Sebastian Cupid by J. J. Martin - HTML preview

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Sebastian looked around his apartment. Had it really only been days since he was last here? It seemed like months, and it felt as though he hardly recognized the place. He wouldn’t get to stay, either. With the recent attack on Sebastian and the question of Mars’s involvement, all Golden Arrows had been called to Temple. It was their duty to go without hesitation. He sometimes found it inconvenient to answer his Temple’s call to arms, but this was not one of those times. They were hardly safe at Temple, let alone strewn all over Chicago. Across the world, Golden Arrows were retreating to Temples as Cupid tried to negotiate peace with the remaining Lead Arrows in Rome. Since the two main Lead Arrow officers had stayed behind with Mars in Chicago, there was no head to the Rome Mars Temple. The situation was tense. No Arrow would dare stand against Cupid, but the situation was certainly hostile. A few remaining officers from Temple Mars prepared to reconvene back at Temple Cupid in Chicago, where Mars was being held.

Since Aspen’s disappearance, Sebastian had little hope for reconciliation. Aspen was the one Lead Arrow that showed promise of forming a warmer alliance with the Golden Arrows than what already existed. Aspen had abandoned all of them, even her own god. It seemed the Lead Arrows had forgotten their duty. Their one duty above all others was to provide balance to the mortal population before they died out, killed themselves, or killed each other. If the Lead Arrows turned against the Golden Arrows, they were in serious risk of another Fall.

Sebastian sighed as he sat in the chair at his desk. In front of him was his book. He flipped again to a name he would never forget: Cynthia Bledsoe. She was the start of his desire for a new method, the beginning of his research. Holding the leather binding in both hands, he fanned the pages toward the front of the book, watching as his work history winked at him through the flittering pages. His entire existence had been dedicated to establishing peace and balance in the human race; toward maintaining the realm of the gods before it died out. Before the gods themselves turned as savage as the world they were trying to hold together. The last time this had happened had been during the Fall.

Back in the days before his father had met his mother, the world was much more privy to the wishes of the gods. The gods had been free, their whims changing with the weather. The mortals worshiped everything about them. Apollo had received prayers every time his chariot of gold rose above the horizon and again before it winked out on the other side of the Earth. Venus had received daily prayers from women looking to conceive or get married. Jupiter’s vast realm of gods had flourished. While there had definitely been scuffles, as is typical of gods, there was never any real reason to fear the destruction of the realm. However, gods have no power when no one believes in them anymore. At that point, it would be necessary to start over. The realignment of power, wiping out the human race.


No one wanted that, but it was inevitable. The mortals’ faith diminished every day. It had gotten to the point where only one collective “God” received the prayers for the doings of all gods. It was enough to survive on, certainly, but it wasn’t ideal. All gods struggled for a place in this world. Fortunately, Sebastian and his family were in the business of love and hate. Those two commodities never got old among humans. Without one, the other would not exist, and that was the balance of the Arrows. Without that balance, Sebastian had no idea what would happen.

In the last Fall, Venus ordered Cupid to kill the one mortal on earth that was stealing her kingdom. This mortal had beauty that turned every eye, mortal and immortal, and she began to be worshiped as a goddess. This mortal was his mother, Psyche. However, Cupid had fallen in love with Psyche and hid her away, though he hid his identity from her. He made her promise she’d never try to find out who he was. But she did find out, and Cupid was hurt that Psyche had defied him and scared to have his identity known to a mortal. He ran back home to Venus. When Venus discovered what happened, she was furious and threatened to put an end to Psyche. However, she made a cruel game of it. Sending Psyche on various odd tasks designed to kill her, Venus waited for the day when Psyche would fail. But she never did. She accomplished all of her tasks with the help of the other gods, Auster included. Finally, Jupiter himself, the god of all gods, blessed Psyche, a mortal, with the gift of immortality. She had ruled the realm of love with Cupid and Venus ever since. Of course, Sebastian thought, grinning, there had certainly been rough times between Psyche and Venus over the thousands of years since the day Psyche was added to their realm. Simply put, Psyche was now a goddess by Jupiter’s own divine powers. She was equal to Venus in every facet. Though this infuriated Venus for many years, she’d managed to put her personal irritation of the situation behind her in order to maintain her relationship with her son and the Temples. Now they all ruled together.

However, one could never quite forget how horrible things had been when Cupid had pined for Psyche. Almost everyone, even mortals, knew of Cupid’s golden arrows that brought love to anyone touched by them. Very few mortals remembered the lead arrows, because they were used almost exclusively during the Fall, when Cupid was in rage and misery over losing Psyche. For a span of weeks, Cupid only used his lead arrows, which inflicted hatred and resentment on those they touched. Fear, misery, and war suffocated the mortal world. The realm of Venus began to collapse. They called that time of horrid pain and sadness “the Fall”, meaning the fall of Venus’s realm. Cupid returned to using his golden arrows after Psyche was restored to him as an immortal, but the modern mortal world couldn’t take only happiness and love. When they were surrounded by nothing but graciousness and love, they failed to recognize it. After hundreds of years, the golden arrows lost power, affecting mortals no more than common drinking water would. The lead arrows were still needed to place a balance between the two.

When the population began to explode hundreds of years ago, Cupid recognized he would need help carrying out his task of balancing mortal emotion. He selected many immortals in his realm to help him. Infusing his “children” with the power of his arrows, the Gold and Lead Arrows were born. Placing the Lead Arrows under the care of Mars, all had been very balanced, if not slightly dysfunctional, for thousands of years.

Until the demon attack. With Mars’s possible involvement in the attack, the first real threat to the realm arrived. Sebastian was never a fan of Mars. Mars was the god of war, through and through. Whatever would bring the most upheaval to the realm, Mars would choose, drawing his power from struggle and chaos. This is why Sebastian never trusted Mars. If Mars ever had the option for war, he took it, which is why everyone could believe he was behind the demon attack, the Golden Arrow murder, and who knows what else. What made it hard to believe was that Mars had developed a kingdom of the Lead Arrows. While the need for war was never short in this world, Mars didn’t have to worry about worshipers. He’d always have believers. Why shake things up when war was running strong and he had a full Temple? It didn’t make sense.

Sebastian stopped himself and snorted. He went to the window and looked down on the cloudy Chicago day, rain bouncing off the streets. What was he thinking? He was talking about gods here. The infinite struggle for power in the universe. Besides, who’s to say Mars wasn’t getting bored with the easy life?

Sebastian shook his head and moved through his apartment, packing the items he would need for a stay at the Temple. He only needed a few things. His Temple would provide the rest. Sebastian moved to his office and collected books and lab supplies, intending to continue his research while he was called to arms. Now more than ever, the Golden Arrows could use a less intrusive way of completing their service. If they weren’t exposed to the outside world as much, they’d be a lot safer. Who knows what kind of world they’re living in now, with demons popping up on the street? The sooner Sebastian made more progress on his research the better.

He had everything packed into two duffle bags and was on the way out the door before he remembered his cell phone. He’d been so distracted he’d walked out the other day without it. He wasn’t on the clock, and he’d been around everyone that would call him. He was surprised when he saw a message blinking on his phone. Sebastian unplugged the phone from the wall charger and turned to watch the Chicago skyline as he waited for his message to play. His face grew eerily still as he listened to the voice on the other end. A few seconds later, he snapped his phone shut with a loud click. Throwing the charger and phone into his bag, he marched toward the door of his apartment. He armed his security system and quickly left. His face creased in concentration as he tried to figure out what to do. He’d need help. Everything had just gone from bad to shit.


Russell and Glen were still sitting in Alex’s room at Temple. It was mid-morning, but it was obvious Glen hadn’t slept at all. Russell sighed and stretched, going to look out the window. “You should get some sleep.”

Glen just shook his head. “I slept.”

“Passing out for a few seconds in an armchair isn’t sleep, Glen. It’s desperation.”

Glen turned his head testily toward Russell. “She’s my sister. I’m not leaving her.”

Russell sighed as he watched Glen return his gaze toward the bed. “What happened to your parents?”

“What do you mean?”

“I haven’t heard either one of you talk about them. You’ve only ever mentioned each other.”

“That’s because we’ve only got each other. Our parents died when we were little. We had no family left, so we went into the system - orphanages. I did everything I could to make sure we would stay together. That only lasts so long, you know?” Glen stood and moved to the mini-fridge to grab anything inside that looked like it had caffeine content. “They started talking about getting us foster care. It’s hard to keep kids together in foster care. I was fourteen and no one wanted a grown boy as a foster kid. Everyone wants babies and shit.” Glen shrugged as he downed the first half of his cola. “I busted us out. We ran away, living off of the streets, and it worked for a couple of years. Then they found us. They threw us back in. I bounced us again. We managed to stay out that time until I was of legal age. The rest is history.”

Russell nodded. “What do you do now?”

“After Alex was old enough to be on her own and was doing a good job of it, I decided to travel.” He looked over at Russell with a face that challenged him to make fun. “I’m an artist. I travel a lot.”

Russell nodded, impressed. “What kind of art?”

Glen sat by the bed again, the soda can tapping against his knee. “Sculptures, mostly. Sometimes I work in charcoals. That’s what I sketch with. Otherwise, I work in wood.”

Both men turned their heads toward the door as Evans entered. She smiled. “Russell, it’s time for you to get some rest.” Her lithe frame moved easily over the carpet like a dancer. Like all the Arrows he’d seen, she was gorgeous, and Glen told himself it was completely natural to be a bit dazzled by her.

Russell swooped his little sister into the air, kissing her nose before he plunked her back on her feet. “My savior!” He looked back at Glen. “No offense, Glen. If I don’t get some sleep, I’m never gonna look as pretty as you.”

Glen chuckled and rose to his feet. “That’s a losing battle, buddy.”

Russell extended his hand, shaking Glen’s warmly. He turned to Evans. “Did you meet Glen, Evans?”

Evans turned her soft brown eyes on Glen, who felt his pale face going flush as she faced him. Evans extended her hand. “Only briefly, yesterday.”

Glen took her hand in his, its cool, smooth weight sliding in and out again before he was even aware. “Yeah.” He shoved his hands in his pockets as he turned to the bed, forcing himself to look away from Evans. Russell turned and walked out of the room, trying not to shake his head or chuckle at Glen, who was obviously stuck on Evans. Poor guy.

Evans sat by the bed as Glen tried not to fidget, sitting slowly beside her. Evans looked over at him. “They say she’s better today, more stable. Have you been talking to her?”

“Yeah. Whenever I can get Russell to shut up.” He grinned over at her.

She tossed her hair lightly as she laughed. “Oh, that’s not easy! He’s been here constantly, though. Even before you were here, Russell never left Alex’s side. He feels incredibly responsible for what happened to her.”

Glen glanced over at Evans in surprise. “He does? Why would he feel responsible? He wasn’t even there!”

Evans sighed as she looked at Alex’s too-still frame. “She was on his list just before the incident.” She blinked then looked at Glen. “She was supposed to have been gifted by us.”

Glen blinked rapidly, and then jerkily looked at this sister in the bed at his elbow. “He was going to make her fall in love? With him?”
Evans sighed. “It doesn’t really work that way. Mortals fall in love with us for only a short time. Then they move on. The first person to turn their head after us receives all the love we give.”

Glen swallowed, considering this. “You have no control over who they fall in love with? You have no way or making them stay with you?”


Glen looked at Evans, speaking carefully. “You’re one that spreads love?”

“I am a Golden Arrow, yes.”

Glen’s green eyes gazed on Evans’s golden hair, the early morning light from the window shimmering off the tresses. He lifted a hand without being aware to push a lock behind her shoulder. “That sounds very lonely.”

Evans’s lips parted, but words wouldn’t come to her immediately. She swallowed, watching Glen stroke her hair, the fierceness in his eyes, the gentleness in his touch. “It can be. We do a great service, though. There is some comfort in that.”

“Do you fall in love with them?”

“The mortals?”

Glen nodded.

“Yes, sometimes. But we move on. Time heals all wounds and our time is endless.”

Glen placed his hand carefully back on his knee. “How does it work?”

Evans blinked. “What do you mean?”

“How do you…bestow your gift on mortals?”

Evans colored, looking away from Glen for the first time in too many seconds. “It varies, but the simplest way is a kiss.”

Glen’s eyebrows rose. “A kiss?”

Suddenly needing to put some distance between Glen and herself, she stood, moving to the other side of the bed. “Body fluids of any kind, really. Our very blood holds the power to change a human heart.”

Glen sat there, considering this. He looked down at his sister, brushing a hand over her hair before he dropped a kiss on her forehead. “So Russell is upset because he was supposed to turn her. She’d be off with the love of her life right now, instead of here?”

Evans’s heart broke as she watched Glen care for his sick sister. “Nothing like this has ever happened before, Glen. We never would have wished this on a mortal in a million years. It’s our job to serve you, not condemn you.”

Glen stood and faced her. “The ones that spread hate, the Lead Arrows? Don’t they harm mortals?”

“Only so mortals can feel love. Without hate in the world, no one would ever really know love. They are necessary for our work to be a success.”

Glen approached Evans, his spiky red hair glittering in the sun as he approached. Evans felt her mouth go dry. This was exactly the kind of mortal that always reached her the most. This man was full of fire. There wasn’t a single cool cell in his whole body, she was sure. He stopped just a few feet away from her. “You’re the first one I can really believe. It doesn’t take a genius to see any man would fall in love with you.”

Evans bit her lip as she turned to look out the window. She knew Glen meant it as a compliment, not an insult, but nothing upset her more than being branded a heartbreaker, which is exactly what she was. “I only do what I have to.”

Glen placed his hands on her shoulders, turning her to face him, his eyes intense and serious on his face. “Don’t you think I see that? It’s written all over you, Evans. You scream of heartbreak. Ever since you’ve walked into this room, I’ve been dying to kiss you, and you want me to! I can see it. But it wouldn’t do us any good, would it?”

Evans’s mouth dropped open slightly at his words. She was used to mortals going all mooshy over her. That was normal. But this mortal had a fire and determination she wished to see in herself.

Glen lifted her hand and brushed a kiss over her palm, which seemed to sizzle. “If I kissed you, I’d have to say goodbye to you one day. I’m not ready to do that, are you?”

Evans shook her head slightly, awed. She’d never been permitted to talk with a mortal this way. She felt all of her secrets and fears and wishes rush forth. She spent so many years pounding them back. All of her hopes, desires, and emotions had grown so heavy.

Glen lowered his head to her ear, brushing it lightly with his lips. Evans’s face flushed, and she rocked back slightly on her heels as Glen braced her with his frame. “Me neither,” he whispered.

Evans bit down on her lip to hold back a sigh. Glen brought his face slowly back in front of her, his eyes full of a raw magnetism. Evans could hardly say no to him. Fate was cruel.

A sigh sounded from the bed. “Glen, stop flirting. You’re terrible.”

Glen and Evans both jumped and turned to the bed. Alex laid there, her eyes just barely open. Glen ran around to the side of the bed, grasping her hand. “Alex!”

Alex turned her head to him. “I can’t leave you alone with a single female in the world, can I?” She chuckled, but tears sparkled at the corners of her eyes. “I’m so glad they went to get you.”

Glen lowered his head down near her face, brushing her hair back as tears filled his own eyes. Evans felt the tickle of tears in her throat as well as she watched the two of them. Glen smiled. “I wouldn’t let anything keep us apart. You know that.”

“I imagine there was a hell of a fight when you got here.”

Glen laughed out loud. “I might have bruised up your friend Russell a bit.”

Alex gasped. “You didn’t!”

Glen only chuckled. “Oh, it’s not going to hurt him.”

Evans cleared her throat, and Glen turned to look at her. “We didn’t get to tell Alex everything before she went into her coma.”

Glen nodded, looking back at Alex. “It doesn’t matter. We’ll talk about that stuff later. I’m just glad you’re awake.”

“You never left the whole time, did you? You look like hell.”

Glen laughed, shaking his head. “I’m still cute as a button, and we both know it.”

Alex smiled, but her smile changed into something too still. She struggled to speak. “Glen?” Then she was shaking and gasping for air.

Glen’s face went rigid with alarm as he threw a look at Evans, who ran for the doctor. “Alex!”

Alex’s limbs began jumping off of the bed as she shook. Glen ran to the door and roared, “Someone get in here!” He turned back to the bed to clasp Alex’s hand as Garrett entered with two nurses, Evans right on their heels. “Just hang on, Alex. The doctor is here.” Garrett began barking orders at his nurses, who ran to follow them. Glen was pulled back from the bed by Evans.  He was in raw panic as he watched his sister slip from consciousness once more.

Garrett looked at his nurses, “Crash cart!” Glen and Evans watched as the doctor began performing CPR on his patient while a nurse charged the paddles. Evans jumped as the first electric shock was administered through Alex’s body. Tears fell over her eyelids as she watched the medical team try to save Alex’s life. For nearly five minutes, Garrett struggled to get Alex’s heart going again. Finally, he turned to Glen. “I’m sorry,” he said. “She’s dead.”