Revolutionary Blues by B Sha - HTML preview

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Viktor's Manifesto: Part 2

A popular BBC documentary recently described our activities as ranging from civil disobedience to outright sabotage. Activities which had an anarchist flair and flaunted a resistance to any authority that sought to impose their control over the physical and virtual worlds. I would have to agree wholeheartedly. We usurped the digital revolution proudly. We would take back what was ours, and much, much more.

It all began innocently enough, trolling online multiplayer games and other general tomfoolery, but as the group realized its aggregate power it naturally began to raise the stakes. By the time I would consider myself their kin, they had already cut their teeth exposing white supremacist radio host Hal Turner to be an FBI informant and turned over evidence that resulted in the arrest of sexual predator Chris Forcand. The next target was presidential candidate Sarah Palin, whose Yahoo! Email account was infiltrated by a hacker named Rubico. With success, our audacity grew. It was only natural that we would begin to test the impact the digital world could have on the geopolitical one. I first became truly active in the brotherhood during this phase. While protests raged in Iran after the election of 2009, we assisted Iranian activists in launching a site that coordinated support and resources for protestors. It was a resounding success.

Still, the radicals among us were not satisfied. Yes, we had fought hard to be worthy of the term, one the powers that be applied so carelessly. The term denotes political principles focused on altering social structures through revolutionary means, and some of us became disenchanted with the limited potential of our previous actions. Altering social structures would require a more focused, and a decidedly less cautious approach.

The next few targets chosen by the larger group, were similarly unsatisfying. The Church of Scientology, Aiplex Software, then PayPal, MasterCard and Visa in the famous WikiLeaks retaliation. Concern grew that we were still aiming too low. Targets deserving of derision were not be confused with targets deserving of retribution with vengeance.

It was at this juncture I determined to raise an idea to the hive. Out of deference, I raised it as a question. We’d worked hard to protect and support WikiLeaks, but what could be done to magnify the impact of its explosive revelations? Several proposals were heard and a number of us began coordinating resources to analyze and translate the leaked diplomatic cables, publicizing important and overlooked ones, and pushing them further into the public domain. The leaks revealed diplomats that acted as spies, adept at deception, treachery and even theft, manipulating politics in foreign nations with impunity. We exposed a secret war fast underway in Yemen, and an impending war with Iran that Saudi Arabia and Israel were cheer-leading.

Emboldened, we formed a splinter cell of risk-taking and ambitious individuals. Our team pushed forth into uncharted waters, with the resources of the larger collective at our backs. We encouraged the Arab Spring, targeting websites of the Tunisian and Egyptian governments during their respective revolutions. We lent resources to individuals on the ground to run internet connections out of the country, providing a few neighborhoods with access to the internet. Eventually evidence came to light that the color revolutions in these countries were heavily backed by Western organizations and intelligence agencies. We were disappointed and dejected, but we refused to relent.

HBGary Federal was next to draw our ire. The firm foolishly declared that it had infiltrated Anonymous, a claim we sought to prevent any future organizations from making. In retaliation, we hacked their servers and stole and destroyed emails and data. The most embarrassing documents we could find we published on the web. Our splinter cell’s ambitions reached their apex with this success, yet they simply refused to follow suit. Instead, the stubborn jokesters of Anon averted their gaze to Westboro Baptist Church, an anti-gay church with 40 odd members in Kansas. We initiated operations in India and Malaysia to expose corruption and graft and they responded by hacking the Universal Orlando Resort. It seemed as if for every step we advanced, the greater group retreated two.

At this point, we were beyond infuriated, as you surely must understand. Breaking further away from the main group, we launched attacks against the Syrian Defense Ministry, the Los Zetas gang and intelligence consulting firm Stratfor. We hoped they’d follow suit but they next claimed responsibility for a fake article published on the PBS site stating that Tupac and Biggie were hiding out in New Zealand. And thus, we were made aware of the folly of expecting focus out of the ADD-generation.

Eventually we separated completely and ended all affiliation with Anonymous. Our final act was to bring down the CIA and Senate networks before finally disbanding out of frustration. We performed no encore, for the audience never cheered for one.

In the attached files you shall find transcripts that substantiate much of the aforementioned. In addition, there is contact information of participants in some of the more critical activities, with associated pass phrases that will indicate the trustworthiness of the bearer. Among the contacts are some of the most gifted hackers in the world, they are to be treated with the utmost respect, but if they align with you, their resources are invaluable.

For me however, the journey was not yet over. Left to my own devices, and determined to continue my fight, I set hard at work assembling the programs that are also included in this dossier. The first is a program which coordinates Distributed Denial of Service attacks across P2P networks, giving an individual who can get a critical mass of PCs to install their instance of the file the ability to take down their specified target. The software, which I hereby give permission to open source, works like this: a user sets the IP of the targeted site, saves the file and uploads to P2P and torrent servers. If enough users download the file and run it, the Low Orbit Ion Cannon as it’s been affectionately titled, floods the address with data packets, disrupting service completely.

The pièce de résistance, however, is what I’ve affectionately dubbed the High Orbit Ion Cannon. Like its counterpart, it is a device to launch a distributed attack across a platform. Much of the software remains to be written, but the protocol you will find in this database is extremely powerful. I will allow the reader to study the code itself, to avail myself of the burden of explaining the full functionality, but I will summarize the capability. Using the HOIC code and peer-to-peer protocols provided, one should be able to construct a mechanism that controls a network of accounts (bank, brokerage, etc). The protocol gives direct control over the activity of the account, allowing the user to launch a coordinated attack on any major security or banking entity. Simply stated, sell orders could be sent from thousands of market participants, confounding HFT algos into believing uncoordinated and diverse orders were being placed.

A layering of orders millisecond apart would counter the biggest advantage HFTs have, namely being collocated on the exchange’s servers, reducing their lag time nearly to zero. This tool should in theory be able to cause a flash crash in the market but as I mentioned, the project is incomplete. The underlying work should set the beholder well on his way.

Finally you will find some research materials and raw data with initial conclusions that are drawn but still require further analysis to corroborate the findings. Results of this research could be extremely lucrative, especially the technical analysis on price movements in cryptocurrencies. This may lead to an accurate mechanism to time price movements in bitcoin.

In conclusion, I will elucidate for you, dear reader, a bit of reasoning for my actions. Insofar as my beliefs, they are founded most concretely in the tradition of anarchy. It is a worthy fight, one which the subject visits upon the ruler, and must be continued as long as rulers remain. Though tiring, the fight can never cease. It is my sincere hope that the bearers of this cache (it is to be shared, not hoarded), will use it with responsibility, and do everything in their power to utilize it to continue the efforts begun by myself and others in earnest. The included financial assets are to aid you in your accepted duty.

