Sebastian Cupid by J. J. Martin - HTML preview

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Aspen paced back in forth in front of the Oracles’ Fountain at about five minutes after ten o’clock that night. She had no reason to believe Sebastian would remember their meeting or even care to show up after the nasty episode in the mortal’s room earlier that day. Still, she felt obligated to show him she could keep her promises. And, if she was honest, she could admit she was more than a little interested in proving her innocence. Aspen quit wearing a path in the concrete for a moment, staring at the glittering water of the fountain. Her eyelids lowered as the spray from the water misted over her face, cooling her skin, which heated when she thought of what happened. How in the world could she have known Mars was involved in the demon attack? The fact that she was a member of Mars’s Temple, here with him on business, and with Sebastian at the time of the attack put her at the top of the accomplices list. The only thing that saved her was her reaction to the news.

Aspen sighed and tucked her arms across her chest. She felt guilty about that too. Staring up at the concrete statue face of Jupiter surrounded by his Oracles in the fountain, she shuffled her feet, unable to keep still. Mars was under arrest, and all she’d been able to do was stare in disbelief. How could Mars have launched a demon attack? What possible reason could he have for setting a demon on Sebastian? What’s worse, did he not care she was with him? What if she’d been taken out too? She was hurt and confused. Hans had taken both Mars and Rogan into custody, not allowing Aspen to see either of them. Aspen wondered if Rogan had known of Mars’s plans. She knew Rogan well enough to know he would have defended Mars whether he had known or not.

Like she should have.

Just as Aspen was going to give up and go in, Sebastian entered the courtyard. His tall form was once again encased in a black suit of rank with the Golden Arrow insignia on the lapel, the sweat suit left behind. He might have been feeling a bit better, but his face was dark, tired. He approached Aspen, stopping with several feet between the two of them.

Aspen exhaled heavily. “I didn’t know if you were still coming.”

Sebastian grunted. “I wasn’t.”

“What made you change your mind?”

“Nothing, actually. I expected you to be gone by now. I’m waiting for Venus. She’s due to be here shortly.”

Aspen nodded, considering. “You think I had something to do with this?”

Sebastian scowled. “I don’t care. I defended your ignorance of the situation because you saved my life, as well as Alex’s. My debt is repaid. Whatever happens from here on out is on your shoulders.”

“Do you honestly think I would have subjected you to a demon? The mortal too?”

Sebastian snapped out. “We both know Mars has hurt others for his own ends more than once. It would not be beneath him to sacrifice a mere mortal to gain some power.”

Aspen moved a step closer to Sebastian, incensed. “Do you really think I would have stuck out my neck to save you both if I knew what was going on?”

“Why were you even there?”

Aspen’s mouth opened then closed. She shook her head and looked at the bubbling water. “I heard you were working on a less personal way to turn the mortals. I was interested in seeing it work.”

Sebastian snorted. “I’m over quota. I’m not going to be doing it again anytime soon, and I don’t perform for audiences.”

Something inside Aspen snapped. Intending to wipe the cold, distant look off of his face, Aspen closed the distance between the two of them, aggressively shoving him. “What the hell is your problem?”

Sebastian braced himself, turning on his back leg. He kicked out and swept his other leg behind Aspen, knocking her off her feet and onto the ground. The air whooshed out of Aspen’s lungs as she looked up at Sebastian. Before she had a chance to gain her bearings, Sebastian placed a foot on her throat, threateningly pressing down with this toes. “Don’t ever threaten me in word or action. I owe you nothing, and I don’t trust you. I only made up a story about showing you my work because I was in your debt. I no longer am. I have no reason to talk to you about my project. If and when things change, you will be notified of the change by your god, assuming he hasn’t been excommunicated. Is that clear?”

Aspen’s eyes widened, nodding her head. Had she imagined a more compassionate Sebastian? Where was the Arrow who had sat by the mortal’s bedside less than five hours before? She hadn’t thought Sebastian was a spoiled, rotten pretty boy like the others, but maybe she was wrong. Maybe Mars was right. Maybe all Golden Arrows were only in it for games and fringe benefits.

Sebastian took his foot off of her neck and turned, leaving Aspen on the ground. He walked in the direction of the Temple drive, where a long, black limousine was pulling up to the curb. Aspen hastily pulled herself up off of the ground, rubbing her neck as she hurried away, careful to keep her eyes downcast so no one would see the tears sparkling in them.

Sebastian walked to the curb, blood pounding in his ears. He tried to bring his emotions down from a boil - to replicate on the outside the owner of the careless, cold voice he had used. It wasn’t working. He had stuck his neck out for her, using his own reputation as leverage. As a result, Alex was in a coma and he possibly defended someone responsible for the demon attack, either directly or indirectly. He’d be damned if he’d fall for Aspen’s doll-face tactics again. Maybe Venus was right. Maybe all Lead Arrows were in it for the blood and glory and screw the consequences.

Keeping his resolute stone face in check, he pulled open the rear door of the limo as his grandmother emerged. She exited the limo smelling of gardenias and wearing a fine light beige skirt suit. Giving him a peck on the cheek, her blue eyes drank in the sight of him as her arm linked through his.

“What is it?”

Sebastian tried not to curse or even acknowledge his displeasure at being caught. Why in the world wasn’t he better at masking his feelings? “There’s been an incident.” At least he could hang all of his emotional struggles on a factual occurrence, even if it wasn’t the sole reason.

Venus walked with him back toward the fountain. “Is that why you’ve come to greet me?”

“Yes. Mars is under arrest.”

Coming abreast of the fountain, Venus turned to look up at her grandson. “What happened?”

“Al- …the mortal recognized him. She saw him walking quickly away from the alley while she was following me.”

Venus nodded. “I always suspected him. He’s never been trustworthy, as his past actions have shown. Though I actually hesitate to believe Psyche placed him under arrest.”

Sebastian gazed at the fountain. “Rogan pulled a gun on Psyche when Russell pulled his gun on Mars. Hans came in with the other Guardians and took Mars and Rogan out. They’re both in Hans’s custody now.”

“What about the woman that came with them? Aspen?”

Sebastian growled internally and struggled to relay information without bringing his own opinion into things. “She didn’t move to defend Mars. She didn’t seem to be aware the demon was called. That makes sense because she defended the mortal and I last night.”

Venus evaluated her grandson carefully. “But you don’t believe it.”

Sebastian sighed, cursing his inability to stay professional about the situation. “Her actions show us she isn’t a threat. She seems as confused as the rest of us.”

Venus cackled as she turned to walk toward the Temple again, Sebastian falling into step with her. “Confused? Hurt, more like. Well, this wouldn’t be the first time Mars used one of his underlings. That’s what happens when you pay worship to the wrong god.” She paused as they entered the foyer. “He’s not acting alone.”

Sebastian’s eyes met Venus’s, trying not to think about Aspen playing the part of a loyal and hurt underling. “What do you mean?”

“I’ve just come from Auster’s Temple.”

“Aust-…” Sebastian took a heavy breath as his eyes met those of his Grandmother’s. Auster was a god of wind. “That’s why the wind was significant. Auster used the wind to bring the demon into our path.”

Venus nodded. “No one has seen Auster for weeks. His Temple in Madrid says he’s in Rome, but Cupid knows he’s not in Rome because Cupid has been there for three weeks. If you call Rome, they tell you Auster’s in New York, but he’s not there either. Each Temple tells you he’s at another Temple, but it’s just a diversion. Who knows how long Auster’s actually been missing.”

Sebastian’s eyes clouded as he gazed at the floor of the foyer. “But Auster is a supporter. He’s always been a dedicated supporter of Cupid, even when the orders went against his best interests.”

Venus shook her head. “Maybe for some things, but you’ll also remember he went against my wishes more than once, Sebastian, when I was trying to protect Cupid.” Venus was speaking of the trials she sent Psyche through as a mortal. Auster helped Psyche cheat. He also brought Psyche’s envious sisters to visit, which was the only reason Psyche ever tried to see Cupid’s face. He had to leave her once she knew his identity because he was the son of a goddess. “Auster nearly messed up everything for good once, making emotional decisions. Now that we are all in the same league he can’t play favorites.” Sebastian and Venus crossed the lobby, heading toward Psyche’s office. “We’re in a world where each god has to look out for him or herself. These are not old times. No one believes anymore. Without followers, we are powerless. There isn’t a single god who isn’t interested in having a slice of our kingdom. We have the most successful one.”

Sebastian thought about this as they approached the Guardians who were posted outside of Psyche’s door. Sebastian knocked twice. A call came from inside Psyche’s office, and Sebastian opened it for his grandmother, who turned to look at him as she crossed the threshold. “Remember, Sebastian. These are uncertain times. No one can be trusted anymore.” With that last bit of advice, Venus closed the door with a click behind her, leaving Sebastian in the hall. Hesitating only for a moment, he turned and walked back to his room.

In the corner of the front lobby, Aspen exhaled as she came from behind a potted fig tree in the corner. She really hadn’t intended to eavesdrop, but she didn’t want to have another confrontation with Sebastian. She’d only meant to wait until they passed then go back to her room. Venus thought Auster was responsible for the demon attack? Aspen felt certain Mars wasn’t working with Auster. She’d not seen Auster at all in her travels, and she knew Mars thought poorly of Auster. He was too wishy-washy, Mars always said. Mars always respected steadfastness in his Temple. Aspen flushed, thinking of how she failed that test today.

Aspen knew an alliance with Auster went against everything in Mars’s nature, so she didn’t trust it. Turning, she walked quickly, quietly back to her room. She began yanking open drawers and doors, throwing her belongings into her bags. She needed to find Auster, to find out why he was involved with demon activities against the Arrows.

Aspen cracked open the door of her room and walked quickly down the hall carrying her belongings. Once she was outside, she wasted no time in running to the end of the private drive. She doubted very much she’d be able to get away without questions if she were spotted.

She messed up today, big time. She questioned her god, failed to protect him, and harmed her budding relationship with Sebastian. He was the closest thing to an acquaintance she’d ever had in the Golden Arrows.

Aspen detoured into the trees off the side of the main gate, vaulting the fence. She walked almost two miles before she was able to hail a cab. Settling back in her seat, she directed the driver and opened her cell phone to begin her search.