen even the very air itself. A short sharp scream came and went, followed by a deathly hush. Another owls hoot, and this time, coming from the nouth. They were the fields leading to the woods. If they had five men, discount the old man, and drop them off along the road that skirted the west of the estate. Good cover, Misha had to agree. So he surmised, they could be coming individually, and one or two could miss the wood entirely. He concentrated even harder, using his ears as his prime source for information. He heard two hoots, now coming from the south, which meant he could be right.

He knew Tinkers tree was a huge old oak overlooking the stream, solitary in its splendour, the boys had built the platform high in the branches with terrific views over the estate, except to the rear of the house, and the stable block. His mind raced, Tinker had no chance of looking to the north behind the buildings, and here in the stable there was no window to the north, they were all south facing. He slipped out of his bag and moving the window right open he lay the shotgun on the roof beside the gabled window, he slipped out and though the tiles were moist but not yet frozen, he managed to clamber just below the ridge and peer over. Behind lay Mrs. Mac’s kitchen garden that stretched from the main house to the rear of the stables. A high wall protected the garden from the north wind. Further lay the gatehouse field which originally was kept for grazing the horses in years gone by. He stayed calmly watching the garden for five or six minutes. His eyes picked out a movement and by the star light he saw a single figure moving cautiously along the path to the scullery. He turned to look up to the roof of the main house. Maybe it was Vincent down there but no he thought he caught a figure on the parapet at the front of the roof, that’s Vincent with his night vision glasses he thought. But Vincent was looking over the lawn area. How to attract his attention, Use the phone, he did not have Vincent’s number, Raulf did, but let him sleep, I’ll try the single owl call, he said to himself. So he cupped his hands and placed his thumbs together as Tinker had shown all those weeks ago, and he blew one long hoot. Vincent immediately turned in Misha’s direction and signalled for Misha to get off the roof. But Misha held up both arms in a cross then pointed both to the kitchen garden. Vincent raised his hand and climbed along the parapet to the rear. Before he disappeared he waved Misha to get back in to the stable. Misha slowly retraced his steps to the gable window and retrieving the shotgun he returned to the roof ridge. As he concentrated on the moving figure a grunt came from the lawn area. He looked toward where Vincent had disappeared and saw him rise toward the front. Misha gave another single hoot, and motioned to Vincent the shotgun. Vincent then studied the lawn with his glasses then disappeared .now c

Misha continued watching the figure come past the rear of the middle block, coming closer to the stable rear, A flame flared and temporarily blinded Misha, he saw the figure clearly heave the bottle into the air onto the roof of the middle block. The bottle burst and liquid fire spread quickly over the tiles. Misha aimed and fired both barrels; the man was hit with the pellets and hobbled toward the main house. Misha returned to the loft with the gun, reloaded, thumped Raulf on the buttocks, yelling fire, and slid down the ladder. He opened up the doors to get to the middle stable where the fire hose equipment was held. But he was confronted by a sneer and a dagger held in the fist of one of the assailants. He raised the gun to fire, but two clicks came and the man turned to find Eric’s cricket bat crashing down on his skull.o

“Eric, Raulf, help me with the fire equipment.”he

“I saw the flames where are they.”e

“Liquid in a bottle on top of roof,” panted the frightened Misha, it was the giant wielding the bat that had startled him. But Eric grasped him and Raulf tightly in one strong arm and hoisted them both back into the stable. f

“But it’s burning Eric.” Misha struggled to get out of Eric’s grasp. was

“No taint, tis running off the tiles into the gutters. Tiles be clay, the gutters be cast iron. The walls are brick. Now back you both go, we’ve got someone on the lawn.” There was a pistol crack. the

“Well least ways there someone on the lawn, sounds as if Vincent caught him out,” be

“Eric the man threw bottle went to house by scullery.” f

“Did he now well I’ll just go and pop by and see what he’s up to, and look after this Master Raulf its my best sweet Rosie.” Eric handed over the cricket bat. He then went outside and returned with the unconscious Sicilian. f

 “You want to help Misha, then find some rope and tie this one up will yer.”af

As Eric went to the door another crack vent the air. Eric listened intently.

“Major joined in the fun an all.” He said as he sloped off to the Kitchen garden. ye

Misha and Raulf found some decent nylon rope and bound the assailant up. Then they returned to the loft. Both climbed out the window with Misha holding the shot gun in the lead. They checked on the flaming liquid, but it had gone out. They both sat on the ridge back to back listening for any tell-tale noise.

It came with the smashing of the scullery door.

“The man has broken in.” Misha said quietly.or

“Or Eric hasn’t a key.” Raulf replied, “sounded more like Eric.he K

There came a distant cry from the woodland, and silence. Raulf wondered whether Terry had a favourite cricket bat, but he seemed to remember that the twins were not entirely the same in sports. Terry was into softball. His bats just as handy no doubt.

They waited for some time then the hooter went off so they clambered down the roof and made their way to the ground and out the stable. As they were leaving Terry loomed up with a figure on his shoulder. I’ve wired him up.”ba

“Fine Terry we can put him with the one Eric clobbered.” Raulf directed Terry to dump the unconscious man next to his companion. Then they headed for the house. They met up with Tinker and Major Porter doing hopscotch’s over the lawn to avoid the fishing line.rst

Misha used his key to open the door, Raulf switched on the hall lights, and there was Eric as large as life sitting atop the dark suit of Don Corio’s chief henchman.

“Now we have some light lets wrap him up Terry, though I think young Misha’s pot-shot hit him pretty badly in the rump.” Eric glared at Misha who feigned delight. “Not a good shot young Misha, looks like both barrel loads as well, one would have been sufficient.” Misha’s face half fell but still managed to retain some gratification.zags a

Raulf called for silence,

“Where’s Vincent Eric?”e,

“Gone down to the road”e,

“Tinker how many did you guys get?”rd

“Two in the woodland, one is still there trussed up in a tree, Eric’s first. Then the one Terry bought to the stable. Then the one Dick Porter shot coming at Terry from the rear most unsporting. Then the one snagged on the lawn with the machine gun, whom Vincent dealt with, and this one in the house.”ace

Just then Carol drove up in their Land Rover,

“I’ve telephoned Uncle Hubert, and a special squad is on its way from Bristol. Not police but army. Their people are being shipped over to General Cheneskin, apparently we don’t trust the Italian authorities. Where’s Vincent.”d on

“Gone visiting, I suspect the boss man is down in the parking bay by the wood.” Tinker clapped his hands. “Well people did we do well, or did we do well? Carol you had a quite time love.” Ital

“For once, and now no more, it’s Mrs. Transom for me now, so Raulf are we going to open up a bottle of Chardonnay or what?”we

“What I think, the twins don’t go for that foreign muck, its beer or cider for them.” Tinker turned to the door. “I’m off to help them with the other two, we’ll stow them all in the stables for now, then come back for toast and cider.”lawn wi

“What a combination, but I’ll open both.” Raulf went into the kitchen. “ I’ll also give Mrs.Mac a call.”he doo

“Tell her I’ll come and pick her up, I’ll be a while because I want to check on Vincent I’ll leave the Gate open for the squad.” Carol then left and drove offp the


She drove down the drive out on the road and took the right hand junction to the Woodland road. She coasted slowly until she came to the parking bay where Tinker had wrapped up Mr. Dodd’s all those nights ago. The Parking Bay was quite substantial as lorries used it as an overnight stop. There were cars already parked there, the Aston Martin had two people in the back. She drifted over to park behind them, reached in her coat and pulled a pistol out, she then approached the car and saw Vincent with an old man talking. She proceeded to the second car and found it empty so she returned to the Aston Martin and knocked on the window. n

Vincent lowered the window,

“Ah Mrs. Transom, what a pleasant surprise, you’ve come to cheer Don Corio up no doubt?”l a

“Why so Mr. Vinchenzo.”a

The old man spoke quietly,

“His name is Bechella.”ly

“So it is,” said Carol brightly. “What were the two of you discussing.”chee

“His life to be honest.” Vincent added.” You see he has stolen from friends as well Carol, not only did my family suffer through his arrogant son, but the two of them stole my father’s land from the Cappello’s.”e Park

“Dear me. Not a friendly thing to do Cousin Vincent, we have people here to deal with that sort of thing.” f

“Apparently we have his sisters son, the one Eric was sitting on when I left. Alas Misha has pelted him with pellets.” t?

“Don Corio thinks as his nephew has been shot he might die of his wounds, then his life will be doubly in jeopardy.”.”

“How so?”o

“He would both myself and his sister to contend with.” m

“Well it would appear you have the march on the sister at least, for you and he are here together.”bl

“After so many years, it would seem my outrage died with Dagio, this old tiresome foolish man would be better alive and retired.”

“Well some news for you both, some good some bad.”d

“How my nephew, woman, stop the talking foolish?” barked the Don.fo

“Alive with a backside full of buckshot. You both been invited to Russia.” Carol answered. “And you were lucky I didn’t spot you and your friends, or life for you would have been quite different.”he Ca

“So this Bechella tell me. I thank you for the news of Ricardo. He better boy than my own. Dagio was full of venom like a mountain snake.” ri

“Not like you Don Corio. Perhaps you were also mixed up with that Capari attack when Judge Falconi was killed?”no

“How come you live Bechella? We had proof of a piece of you.”th

Vincent roared with laughter.

“Carol I’ll drive the old man to Morton, can you take the other vehicle?”th

“The squad is on its way, his nibs put his foot down. I’m on my way to pick Mrs. Mac up. One way to punish this Don would be to lock him in the pantry with her.” She sauntered off to start the vehicle. Vincent meanwhile shackled the old man’s hands with a plastic tie, then drove the car to Morton.re w

“I think Don Corio you will be headed for the cells of Milan or Siberia, whichever country gets you first of course.”ou

“You will kill me before I get there, it is the way we do things in Sicily.”ch

“Alas I will not, others may. Once you are in the hands of either country, your friends will seek your death. You know that to be so.”be

“I shall say nothing.”rs

Vincent looked sadly across at the old man. The Cosa Nostra would not take that risk.