Road Trip of the Undead by Dalton Ford - HTML preview

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 Chapter 1: My Near Death Experience


  One and a Half Months Later
 I leaned up, my stomach still hurt from the slightest movement. I groaned and grabbed my abdomen. I lifted up my shirt and looked at my scar. The bullet had entered right above my right leg. I couldn’t really walk without support.

  To my left was Bubba snoring. Rosie said I was lucky to be alive. I lost a lot of blood. I was still piecing together what happened after I hit the ground. That’s when it hit me like the bullet. Another flashback…

  I could feel the pain of the bullet. I hit the ground with a groan. The world was growing dark. My arms wrapped around the wound. I felt the warm blood slide through my fingers and onto the ground. I could see Robert. He started limping towards me, but Bubba growled at him. Robert backed away. He turned and saw the horde. He aimed the Glock and noticed that the slide was still back. He threw it into the SUV and got in. He started it and drove off.

  I watched as the horde approached. I could feel my demise coming. Moments later the convertible came up and blocked the horde. “Andrew!” Rosie yelled as she ran towards me. It sounded like she was a hundred miles away. Josh stood up in the convertible and started shooting an M4 at the horde. Rosie started dragging me but quit.

  “Josh!” Rosie yelled. He quit firing. “Carry him the rest of the way. I’ll give covering fire!” Josh tossed the M4 to her. She caught it and changed it to semi auto and started shooting. I looked up to the sky. It was grey. I took a slow blink.

Rosie walked in the room and broke the trance. “How are you?” She questioned.  “I’ve seen better days,” I replied and let out a smile. She could tell I was in pain no matter how much I tried to cover it up.
 “Here,” she said and held out her hand. “They are just some ibuprofen, nothing strong. Sorry.”
 “Thank you,” I said. “Anything is good.” I dry swallowed them and looked at her.
 “Need anything?”
 “Will you feed Bubba and let him out? He needs some new water too, please.”
 “I’ll get him the water when Josh gets back. He had to go scavenging again.”
 “Okay.” I woke Bubba up. Rosie patted her leg. Bubba knew the drill and went with her. She closed the door behind her. I laid my head back down on my pillow and let out a sigh. I was back in my old room. Rosie cleaned it for me, but there were still blood stains on my white door.
 I could almost walk alone. It hurt, but I powered through. It’s like life hit the restart button and I had to learn to walk again.
 My weapons were lost with my truck at the outlet mall. I missed being the scavenger, the provider. It made me feel weak to be dependent upon them. I was lucky to have such amazing friends that would take care of me like that.
 We were still looking for Robert. They had no idea where he went, but when I recovered we planned on paying a visit to the military base. Josh had been doing a little recon occasionally. They had heavy artillery: M4A1s, RPGs, helicopters, Humvees, M82A1s, mounted S AWs around the base, and plenty of people to use those guns. Josh had seen the busted up SUV Robert drove in front of the base. We only had the M4 Josh got from that Humvee, two M4A1s, and two Glocks. One of them lost their sidearm when they crashed. Josh shot the driver I guess or something like that. He also thought that he had seen Raya there, but that was unconfirmed. My guess was that he was wrong and that she was dead, but crazier things had happened.
 I sat in my bed and closed my eyes. I relaxed my body and became extremely calm. I waited for several minutes until Bubba returned. When he entered the room he immediately ran to the side of the bed, waiting for my approval. I patted the bed. He jumped up and lied next to me with his head on my chest. When he jumped it caused me to bounce which sent pain shooting up my spine. He could sense it. Bubba began whining and nuzzling my hand, licking it too. I brushed my hand across the top of his head. “I’m okay, boy,” I told him. I looked towards Rosie. “Thanks.”
 “You’re welcome,” she replied. “Need anything else, for you?”
 “No, I’m fine.”
 “Alright, just holler if you need anything.” She faked a small smile and closed the door behind her. I drifted into my usual light and fitful sleep until Josh returned. Rosie brought Bubba and me water. We were both dying of thirst. After that, I ate some soup and went to sleep with Bubba at my side.
 I was awakened sometime after noon. It was Rosie and Bubba who did it. She let him out and fed him. When she returned we did my daily exercises up and down a few stairs and some simple walking. I started walking down the middle of the hall with Rosie helping me. I finally told her, “Let me go.”
 “You sure?” Rosie asked. I nodded. She released her hands and backed away. I wobbled and gained my balance. I took a step. Then another. Then a third. Step after step until I reached the wall. I put my back against it. I looked up at Rosie. We both smiled. “I think I’m ready,” I said.

 Chapter 2: Just Like Old Times


  Three Weeks Later
 After three weeks of gaining my strength back (at an incredible rate), and target practicing at random locations (to avoid drawing attention to the house) I was finally ready to become myself again, you’re regular hardcore zombie killer.

  We planned on going to search for guns two days before we go. We each wanted a small pump shotgun, pistol, semi auto rifle, a lever action rifle, and two extra pistols. That was my list anyway. If we needed anything else, we could get it from the dead. Oh, and if you are wondering why not a bolt action, lever actions are actually more accurate.

  The night before we began to put a duffle bag of things we would need together. “We need water for sure,” I said.
 “I can make some bombs,” said Rosie. “All I need is a glass jar gasoline, rags, gun powder, nails, glass, and some shotgun shells.”
 “Josh,” I said. “Get Rosie those supplies while we put the bag together. You will have to leave, check the neighbors’ houses.” Josh stood and went to get the supplies.
 “You think we’ll need food?” Rosie asked.
 “Not if we eat before we leave,” I answered.
 After Josh returned with most of the list Rosie started making the bombs. After the bag was complete we went to a few pawn shops near the base. There were six total.
 I got a AR15 with a spring stock (makes it full auto) with four thirty round magazines all of which were filled with steel jacket hollow points, a M1911 with two seven round clips, two Glock 24s with three twelve clips each, a scoped M14 EBR with two ten round clips, and lastly a sawed off Remington 870 with sixteen shells. (Instead of me explaining the guns how about you do some research? That should be fun…)
 Josh grabbed an ACR with four thirty round clips and a LCR (Light Compact Revolver) with about fifteen extra shells since he would be carrying the duffel bag.
 Rosie kept the M4 which had three thirty round clips and an M9 with two fifteen round clips. She planned on covering Josh the entire time.
 After that we returned home and loaded our clips. We got used to the sights and handlings of the guns. All mine weighted me down, but I would need that many if I wanted to invade a military base. The day of the plan Rosie and I chose a truck to drive to the scene while Josh drove the convertible home. We picked him up and left, after I let Bubba out. I left him with two bowls of water and two bowls of food.
 We approached the base in the truck at around one a.m. I was in the bed while Josh drove the back window was open so I could talk to them. The headlights were off and I had my M14 out. I was going to take out the sniper and SAW nests before we moved in. Then, I would use my AR15 to take down their militia as we moved in. After we got through the gate and into the base, we would get out of the truck and search the base for Robert and possibly Raya.
 I knelt down to tell them, “Stop in about a hundred yards,” I said. “Don’t take off until I tell you to.”
 “Yeah,” she replied. I stood back up and tapped the hood of the truck. I chambered the M14. After about ten seconds I tapped the hood of the truck again and we stopped.
 “It’s like old times you guys,” I said and chuckled. “Now then, let’s get to business.” I stood up and matched up my scope. I could barely see the targets, but they were spread out so I would have a few extra seconds. The crosshairs looked onto his head. He was sitting in a chair, relaxing. I waited to feel the wind, and there was none. I aimed an inch above his head and shot. The bullet sent him flying backwards and out of his chair. I found the next sniper and took the shot. It hit him in the ribs. He fell over the back of the bird’s nest to his demise. People began to catch on, but we hadn’t been spotted yet. I shot the other six snipers with eight rounds. I reloaded and took out seven LMG gunners before I ran empty. I tossed my M14 over the side of the truck. I tapped the hood and pulled out my AR15. I chambered it and aimed down the iron sights. As we raced towards the fence, they spotted us. There were at least thirty armed with M4A1s on the front line. There were a few SAW gunners spread far and few in between.
 I exchanged fire with the enemies. Several shots hit the truck, and one took of one of the side mirrors. I shot one in the neck who went down pulling the trigger. He killed six more for me. I continued the fight as more troops rallied together. My first clip ran empty. I ducked down and threw the empty clip into the cab. I chambered the gun after sliding in the clip.
 “Hold on!” Josh yelled. I grabbed the truck as we crashed through the gates. I flew forwards then back. I almost fell off, but remained to stay on. I stood up again and continued shooting. They were down to about seven on the front lines at that time and the SAW gunners no longer had an angle on me so I took them out with ease. At the barracks I could see them make a blockade with their Humvees. We ran over one of the troops. I tapped the hood. We stopped. I grabbed the dead guy’s RPG and got back on.
 We continued the mission as shots came at us from all directions. I was on my fourth clip by the time we reached the barricade. We got out of the truck and found things to use as cover. Josh had the bag and his ACR out. I slid him the RPG. He put it in the bag. I could tell the only things in there were the bombs, gasoline, a lighter, the RPG now, and a half drunken bottle of water.
 I had him toss me a bomb. Then he tossed me the gasoline and the lighter. I poured some gas on the rag that stuck out of the bottle and lit it. I rolled it towards the Humvees. It rolled onto its side. I heard the soldiers yell and start to run, but it exploded. Shrapnel went flying along with body parts and blood. I gave Josh back the gasoline and lighter when we regrouped. There were five bombs left. We took cover behind the Humvees on the opposite side of the enemies that were once there. I heard a sound that struck me at my core. Helicopter blades ripping through the air.
 “Hand me the RPG,” I told Josh. He handed it to me and I propped it up over the Humvees. The helicopter was looking for us. I took cover again and let it pass over us. After it passed, I shot the rocket. It flew straight towards it and hit it in the tail. The chopper spun out of control and hit one of the bird’s nests. It exploded. We shielded our eyes. “Let’s check the barracks.”
 We went over the Humvees and into the barracks. There were flipped bunk beds that our enemies used for cover. We swapped fire as we found a place to take cover. I shot my AR15’s last round and tossed it at an enemy. He caught it and looked at me. I pumped and shot the first round of my 870. I took cover again. I popped up and blew the head off of another soldier. I ducked down and pumped the gun again. The firefight raged on until Josh threw another bomb. We barely survived it and I was down to four shells in my 870.
 We entered the next barracks to find only five people. My first shell killed two. The rest of my shells killed a person, except for one. I dropped the gun and drew my Glocks; I took them off safety and raised them. We entered the last building. Rosie killed seventeen out oftwenty. Josh killed the rest. I didn’t even get to shoot a single shell. We exited the building, not finding Robert and went to the H.Q. building next without a single encounter. There were three levels and an unknown amount of hostiles inside. I kicked in the door and Rosie threw in a bomb. It exploded and I heard several cries, a few of which were women’s.
 We ran into the building with our pistols raised. The first floor was clear except for a guy who was bleeding out on the floor. Josh finished him before we headed up the stairs. “Anyone have any ammo on something other than their pistol?” I asked. They nodded ‘no.’ I sighed. “Okay, let’s do this.”
 I ran into the second story there were cubicles and plenty of other places to hide too. I spotted the first person. He got a bullet to the eye from my left Glock. I spotted another person. He got a bullet to the heart from my right Glock. Rosie and Josh were pretty much just covering me at this point because I was on another one of my famous rampages.
 “Come on!” I screamed as I shot more people. “Is this it three people can overpower a militia? This is sad people.” A girl popped out with her M4A1 at her hip she screamed furiously and before she could pull the trigger I shot her four times from each gun. I was empty at that point. I slid out my mags and put in new ones. I flicked the slides forward with my thumbs.
 We progressed to the third floor where I heard footsteps. “Josh,” I said.
 “Yeah?” He questioned.
 “Tie the rest of the bombs together and give them to me,” I told him. He even poured gas on them for me. I lit them and tossed them inside. The explosion this time was huge. It left a crater in the middle of the floor the size of a twin bed. The shrapnel alone did so much damage. The place was on fire now. I walked up the steps. There were people waiting for me. I emptied my clips with my trigger finger in about six seconds. I put in the last mags and walked up the last stairs. We entered the third floor. My friends helped me now. Rosie went down the left hallway while I went straight and Josh went right. I shot off six rounds from each gun into a total of four people. I could hear my friends killing people too. I did the most as I dodged the crater. My guns ran empty. I slid one and a guy slid on it. I drew my knife and stabbed him in the throat as he hit the ground. I drew his M9 and my M1911. I put my knife back in its place as I continued walking. I shot all the rounds of my M9 at a group of six who refused to die until they got shots to the head.
 I kicked in the door at the back of the hallway. I put my right wrist under my gun with my clip in it so I could reload faster. I saw a desk and a guy standing at the back of the room. It was Robert and he had a human shield. The human shield looked like a tall, older, and male version of Sam. I shot the shield a few times and took cover outside on the wall. I shot my last three rounds randomly into the room. I slid out my mag and put in another. I put the new round into the gun and peered around the corner. Robert was nowhere to be seen, and the window was open with a rope leading to the ground. One of the Humvees used in the blockade was gone and our truck had been hit by it.
 “Crap,” I said. I waited for Rosie and Josh to regroup with me. Rosie arrived first and we waited for Josh who arrived with none other than Raya. I stood up as she walked in. I hugged her. “How are you?”
 “Good,” she responded.
 “What happened at the Central Safe Point after I left?” I questioned.
 “It was attacked by some people,” she answered. “I escaped after I realized it was a hopeless battle. My father stayed though…”
 “Oh,” I sadly responded.
 “We should really get going if we want any chance at catching Robert,” Rosie said.
 “I agree,” said Josh.
 We walked down the stairs again through all the death we caused and back to the truck. It had a slight dent in it and that was pretty much it. Josh drove and Rosie and Raya sat up front. I rode in the back. I sat with my body to the left of the still open mirror. I was exhausted, and my stomach was hurting again. I gripped it and relaxed. Soon, we were home. Once there I let Bubba out and after a few minutes we went back inside.
 We went upstairs and straight to sleep. In the morning I met up with Raya, Josh and Rosie in the kitchen. “So what do you guys want to do about Robert?” I questioned as we all sat at the table.
 “I think we should let it be and leave here,” Raya said. “He won’t come for you again after what you put them through.”
 “I disagree,” Rosie said. Her and Raya glanced at each other, and then back at me. “We should get out of here, once this is finished. I don’t want him alive after what he put you through, and he is a backstabber.”
 “I agree with Rosie,” Josh said. “What do you think Andrew?”
 “I don’t know,” I replied. “I want to take some time to think before doing anything.”
 “Andrew,” Rosie began. “I’m surprised. I expected you to be the one wanting to kill him.”
 “I know,” I told her and sighed. “I just think we should rationally think for a little bit before we do anything.”
 “Okay then,” Rosie sighed. And with that, the crowd dispersed. Raya was staying in the room next to mine, Josh got Robert’s old one, and Rosie got Janet’s old one.
 I went to the fridge and got a bottle of water. I took a large drink before grabbing a second one. I closed the fridge and walked back to my room. I poured Bub’s water into his bowl. He started lapping it up almost immediately. I lied in bed to just think for a minute.
 If I chose to kill Robert, we would have to find him first. That would take time and a large risk. Or, we could just disappear and get out of Indiana. That took risk too, and where would we go? We could just do nothing, but then we would be at risk with Robert and any survivors of the attack. It was all just so complicated. After pondering these thoughts for a while, I ruled out staying all together. It was leave, but the question was ether or not if I should track down and kill Robert. I mean, should I? The answer to that question? Yes.
 I took my M1911 and put it between my pants and boxers. It was off safety but unchambered. I walked into the kitchen. “Group meeting you guys!” I yelled and waited for them to join me. Once they did I looked at them all.
 “Well?” Rosie asked.
 “That hoe’s gonna die,” I said.

 Chapter 3: Hunters


  “Do you have any idea where he would have gone?” I asked Raya. “Yeah,” she responded. “He was talking about heading north.”
 “How far north?” I questioned.
 “Michigan north,” she answered.
 “He had the journey planned out and said that if he was going he would go slow and

 take the scenic route. I don’t know exactly where he is going, but I know the general area.  If we leave now, we can reach the state border by night fall.”
 “Alright, get your crap and meet me downstairs. We’re taking the convertible.” I got Bubba, my laptop, a knife that had a weird but amazing handle, and Bubba’s

  food. I went back in for the rest of the food and supplies. They met up with me a minute or two later. I let Rosie, Bubba, and Josh in the back then leaned my seat back again. Raya sat up front with me to navigate me. I got in and started the car. I took one last look at the house then drove out of there. We drove for a while in silence until I turned on the stereo. I checked the CDs. The only one was a Johnny Cash CD. We listened to it on full blast. After the CD was over, we rode in silence.

  We reached the state border at sundown like we planned. We stayed at a two floor motel. We each got our own room and unlocked the middle doors. I went to sleep with sharp pains near where I was shot.

  I awoke to gun shots. Raya was standing outside shooting at the largest horde I had ever seen. Her AK ran empty. She dropped it over the balcony and drew two USPs. She opened fire as they progressed towards us. The aggressive ones pushed their way through the crowd and climbed the stairs. One was almost on me by the time I dodged it. Raya looked a little too late and was tackled. He tried to block with her forearm, but it got locked in his jaws. She screamed as blood trickled out of her arm. She shot him in the head. He fell off. She took her USPs and put both below her head. She shot herself. I looked away. I saw another infected. It fell onto the barrel of my now chambered M1911 and it went into its mouth. I shot it. It fell off. I drew my knife and put it below my gun.

  I shot the undead until I was empty. I dropped the gun and ran inside to see Rosie and Josh. They were dead. Their throats had been slit and Bubba was gone. I looked at my knife. It was bloody, and the weird part was that I couldn’t remember using it. I felt pain in my face.

  I woke up for real this time. Rosie was standing over me. “Come on!” she screamed. She was obviously terrified.
 “What’s going on?” I asked.
 “Raya,” Rosie said. “She ratted us out to Robert. This was a trap. We have to go. Josh is gone.”
 Bullets ripped through the window and narrowly missed Rosie. I got up. “How many are out there?” I asked.
 “Five not including Raya and Robert.”
 “Psh, I thought there was a real threat.”
 “Andrew, these people were in the Special Forces with Chuck!”
 I drew my M1911 and chambered it. I put Bubba in the bathroom where he would be safe. “How much ammo you got?” I asked.
 “I still have my M4A1,” Rosie answered. “I have a clip and a half.”
 “Get somewhere safe and draw the fire. I’ll take the shots I can get, but I only have seven bullets.”
 I watched her go into her room as bullets ripped the place apart. She popped up and started shooting in semi auto. I opened my door and slid up to the fall guard thing for the balcony. I looked over it and saw Robert. He lit a cigar and put it in his mouth. He pulled out a revolver and shot our tires out. Crap. I thought.
 I jumped up. Everything slowed down. My hands wrapped around my gun as I aimed at one of the guys. He was reloading. I shot him in the nose. He fell back. Robert spotted me and pointed at me. I shot at him, but hit the convertible. I aimed at one of the guys who were locking onto me. I shot him twice, once in the heart and again in the cheek. I spotted another and took him out. I took cover again. Everything returned to normal speed. I crawled to a better spot to shoot from. I popped up and gave Raya a bullet in the chest. I shot one of the last three Special Forces guys twice. The slide stayed back on my M1911. I took cover and dropped my gun.
 I saw one of the guys coming towards me. He had a Bowie knife and began running. I drew my knife and blocked his as it came down towards me. I punched him in the stomach and kneed him. I gave him my blade in his left eye. I dropped him and took my knife back. I cleaned it and put it back to its place. I picked up the dead guy’s MP7A1. It had a full clip and hadn’t even been chambered yet. I did it, so it had forty rounds total.
 I walked down the back stairs and aimed down the sights. I opened fire. I lit up one of the guys with about twelve rounds. Robert saw me and shot. It totally missed so he shot a few more times, but they missed too. He was scared now. I put the gun at my hip as I closed in on him. He kept backing up, and tripped over a concrete parking place thing. I saw Rosie shoot the last Special Forces guy four times throughout his body. He feel back, dead. I looked at Robert crawl back frantically. He hit the wall of the motel. I kept advancing. He stood up and opened the room’s door. He closed it behind him and I heard him scurrying about in there. I shot it until it fell down. I saw him at the back of the room, loading his revolver. He raised it. I raised my MP7A1. One more shot rang out into the night.

 Chapter 4: Change


  I walked out to see that Raya was still alive, but barely. She must know that her death is near. That must be worse than death itself; just waiting for death and knowing you can’t do anything to live longer. “Why did you do this Raya?” I asked her.

  “You abandoned me, my father, and all the other people when we needed you the most,” Raya said. “I tried to keep you from going after Robert, but you just had to do it didn’t you? Someone’s going to get you one of these days Andrew, just wait.”

  “Yeah, probably,” I said. “But I know I will die with a fulfilled life, plus I know I will die with an empty gun in my hand.”
 I walked away from her. “Kill me,” she whispered. She coughed. “Just do it, I don’t want to wait anymore.”
 I stopped. “Please,” she said. “It’ll make up for all the wrong you have done to me, if you just shoot me.”
 I turned and raised my MP7A1 at my hip. She smiled. Blood was on her bottom lip and in her teeth. “No,” I said. “No more of this. No more anything. The only thing I’m killing is whatI hunt, and the undead.” I dropped the gun and walked away.
 I broke into a car and used my knife to help me hotwire it. I unlocked Rosie’s door and she got in. I drove to the stairs where I got out. I went back to my old room and let Bubba out. I stopped by the convertible and got the Johnny Cash CD we listened to on the way there. I put Bubba in the back seat and we left. We headed towards home for the last time.
 After a few hours we arrived, and I went inside to see if we left anything of use. I went back outside and got in the car. “Anything?” Rosie asked.
 I looked at her and said, “Exactly what this place has to offer us… nothing.” I started the car and we left. I don’t know where I was headed or why, I just drove.
 We continued through the state of Indiana for a while just searching until we entered Kentucky after finding a bridge that wasn’t messed up by cars or just destruction.

 Chapter 5: Kentucky


  “ Andrew,” Rosie said.
 “What?” I asked.
 “Can you find a place to stop?” She asked.
 “Yeah,” I said. “Why?”
 She didn’t respond so I just kept going until we reached a gas station. She got out

  and walked over to a car. She busted out the window and unlocked it. She got in and closed the door. She leaned her head down and that’s when I realized that she was hotwiring the car. I got out and walked over to the car. The car started as I got next to it.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.
 “We have to split up,” she said.
 “Wha-what do you mean, why?” I questioned.
 “I, I just can’t do this anymore. All the violence, all the death, not knowing if I’m

  going to wake up… I just can’t do it anymore…”
 “Rosie, I don’t want to fight anymore. I’m done. That life is over for me.” “My brother said that once, right before he shipped out again.”
 “You have a brother?”
 “I’m sorry. Did he die in combat?”
 “I guess you can say that, but this one wasn’t in the war.”
 “What do you mean?”
 “My brother was Chuck, Andrew!” She blurted out with her hands in the air. She

  smacked them on the steering wheel. I could see the tears in her eyes, she was fighting them but they would escape soon and she knew it. She didn’t want me to see her cry. I was speechless at this. “Goodbye, Andrew.” She drove off.

  “Wait,” was all I could mutter. As she drove off I only stood there. I sat onto the concrete. My own eyes were now filling with tears. I knew I couldn’t stay there though.
 I filled up the car with the little gasoline that place had. Bubba got up in the front and I looked at him. “At least I have you,” I said as the tears rolled down my cheeks. I kissed him on the head and drove off, the opposite direction of Rosie. Again, another person prematurely left my life. This time, it was my fault…

 Chapter 6: North Carolina… Maybe


  One Week Later
 I drove up to another motel. I’d been staying at random ones for a few days now. I had picked up some guns along the way. I had a MP5 with six thirty rounds clips filled with steel hollow points and I didn’t know the exact name of it, but I also had a .45 Ruger with four twelve round magazines also filled with hollow points. My .45 had some regular, cheap hollow points and not steel like my MP5 which also took .45s.

  I picked the lock to the motel with an old credit card I found. Bubba ran in the room and I followed him. The room hadn’t been used in a while. I could tell because there was a musty smell and the air was stale. I put my guns on the bed closest to the door and closed the door. I plopped onto the bed with Bubba for a while before I had to get up and get the rest of our crap. It wasn’t much. We had enough water to last us another three days at most and enough food to last six days if we ate once a day. I couldn’t go hunting until I found a permanent house because I would have nowhere to clean or put the meat, let alone cook it.

  I had little contact with zombies anymore. When they were around they were slower than they used to be, and they were in large numbers. The last time I saw them that week was on the way to where I was now, I passed by them. They were busy attacking a house. Bullets were leaving the house every-which-way until the undead finally got access to the house through the back. I just kept driving, it was the only thing I could do. It was pointless to stop anyway; the people had lost that house and were trapped in.

  Any who, let’s get back to the story. I lied on the bed staring at the ceiling as Bubba ate some dry food. I huffed and got up. I checked the bathroom to see that the toilet hadn’t been used. The plumbing probably didn’t work anymore, so I only had one flush. I used the restroom and left the bathroom to see that Bubba was curled into a ball on the bed. The room was dark without electricity. It was getting dark so I got up and looked the door. I got my .45 and put it on the nightstand, ready to fire. I went to sleep about forty-five minutes later. The sleep was dreamless and light.

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    The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows



    Apr 2024

    “The Final Confrontation: Wizard of Shadows” is a short book by Hussnain Ahmad that is inspired by the Harry Potter series. The book pays homage to the magica...

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