Raulf, an Adventure of Sorts by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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“So why all the mystery then Raulf?” Tinker asked as he and his friend lay on the riverbank. Tinker had just crossed over the bridge from the barley field that he’d been checking.

“Can’t say other than it’s to do with my parents accident.”

“Well be careful, in his way Carols uncle is as tricky as your trout, least ways that’s what she’s always said. It’s very rare for her to visit them in Wells and now she’s driven back up there again, not a week since you both went.”

“Think she’s helping the old chap out, with his filing or what not.”

“Carol asked me to move in with Mrs.Mac whilst you are away, is that all right with you?”

“Quite, she needs company Tinker, you and Carol can have Uncle Todd’s room. Mrs. Mac has hinted that she should retire, but I had hoped she would feel Morton was her home as much as ours.”

“What ever happened to that Sheila Graham at Uni you used to bring to Morton?”

Raulf smiled, “Gee that was yonks ago Tinker, I still see her occasionally in London when I’m there, she’s a stockbroker now, she’s a mine of information on some of the businesses I have to deal with, as well as being rather attractive. That my dear Tinker is all I’m going to tell you.”

Their conversation drifted on for some time, stirring memories of Morton as it was in their younger years, until the evening light began to fade, then they heard Carol’s car arriving back at the house.

“I guess you’ll be away shortly Raulf, Carol’s come straight to the house so she obviously has your marching orders from Uncle Bert.”

“Yes I suppose so, can’t say I’m thrilled at the prospect of leaving here, could have at least helped bring in the barley with you.” Raulf looked through the gathering dusk at the field beyond. Appraising what was his now, then shaking his head, he turned and followed Tinker up to the house.


Carols and Tinkers small Ford, was parked in front of the steps, behind it was a Honda Accord. As they both hurried up the wide gravel path Tinker turned to his companion.

“I tell you Raulf I have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach about this little adventure of yours.”

“You mean your wife’s uncles venture.”

“My gut feeling is that Carol will be away as well and not filing either.”

“It’s a simple task her uncle has given me Tinker, just a quick trip out of the country and back again, a week at the most if not sooner.”

“Its not only you I’m worried about, I bet that other car behind ours is Vincent’s.”

“Wrong again Tinker,” Raulf smiled as they drew alongside the vehicle, “It belongs to Mr. Hertz according to that sticker on the screen.”

Carol was waiting for them in the lounge room, in the corner looking out the window was Tinkers gut feeling. Vincent’s features had if anything become more prune like, small and greying and wrinkled, but still those same ebony bright glinting eyes. Raulf stepped forward and shook his hand quickly.

“I think I always make you scared Mr. Raulf. I sorry I do that, but it is me.” Vincent gave a small Italian shrug as way of an apology.

“True Vincent, but then I was twelve at the funeral and cautious of the world at large.”

“Invading your grief, I understand, strangers are potential enemies even with their compassionate thoughts.”

“When do we leave?”

“Tomorrow, if you could place me for tonight I would be pleased, tonight you must pack a small suitcase and Carol wishes to speak with us both, but Tinker is ever at your side and it is good to see the tamer of trout again.” He stepped over to Tinker and shook hands warmly.

“I’ve arranged for Mrs. Mac to bring dinner to us in your uncles study if that’s alright Raulf?” Carol turned to her husband,” And my darling must move in here tomorrow once I’ve left.” She kissed him lightly on the check.

“I really don’t know why this fuss and bother, OK Carol, company for Mrs. Mac, but she’s been on her ownsome often enough, so why the concern?”

“Just do it please for me, and no fishing by moonlight, please my love just be in the house by evening.”

“Ah vampires are about, my Dad told me about them.” Tinker roared with laughter, night or day the estate was his world and he, as a child would track an occasional poacher in the forest without them seeing, honing his skills he used to call it.

“No my love, just for my peace of mind.” Carol looked to Vincent for support, she knew Tinker was unafraid of the estate that he truly loved.

“Please to do as Carol says Tinker, those who killed Mr. Turpin are as yet unfound, and Mr. Raulf and our journey may cause some objections,” Vincent’s stared hard at Tinker, it was a command from the little man.

“Now I’m not having Raulf caught up in some weird play by your uncle Carol, if he’s likely to meet some danger in this stupid assignment then I want him out. And why choose Raulf, why not me or a hundred others, people who can look after themselves?”

“Who me, not able to care for myself Tinker?” Raulf felt somewhat hurt by Tinkers remarks.

“I mean in the physical sense Raulf, I don’t want you hurt, come on, Vincent is a minder, we’ve always known that, why do you need minding?”

“A precaution only,” Vincent interrupted Tinker, ” Raulf, because he was asked for, specifically him, so I go to mind him, I will bring him safe back to you.”

Carol shooed them to the study and kissing her bewildered husband led him to the front steps.


She came back to the study and picked up a large manila envelope that she slit open.

“We don’t have much time and I need to pack a few things so let’s get on shall we. First the object of this mission is for Raulf to collect a letter or piece of paper or it might be just a name.”

“Don’t we know, “ Raulf smiled at Carols business manner.

“No we don’t.”

“You will remain yourself Raulf, Vincent is from your Italian office and you both are visiting a potential business in St.Petersburg. You will be expected to do a summary audit and the name of their accountant is in here. Vincent knows nothing of accounting terms you will need to cover for him. He will at know time be expected to speak so I suggest you two arrange for some routine where at least he can be seen to be working.

Vincent’s name will be Vincent Lazlo. And yours Raulf remains the same so don’t forget to pack your passport.”

“Already pressed and packed, but how about a visa then.”

“To be picked up at the airport, yes that’s irregular but it will be done, a man from their embassy will meet you, Vincent has those details as well as your travel arrangements hotel bookings and tickets, just like your secretary would have organised for you.”

“You have been thorough.”

“Now your contact is this name and address, keep it in your wallet and once the contact has been established destroy the card.’

“I thought you people never put things in writing Carol, security or some such, rely on memory, that sort of thing.”

“In your case Raulf we’ve made an exception, now please let me get on. Once the whatever it is has been handed over you will board your flight and return to London, then on to Morton, where either Uncle Herbert or myself will collect it from you.”

“Where do I hide it on me for the journey?”

“Take an expense sheet with you and clip it together with any receipts you’ve collected. Now it’s a simple courier operation, so don’t go aping spies do you hear? Just a normal audit operation as you would do under any other circumstance. Agreed?”

Raulf nodded.

“Inside the envelope is your reading matter for the flight, the companies details and material that you would normally take with you. Your company has been briefed that this assignment is at the request of Lord Jarman, one of your major accounts I believe. So both ends are clear.”

“Suppose he knows about all this?”

“No, not all of course but his lordship has a genuine interest in this company, a partnership into the new Russia, and he was more than happy for you to do the audit. Lastly Raulf, at all times you will take whatever actions or a direction Vincent gives you. He is there to protect you, not the information which uncle seeks. I doubt that anything untoward will occur, but Uncle asked for Vincent for you on purpose.”

“Otherwise you wouldn’t have let me go on this jaunt.”


“What the devil has it got to do with my parents death and Uncle Todd’s, there’s obviously some connection Carol?”

“That you will know when we get the letter or whatever it is you are fetching, other than that I do not know. Uncle Bert is very tight chested on that score, a need to know basis even for me.” She sounded a little sour. “You both leave tomorrow morning so good luck and see you next week, we’ll have a great party at the Gate house, and you can invite that nice girl you used to bring down here when you were at Uni.”

“You and Tinker both are ganging up on me, you want to make a foursome down here.”

“Well why not, anyway I’m away now, so remember listen to Vincent at all times and read these up tomorrow.” Carol rose and handed the envelope to Raulf and waved to them both on her way out. She met Mrs. Mac coming in with a supper tray.

“Can’t stop, but thanks, but they need some nourishment.” And she whisked out.