Sebastian Cupid by J. J. Martin - HTML preview

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The scene in Psyche’s office was even grimmer than he expected. As Sebastian let himself into the room, he bit back on a groan. Not only were Mars and Aspen present, but Venus as well. This ought to be delightful, he thought as he took an empty seat facing his mother’s desk.

Sebastian felt severely underdressed in sweat pants and a sweat shirt and naked without his insignia, which everyone else in the room was wearing. His grandmother’s gaze skewered him as she took a sip from a tea cup before placing it back onto the saucer at her elbow. He swallowed under Venus’s gaze as he waited to be addressed. The room was as silent as a tomb. Psyche smiled warmly as he waited. “Hello, Sebastian. How are you feeling?”

Sebastian tipped his head toward his mother. “Fine.”

“Well, I know that isn’t true, but I’m afraid this discussion cannot wait until your full recovery. We’ve been waiting very anxiously for you to wake up so we could confirm Aspen’s account of what happened last night.”

Sebastian glanced at Aspen, who was seated next to him. She continued to gaze straight forward at Psyche. Sebastian turned back to his mother. “Anything I can do to help.”

“Will you please tell us your version of what happened?”

Sebastian wondered why Aspen’s version was being questioned. He cleared his throat and began. “I was walking home from Sacred Grounds. On the way, I entered an alley I use as a short cut. The sky got very dark and the wind picked up. It was very violent.”

At this, Venus shifted in her seat, looking at Aspen. “You did not mention the wind.”

Aspen shook her head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was relevant.”

Venus frowned. “Anything could be relevant.”

Aspen returned her gaze to Psyche, who nodded at Sebastian. “Continue, please.”

 “A demon came out of the storm. He was a lower demon, only twelve foot or so. He attempted to grab me. I was snagged by his claws, which were poisonous. I fired shots at the demon, which slowed him down.” At this point, Sebastian hesitated and glanced at Aspen.

Venus lifted her chin and gazed at Sebastian. “At what point did Aspen join you?”

Aspen turned her head and joined her dark eyes with his. Sebastian turned back to his mother. “She was with me when I entered the alley.”

Psyche’s face registered her surprise. “So, it’s true then?”

Sebastian felt lost, looking at the surprise in Psyche’s face. What was he agreeing to? “I don’t understand.”

Venus snarled impatiently, gesturing toward Aspen. “It’s true you and the Lead Arrow over there were talking, had dinner together, and were walking to your apartment?”

Sebastian very carefully kept his face clear as he tried to think about how to answer the question. Aspen was lying. He glanced at her while she stared at Psyche. Sebastian was in a sticky spot now, and he knew it. He felt offended at the insinuation he and Aspen were returning to his apartment, which may have been true in the sense that she was tailing him. He never did find out why that was happening either. Still, he owed her his life and the life of the mortal in the other room who was hovering precariously a breath away from death. He swallowed his irritation as he nodded. “Yes.”

Venus made a very deep sound in her throat that could have been anything from a curse to “hhmf!” Psyche sat back in her chair, transfixed. “Well, this is a surprise.”

Venus leaned forward, gesturing wildly with her hands, obviously distraught. “What in the world were you doing hanging about with a Lead Arrow?”

Mars, who had been completely silent and nearly invisible during the discussion, leaned forward now, pinning Venus in a stare nothing short of arctic. “What are you saying, Venus?”

Venus turned her nose slightly into the air, appearing even more haughty than normal, before replying, “You know what I’m saying, Mars. We both know Lead Arrows and Golden Arrows never spend any social time together.”

Psyche looked at Sebastian over her desk while he made a concentrated effort not to fidget. He’d be damned if he started sweating now. “Sebastian, I am pleased you are getting to know your Lead Arrow family, but this causes issues.”

“I don’t understand.”

Psyche sighed. “Since you and Aspen were together, you both got the blood of battle on the mortal, which we still need to discuss.”

Venus sneered. “More so, it also implicates Mars as the possible attacker.”

At this, Mars jumped up, and Aspen gasped, whirling to look into the face of her superior. Sebastian was surprised as well.

“What the hell are you saying, Venus?” Mars’s face was a deep red, and his eyes began to glow with the heat of anger.

Psyche lifted both hands and said in a stern voice, “Sit. Down. Now.”

Sebastian supposed it was astonishment more than anything else that had Mars lowering back into his chair. Psyche was normally very mild mannered toward him. Venus was looking slightly mollified by these developments. Aspen, Sebastian noticed, was very distraught. She looked over to where Sebastian sat, shaking her head slightly. Sebastian could see this wasn’t what Aspen hoped to develop from her lie. She stared at the floor, her heart pounding, wondering how she got into this mess.

Psyche skewered the room in one sweep of her eyes, ordering, “Everyone calm down, please.” Psyche turned to Mars. “If the demon attack happened in Aspen’s presence, she might have known what she was leading Sebastian into. We all know Golden Arrows and Lead Arrows haven’t been particularly fond of each other.”

Mars glowered. “Then why would she save his hide? If she was ordered to lead Sebastian into a trap, she wouldn’t risk exposure and personal damage to save him.”

Venus snorted. “We all know plans would have changed with a mortal involved. Even a Lead Arrow wouldn’t risk explaining the injury of a mortal to Jupiter.”

Mars shouted, “I saved them, Venus! This is ridiculous.”

“Enough!” yelled Psyche, quieting them all.

In a matter of seconds, the room returned to a very uncomfortable silence. Venus practically purred from her seat while Mars steamed away like a freight engine in the corner. Aspen fidgeted wildly with her jacket sleeve. Sebastian was completely confused, wondering how he had gotten involved in all of this. He remembered the look on Aspen’s face when the demon appeared. He was certain she was not responsible; it had not been a trap. On the other hand, why the hell was he lying for a Lead Arrow? The answer was right there, even though he hated to admit it. He owed Aspen his life. If it had been up to him to save Alex, he would have failed. The gaze he shot her very clearly said, You’d better make this worth my while.

Sebastian cleared his throat. “Mother?” Psyche turned to Sebastian, shooting a warning glance to Mars, who looked like he didn’t need a good excuse to start creating a ruckus.

“Yes, Sebastian?”

He met his mother’s gaze and said, “It was my idea. I invited her. I chose the route through the alley.”

Venus leaned forward in her chair. “What?”

Sebastian ran his hand over his cheek, which was covered in stubble. “I was talking to Aspen about Rome’s Temple. Mars informed me Aspen and Rogan would be my escorts back to Rome. I was simply getting to know more about the itinerary for next week.”

Mars smiled slightly and sat back in his seat, and Aspen looked over at Sebastian in surprise, which everyone would have noticed if Venus had not chosen that moment to say, “That doesn’t explain why you would invite a Lead Arrow back to your apartment, Sebastian.”

Good Jupiter, she had him there. Never in a million years would Sebastian think of inviting a Lead Arrow back to his place for a night cap. Not that Aspen wasn’t attractive. Hell, all Arrows are gorgeous when created. Her hair was pin straight and probably hung to her waist when it wasn’t twisted up in a knot. She was solid muscle, her form fitting into the black suit in an appealing way. Her eyes were the color of smoke, her skin darkened with tan. She was a looker, just like all of them, but that didn’t mean he ever considered Aspen in a romantic or sexual sense. He nearly growled as he looked over at her. Her eyes clearly asked him what the heck he was going to do now.

He was in too deep to back out, and he only had one chip left to put on the table. Sebastian turned back to Psyche, and said, “I was going to talk to her about my research.”

That was a proper distraction. Every single person had a visible reaction to Sebastian’s admission. Jaws dropped across the room. Venus exclaimed, “Sebastian!” Mars laughed. Psyche’s mouth actually fell open. Aspen turned to face Sebastian, her eyes filled with gratitude, and…excitement?

He didn’t have a chance to register the meaning of her look fully before he was forced to look back at Psyche, who was addressing him. “Well, I…I have to admit. I didn’t see that coming.”

Venus positively sputtered, glowering at her grandson. “Well, I never thought I would see the day when a Golden Arrow would start sharing secrets and privileges with Lead Arrows.”

Mars laughed at loud, his head thrown back. “And why not, Venus? You’ve used us time and time again for your dirty work over the years. Don’t think I’ve forgotten about all the favors you’ve called in to me, some of them involving Psyche’s demise as a mortal. It appears you have a very selective memory about our past as well.”

Venus screeched, and her face flushed maroon as she jumped to her feet to stare down Mars. “That’s dirty and rotten, and our past be damned! We both know how much you love your work, Mars. Enough to forgo judgment more than once!”

Mars reared back for an attack. Psyche shot out of her chair, a blue light surrounding her, the frigid air shimmering, her green eyes radiating her displeasure. “STOP, NOW.”

While both gods did stop their verbal argument, neither one of them took their seats. They continued to glare at each other from across the uncomfortably small space. Sebastian and Aspen remained seated, their eyes locking frantically.

Slowly, the two offended gods sat in their chairs. Psyche’s immortal light faded until her appearance returned to normal. She looked down at her son and smiled. “While I am surprised, Sebastian, I am also proud of you.”

Sebastian looked up at her in shock, and she laughed, even as Venus grumbled to herself. Psyche took her seat again as she continued to speak, her arms resting on her desk as she leaned forward to address him. “I know how much your research means to you. I know what it is you’re really fighting for. I know you well enough to know if you thought you could get answers from Pluto himself, you’d go to the pits of the Underworld to make this a reality. Involving a Lead Arrow in your research truly makes sense.”

Now Sebastian had to fight not to squirm as guilt began to seep in. All of these things might be true, because nothing meant more to him right now than his research. However, he hadn’t thought to ask Aspen, or any other Lead Arrow for that matter, how to improve his work.

Oh didn’t you? He asked himself. He remembered sitting in his apartment only a few nights ago wondering if the Lead Arrows would benefit from his findings. He turned to look at Aspen again, her face filled with wonder as she waited to see what would happen next. But then Sebastian looked at Mars, and he was sickened as he saw the greed on his face. Mars had always been the reason he didn’t trust the Lead Arrows. He tried to remember what Psyche always said. Without the Lead Arrows, the Golden Arrows would be nothing. Feeling the need to back paddle in front of Mars, he turned back to Psyche.

“We never got a chance to discuss anything about the project. The demon interrupted us.”

Venus tucked her chin almost in to her chest as she glared at Sebastian. “What about the mortal?”

Sebastian sighed. There was no easy way around this one, and he was too exhausted to fib his way out of it. He looked up at Psyche. “Alex…the mortal…was the one I gave Russell one of my quota numbers for. She recognized me from that night and followed me to the alley. It was an accident.”

Psyche nodded. “That explains your guilt over her condition.”

Sebastian exhaled as he sat back in his seat. The discussion was starting to make him light headed. Psyche was right. If Russell had been permitted to do his job with Alex, she’d have been nowhere near him. Hell, she might have been honeymooning in Italy or something.

Psyche nodded slowly, glancing around the room. “I think this is enough for today. Sebastian, you may return to your room and rest. Aspen, you’re free to go as well. Mars and Venus, I would like to discuss with you the unfortunate results of the mixture of Golden and Lead Arrow blood to the mortal. Garrett is on his way here.”

Sebastian rose slowly, still watching Psyche. “Is she going to be ok?”

“We don’t know, Sebastian,” Psyche replied. “She had a major transfusion, and she’ll have to have another. She’s very weak. Apparently, contact with both of your blood at the same time had a response like we’ve never seen. If it had been only one of you, we all know what would have happened. No two Arrows have ever tried to treat the same mortal at the same time.”

Sebastian nodded as he and Aspen turned to leave the room. Once in the hallway, Aspen exhaled loudly and turned to Sebastian. “Thank you.”

Sebastian groaned as he looked at Aspen, his irritation obvious. He ran his hands through his springy hair as he glared at her. “There better be a damned good reason why I just lied to three gods. You owe me an explanation.”

Aspen nodded. “I do. I had no idea it would get so out of hand. I had no idea they would implicate Mars based on the fact we were together beforehand.”

Sebastian crossed his arms, his head hurting now. “We weren’t.”

Aspen shuffled and groaned. “I know, I know. Listen, can you meet me later? After dark?”

Sebastian pushed his hands in his pockets. “Fine. I’ll meet you at the Oracles’ Fountain at ten o’clock. It’s a common area, so no one will freak out if they see us together, and it should be deserted by then.”

Aspen nodded before turning on her heel and walking away toward the lobby.

Sebastian shrugged at her abrupt departure, glad to have her gone for the time being. He got within two feet of his door before remembering his brethren were waiting for him inside. Groaning, he prepared for a long bout of explaining.

Sure enough, as he entered the room, Russell and Victoria were engaged in a conversation, facing each other in two chairs next to his bed. They stopped as soon as Sebastian entered the room. He tried not to look like a complete invalid but figured he was failing pretty miserably when Victoria ran to his side, helping him across the floor.

Russell snickered as he walked to Sebastian. “There are much more subtle ways of getting feminine affection.”

Sebastian grinned as he sank down onto the mattress. “I’ll keep that in mind, bro. Note to self: do not get the puss beat out of me by a giant demon.”

Russell threw his head back and laughed as Sebastian lay back on the covers, obviously exhausted. “Giant demon? I could have sworn you said it was a lower demon.”

Sebastian grimaced as he bumped his arm trying to get under the covers. “Well, I guess it wasn’t lower enough.”

Victoria swatted Russell out of the way so she could help Sebastian pull the covers back up. “Russell, for Jupiter’s sake, move your stupid ass. Leave the man alone. He just had to meet with Venus for crying out loud.”

Russell grimaced. “Venus? Shit. I didn’t know she was in there.”

Victoria puffed a breath of air out between her teeth as she stood back, watching Sebastian, her arms tucked over her chest. “I was here when she arrived. I showed her into Mom’s office, and she didn’t look happy.”

Sebastian stretched out in bed, amazed at how weak he was. “Yeah, I’ve seen her in better moods.”

Russell followed Victoria’s lead and sat in a chair next to the bed. “What was she pissed off about? It’s not your fault a demon was trying to beat you up for lunch money on the way home.”

“No, it’s not. She was pissed off at me for inviting a Lead Arrow back to my apartment.”

Victoria jumped up as Russell slid forward in his chair. The unified way they screeched, “What?!” would have been a lot funnier if Sebastian didn’t feel like he’d just done round two with a demon.

“Which I didn’t do.”

Victoria coughed out a chuckle, and Russell snorted. “I thought not.”

“Of course you didn’t,” said Victoria, visibly relieved.

 “But I told them I did.”

Victoria’s mouth actually popped open for a second before she stammered and said, “But why?”

Russell rolled his eyes. “I’m sorry, dude, but that’s just stupid. I mean, a lower demon is no match for a battle with Venus.”

Sebastian closed his eyes, a dull ache in his head slowly building up to what felt like a migraine if he didn’t get his siblings calmed down quickly. “I’m not sure.” Victoria lifted her hands and started to speak, but Sebastian raised his hand, relieved when she took the hint and shut up. “Because that was Aspen’s story.”

Russell shook his head. “Is this another ruse for female affection? We really need to work on your skills.”

Victoria groaned. “I don’t get it, Sebastian. What was she even doing there in the first place?”

Sebastian shrugged against the pillows. “I don’t know. She was following me, but I haven’t found out why yet.”

Russell frowned, his face turning serious for a rare moment. “Wait.” He leaned forward until his hair brushed his temple as he looked at Sebastian, considering. “She followed you, made up a story to Venus, and you just went along with it?”

Sebastian growled, partially at them and partially at himself for getting into this mess to begin with. “Listen, I know it doesn’t make sense now, but you should have seen her face. She didn’t have anything to do with the attack. She was just as freaked out as I was. If it wasn’t for her, both Alex and I would be dead.”

Victoria cut him off there. “Sebastian, I know your sense of loyalty and fair play, and I respect it. However no amount of gratitude is worth pissing off Venus and possibly losing your position. Do you have any idea how much trouble you’d be in if Venus found out you lied? Mother too! And I cannot even imagine what her reaction was when she thought you were hanging out with a Lead Arrow on purpose!”

Sebastian had to chuckle. “Mom was actually pleased. The rest of it was a mess, though.”

Russell smirked. “Why did Aspen even say that in the first place? She wasn’t hanging out with you anyway, right?”

“No, but Venus was trying to pin the attack on Mars, and I knew Aspen wasn’t responsible. Venus thought Aspen had been setting a trap for me, and I walked in on it. Since I said going that way was my idea, it took the blame off of her.”

Victoria huffed. “You mean off of Mars.”

Russell slapped his leg. “Yeah! How do you know she isn’t guilty? You know this is the kind of thing Mars would do if there was something in it for him.”

Sebastian frowned. “That’s exactly it, don’t you see? Aspen definitely didn’t know what was happening or she wouldn’t have risked her life to save me and the mortal.”

Victoria sighed. “Frankly, I’m surprised she even bothered with the mortal.”

Russell shook his head. “Damn it! Alex wouldn’t even have been there if I had finished my job last Saturday.”

Sebastian chuckled, humorlessly. “Yeah, and whose fault is that, Russ?”

Everyone went silent, thinking of Alex. Victoria cleared her throat. “You know, we hurt mortals all the time in order to make their lives better, but it is really sobering knowing a mortal almost died because of our ties to them.”

Russell cleared his throat. “She’s going to be okay.”

Sebastian closed his eyes. “How do you know?”

“I just came from her room. She’s awake. She wants to talk to you later. I told her you’d be in after dinner. She has a lot of questions, but she’s too weak to push anything. She’s busy trying to stay alive, but she is getting better. The nurse said she’s improving and the transfusion went well.”

Sebastian grimaced. “You know I can’t really tell her anything.”

Russell shook his head. “Who would believe her, man? Seriously? And who’s she gonna tell if she takes a turn for the worse?”

Victoria slapped Russell again. “Be serious, Russell. You know Sebastian is right. The more mortals know, the more danger they are in. Look at what happened to her.”

Russell sat back in his chair, frowning, but giving up for now. “Fine, whatever. The main question is, who is calling in demons?”

Sebastian sighed. “I don’t know. Mars seems to be cleared but…” Sebastian stopped, considering.

Victoria leaned forward, inclining her head. “What?”

“I mentioned that there was a strong breeze before the demon came. Venus seems to think that was significant somehow.”

Russell’s eyebrows pinched together. “Significant how?”

Sebastian’s eyes started to slide down, and he had to blink a couple of times. “I don’t know.”

Victoria stood, dragging Russell with her. “Come on, he’s almost asleep already.”

Russell got up and looked down at his brother. “I’ll check on Alex, make sure she’s okay. If anything changes, I’ll come get you.”

Sebastian nodded as Victoria leaned down to kiss his forehead. “I’ll bring you some dinner in a few hours. Get some sleep.”

Before Victoria could even finish her sentence, Sebastian’s breathing was slow and even. He was asleep before the door clicked shut.